Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : The matter of the human race can't allow outsiders to be beaked, the king of L

With the appearance of the Madman Chu, there was an uproar outside the humanistic ancestors.

If we talk about the Hongmeng Great World today, who is the most popular?

There is no doubt that it is definitely a madman of Chu.

One person dominates many of the gods list, and must be blessed by weather luck.

Kill the four kings with the realm of the Great Dao.

In the Pangu sect that was created, there are many people in the sect that are on the top of the gods, and the potential is endless, and it is considered to be the next king's power.

This random one is enough to become the focus of everyone's attention.

And Madman Chu, one person occupied it all.

This makes him incompetent, and will become the absolute focus.

Not to mention, he has enemies with several holy places of the human race, and now he has appeared in the ancestral land of humanities, and the people of those holy places are all here.

"Wang, there is hostility."

Yin Honghua glanced at the sky and said lightly.

"Relax, just a few kings."

Behind him, Ye Zhu and the others twitched.

Just a few kings...

Looking at the great world of Hongmeng, how many people dare to say such things?

There is only Chu Madman.

High in the sky.

The kings of Purple Thunder, Snowflake, and Vajra Buddha looked at each other.

"He's here, what do you two want to do?"

King Kong Buddha said with a faint smile.

What he meant was that he wanted to pick himself out.

In fact, it is true that the madman of Chu and the Holy Land of Heaven and Man, and the Taoist Sect of Ten Thousand Fas, have hatreds, but there is not much entanglement with them in the Pure Land of Heaven and Buddha.

He didn't want to confront Chu Madman easily.

"Humph, we have our own opinions."

Zi Lei Jun saw that King Kong Buddha wanted to stay out of the matter, and snorted, his face was not as kind as before.


at this time.

A sword aura burst out like lightning, locking Madman Chu.

Seeing that his expression was indifferent, the sword finger condensed and pointed out.


That sword energy collapsed on the spot like a cloud of smoke.

Madman Chu looked at the sky and said with a smile: "It's not impolite to come and go."

His sword fingers condensed, and he also pointed out a sword.

The sword air pierced the sky, turning into a sword shadow that stretched across thousands of miles!

With a bang, the void exploded directly!

In the clouds, there was a miserable howl.

I saw a figure falling from the air. It was a big black-haired man, surrounded by sword aura like a hurricane.

"It's him, the elder holding the sword of the Sword God Palace, the Heavenly Wind Sword Sovereign!"

Someone recognized him.

Heavenly Thunder Sword Sovereign, and the Thunder Sword Sovereign killed by the madman Chu before, and called the Sword God Palace Wind and Thunder Swords, the two have a very good relationship.

At the same time, they are all famous.

It's just that, now the famous Tianfeng Sword Sovereign is extremely embarrassed, one of his arms was cut off by the Madman Chu with sword energy.

His face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were filled with hatred.

Everyone can guess where his hatred comes from.

"Madman Chu killed his best friend Thunder Sword Master. No wonder he hates Madman Chu so much. It's normal that he can't help but shoot."

"But unfortunately, he is far from an opponent of Madman Chu."

"His strength is not as good as Thunder Sword Sovereign, and Thunder Sword Sovereign and all the Supremes have all defeated the Chu Madman, let alone him."

Madman Chu listened to everyone's words.

He looked at the Wind Sword Sovereign that day, and said lightly: "I don't like the look in your eyes, or I will send you to reunite with Thunder Sword Sovereign."

He gently raised his hand, and a sword light burst out.

The supreme aura contained in the sword light enveloped the world.

Everywhere, mountains and rivers burst.

Tianfeng Sword Sovereign's originally hated gaze was suddenly replaced by horror.

will die? !

I can't stop this sword.

Moments of crisis.

I saw sword energy in the void, like a waterfall, hanging down from the sky.

This sword aura, containing the power of the law, stood in front of the Heavenly Wind Sword Master, blocking the sword aura of Madman Chu for him.

But the powerful impact also caused him to be blown out.

"Oh, King of Kendo."

Madman Chu looked at the clouds, his eyes like electricity.

I saw a white-haired old man in the air standing with his hand holding his hand, condescendingly looking at Madman Chu, his sword intent was endless, crushing out!

"Madman Chu, you can't enter this humanistic ancestral land!"

This person is exactly the Sword God Palace Master!

He actually came to this humanistic ancestral land in person.

The madman Chu's sword intent flowed, actually blocking the sword intent of the Lord of the Sword God, such as Hong's sword intent, protecting Yin Honghua, Ye Zhu and others behind him.

"Why can't I enter?"

"Because, we don't want you to go in."

The Sword God Palace Lord said lightly.

The most direct and domineering reason.

You can't enter because we don't want to.

As if to regard this humanistic ancestral land as his own.

"Ha, it's really interesting. This human ancestral land is the place where humanity originated. Every human race can enter. If you can't enter, you can't enter. Old fellow, are your brains flooded? Who do you think you are, Human ancestor?"

Madman Chu chuckled first, then said coldly.

Surging sword intent swept out!


The Sword God Palace Lord looked cold, and the sword intent on his body skyrocketed again.

But at this time.

Behind Chu Kuangren, a burst of alcohol swept out.

This alcohol is very intoxicating.

In an instant, the sword intent of the Palace Lord of the Sword God was disintegrated into the invisible.

Jiu Zun walked out slowly.

"Sword God Palace Master, don't be so angry."

"Wine Lord."

The Sword God Palace Master narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Jiu Zun, with a touch of surprise in his eyes, "It looks like you have joined the Pangu Sect."

"Ha, this little guy has fine wine on him, and I think he is also pleasing to the eye, so I simply stayed with him." Jiu Zun laughed.

Everyone was a little surprised.

Jiu Zun has always been accustomed to coming and going all alone, and he didn't expect to join Pan Gu Sect.

"Even if you are here, it's useless. Madman Chu and his Pangu Sect can't enter the ancestral land." Sword God Palace Master said coldly.

"Huh, if there are more selfish people like you in the human race, then it must be the position of the protagonist in this world, it will not last long."

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw the boundless breath of light rising from heaven and earth.

It was the will of the Goddess of Light that came.

"The good sister is very true."

A sweet laugh suddenly sounded.

A pair of black wings covering the sky and the sun spread out in the air.

The will of the demon king came.

The will of the two kings came together to support the madman of Chu.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help being excited.

"Come here, the two big women behind Madman Chu."

"Will it fight?"

"It's lively watching now."

Some people are no longer in a hurry to enter the ancestral land.

Watch the play in place.

"The Goddess of Light, the King of Demons, this is the ancestral land of humanity, not where you go wild." The King of Ten Thousand Fa Dao Sect Zi Lei said.

"Yes, I hope you respect yourself."

Granny Snowflake also spoke.

"I just can't understand you bullying a junior."

The Devil King smiled faintly.

"That's also the junior of my human race. This is my human race's internal affairs. It has nothing to do with your demons, and the Ming family."

A cold snort resounded across the world.

In the rolling clouds, a huge face made of clouds.

"I have seen the Sovereign."

Zi Leijun hurriedly saluted.

This will comes from the lord of Ten Thousand Dharma Dao Sect!

"Yes, how can I allow outsiders to be beaked in the matter of my human race?"

Another will come. UU reading

This is the Lord of the Holy Land of Heaven and Man, and a powerful king.

"They are not humans and have no right to speak, what about me?!"

Just now.

With a soft drink, like a thunderstorm, it shook the world.

Above the sky, a meteor engulfed the extremely surging coercion, covering nine days and ten places, and slammed on the colorful mountain.

The whole sacred mountain rang loudly and shook wildly!

In the endless fairy glory, only one figure stood on the top of the sacred mountain, divine power like a prison, containing the iron and blood domineering atmosphere, covering the world!

Even more shocked that the hearts of all the kings were trembling!

"Lan, King Lan!!"

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