Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Dao Lingtian's hostility, the son of the sky is here, the Yin against the human

There are many holy places in the human race of the heavens.

And there are three strongest holy places.

Heaven and Human Holy Land, Heavenly Buddha Pure Land, and Ten Thousand Dharma Dao Sects!

And in these three holy places, the strength of the Taoist School of Ten Thousand Fas is faintly stronger, and in each era, there are a large number of geniuses.

There is even no shortage of people at the rank of kings.

Wanfa Daozong.

Suddenly a large amount of purple gas whistled out on this day, a purple figure leaped out, the domineering supreme aura, blasting the world.

Everyone in Dao Zong saw that person, their eyes lit up.

"It's Ling Tian!"

"Ling Tian appeared, tusk, this kind of breath is extraordinary!"

"As expected of Ling Tian, ​​he has completely refined the Zixia Divine Armor, plus Zixia Dao Yuangong, his strength is unimaginable!"

"It is even expected to hit the top three on the top list."

Everyone in Dao Zong saw the purple figure, with anticipation in their eyes.

The purple gas gradually dissipated.

And the figure in the purple gas also completely appeared.

This was a man in a purple armor, with purple hair flying freely, his eyes like torches, and an extremely strong anger on his body.

Dao Lingtian.

The second-ranked existence in the human gods list!

"The ancestral land of humanities is about to open, and I will take the lead!"

Dao Lingtian looked at the distance and said.

In the words, express the meaning of extreme self-confidence.

He looked at the Hongmeng God List high in the sky, but when he saw Madman Chu, who was the number one God Child, his face couldn't help showing a look of error.

Look at the top list.

I was even more surprised when I saw Madman Chu was also the number one.

"Who is this person? Can he surpass me?!"

He has always been confident in himself.

Ling Tian Ling Tian...

Above the sky!

But this time, he was actually dominated by others.

This gave him a keen interest in the madman of Chu he had never met, as well as a hostility mixed with fighting spirit.

Dao Lingtian is arrogant.

He has to dominate the sky, how would he be willing to subdue to others?

Decrease bXWX.C*o 汜. Then, Dao Lingtian asked Madman Chu's intelligence to come slowly.

The more he listened, the more solemn he became.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that such arrogances would appear in Hongmeng Great World. It's really exciting." He muttered, staring at the Hongmeng God Bang.


The human ancestral land is about to open, and the dark tide is surging in the great world of Hongmeng.

Except for the human race.

Some races are also secretly preparing.

In the void of the universe.

This is the space gap between the heavens and the universe. It does not belong to any universe. There is no light, no darkness, but nothingness.

A warship is flying.

On the battleship, there are several existences with light wings on their backs.

They are empty races.

It is a race in charge of the power of space.

And they entered this endless void in order to find the rumors and lead the Kong family to the glory of the son of the sky!

"found it!"

At this time, one of the cultivators of the Kong Clan looked into the distance excitedly.

I saw there, a huge light cocoon suspended.

There are countless mysterious runes engraved on it.

One of the empty clan excitedly took out a silver-white orb and threw it at the light cocoon. In an instant, the light cocoon merged with the silver-white orb.

A surging force of space swept out.

The space barriers of the heavens and universe are shaking for it!

And in the depths of this void.

A towering black giant city was also shocked, and there were abrupt wailing sounds from there.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "It's the son of space, the son of space has appeared."

"So many epochs have passed, and he is finally here."

"Is the asshole's empty race going to rise?"

"I'm not reconciled, the Kong Clan has imprisoned me for many years, and now the Kong Clan prophesied that the Son of the Kong is present, I'm not reconciled!"

One stern voice echoed in the void.

With a strong resentment.

And deep in the void.

The light cocoon gradually dissipated, and a man in a silver-white robe slowly appeared, with eyes full of brilliant silver divine light.

At this time, a big wave of emptiness hit.

The son of Sora raised his hand and patted.

The big wave that was enough to flood the Dao Sovereign was smashed to pieces by him.

"Nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine era."

"I really should wake up!"

Sora Son whispered.

Then, he looked at the Kong Clan monk on the battleship, and said lightly: "Who is in charge of the Kong Clan now? How many kings are there?"

Everyone in the Kong Clan didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly answered.

"How is the situation in Hongmeng Great World now?"

"I am waiting to find the Son of the Sky in the void of this universe. Since the opening of the Hongmeng Great World, I have never been there. I don't know the current situation."

"Then take a trip."

Sora Son said lightly.

Then, he looked into the depths of the void, "Oh, it seems that many people are very dissatisfied with my present life. What is the black giant city?"

"Black Giant City?"

A monk of the Kong Clan returned to his senses and said, "That is the Prison of the Void, and all the existences that are in opposition to the Kong Clan are imprisoned."

"No wonder you are dissatisfied with me."

Sorako didn't care either.

He took these Kong Clan monks and returned to the Great World of Hongmeng.

at the same time.

The news that the Son of Sora appeared in this world also spread to the Clan of Sora.

The entire empty clan is excited about it.


Hongmeng Great World.

Within a majestic mountain.

Several powerful auras gathered together, and the masters of these auras were all shrouded in the fairy light, unable to see the true face.

"Everyone, the humanity ancestral land will be opened soon, and the plan for the human race can already begin." A voice said lightly.

If anyone else heard this, they would be extremely shocked.

Against Terran? !

These beings actually want to target the human race? !

It's not specific to whom.

Rather, for the entire human race!

This kind of thing is simply incredible.

"Naturally, but only people under the king can enter the humanistic ancestral land. I don't know who you have chosen?"

"Oh, then you will know."

"Now, get things out."


I saw a few divine lights flying out of these people.

Turned into three treasures of Hongmeng.

They are a seal, a shot, and a bow.

"The Star River Seal, the Burning Yuan Spear, the Piercing Bow, the third of the Nine Humanities Treasures, the old folks of the Human Race must not have imagined that there are three of the Nine Treasures of Humanities that they are thinking about in our hands. With these three things, they are enough to make us The king's seed has also entered the human ancestral land."

"Hey, as long as we find a way to get the blood of the human ancestors, our race can use the spell blood technique to curse and kill the entire human race. ."

An existence shrouded in black mist sneered.

A figure shrouded in divine light said lightly: "The blood of the ancestors only exists in the ancestral mausoleum, and the ancestral mausoleum can only be opened by gathering the nine treasures of humanities. How to determine that this time can gather the nine treasures of humanities."

Mi He Mi. "Hey, the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land sits on a purple golden bowl, Ten Thousand Fa Dao Sect sits on a Zixia God Armor, the celestial holy land has a Moon God Wheel, the Madman of Chu has a Heavenly Li sword, a crystal of good fortune, plus our three, Humanities Nine Eight treasures have already appeared, and the last Heavenly Demon Cauldron will also appear!"

"Yes, I have already asked a powerful person from the Six-Eyed Clan. The nine treasures of humanities are gathered. It's in this era. You can't go wrong!"

"It's time to pull the human race from the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth."

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