Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Entering the human ancestral land, ancient history, the **** of thunder

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The Holy Lord of Heaven was traumatized in order to block King Lan's palm.

On the other hand, the lord of Ten Thousand Fa Dao Sect is not much better.

The torrent of yin and yang that swept across, rebelled against the chaotic world and overturned the Xuanhuang. Wherever it went, the world seemed to be beaten into chaos.

This palm shocked the entire Ten Thousand Fa Dao Sect.

Sect Master Wanfa screamed, and also urged extreme moves, and then barely blocked this attack, but just like the Holy Lord of Heaven, he was also hit hard.

Wan Fa Dao Sect was damaged by Yu Bo.

You know, they are not ordinary kings.

Among the kings, they belonged to the strong, but they were hit hard by the hand of King Lan across the unknown area.

This level of power makes their heart palpitations.

And the human ancestral land is outside.

Everyone only saw extremely terrifying energy fluctuations coming from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Hongmeng Great World seemed to shake.

Some kings also noticed what happened in the two holy places.

Vajra Buddha couldn't help but see a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and his hand holding the rosary was shaking slightly at this time.

At the same time, he was also somewhat fortunate.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land would feel better than this.

The strength of the contemporary Heavenly Buddha is not much stronger than the Sovereign of Ten Thousand Fas, and the Holy Lord of Heaven and Humanity is not much stronger. Both of them were severely injured by King Lan.

If he receives this palm, he will naturally not get better.

"My dear, is this King Lan so terrible?"

"Too abnormal."

"Just these two palms are the height that how many monks can't reach in their entire life, and they deserve to be the king who suppressed an era."

"Tsk tusk, Madman Chu is her master? Are you kidding me?"

Everyone was amazed again and again.

After King Lan sent out two palms, he fell from the nine heavens.

She walked slowly in front of Madman Chu, in front of hundreds of millions of monks, in front of the spirits of Hongmeng, knelt down, with an extremely respectful attitude.

"I have seen Master!"

this moment.

The wind stopped and the clouds stopped.

The originally chaotic and noisy world is silent.

The king bent his knees, the heavens and the earth were shaken, and all spirits were silenced.

Everyone opened their mouths wide and looked at this scene in disbelief. Those kings' eyelids jumped, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

You know, how do kings exist?

They control the laws of the Great Way and stand at the apex of the detached.

It is the existence that billions of creatures admire.

Every emperor has his own arrogance. Even ordinary emperors such as Zi Lei and Granny Snowflake do not need to kneel and worship when facing the Lord of the Holy Land in the Holy Land, and even do not even need to salute.

Not to mention, King Lan, a king who suppressed an era!

And now, the king is on his knees!

It was only a great realm that made this king kneel down!

"Get up, you are already the king, and you give me this great gift in front of so many people. Are you afraid of damaging your face?" Chu Madman laughed.

"I just want them to see, so that they know the weight of Master in my heart, and they can truly understand that if they are the enemy of Master, they must have the consciousness of a life and death fight with me!" Wang Lan said in a loud voice.

Madman Chu felt very gratified by Wang Lan's move.

To be honest, he didn't expect that a little golden fairy who he saved and accepted as a disciple would grow to the point where it is today.

Fate is really wonderful.

The kings who secretly observed were also surprised after seeing King Lan's actions. They guessed that King Lan would value Chu Madman very much.

But I didn't expect it to be this way.

"Master, you and fellow daoists will go in first."

King Lan glanced at Ye Zhu and the others and said lightly.

Ye Zhu and others were flattered immediately.

Good guys.

To be called the last Daoist friend by King Lan is simply worthy of face.

An honor that so many people don't have.


Madman Chu nodded, and led Ye Zhu and others to the humanistic ancestral land.

But King Lan and Jiu Zun stayed where they were, their expressions indifferent.

"King Lan, the little family...cough cough, Sect Master Chu, is it really your master?" Jiu Zun originally wanted to be a little guy, but thinking of King Lan's respect for the madman Chu, he quickly changed his words.

King Lan nodded, "Master was kind to me and recreated. During the time I was not in Hongmeng Great World, there was Lao Jiu Zun to help Master."

"King Lan is polite, and I have also benefited from Sect Master Chu."

Jiu Zun shook Huang Liang Yimeng in his hand and smiled.


Within the ancestral land of humanities.

This is a vast world, the place where the human race originated.

Here, traces of human survival can be seen everywhere, from the most primitive caves, to tribal villages, to highly developed cities...

After the madman of Chu entered, everything he saw was like a history of the development of human civilization, and the development of the human race slowly unfolded before him...

Everyone can't help but admire what they see.

"Our ancestors continued to develop here, and finally went to the heavens, and the human race became the protagonist of these heavens and all realms."

Ye Zhu said, respectful in his eyes.

The crowd came to a tribe.

This tribe is uninhabited.

Some primitive utensils such as stone bowls and bone spears can be seen everywhere.

"Sect Master, look..."

At this moment, Ye Zhu pointed to an altar not far away.

On the altar are the bones of walking beasts.

In front of the animal bones, there is a huge statue.

"Have there ever been sacrificial activities here?"

"Well, the people of this tribe seem to be offering sacrifices to this statue. This statue should be a certain cultivator, who was worshipped as a **** by the ancient human race." Yin Honghua thought for a while and guessed.

The oldest human race has no cultivation and civilization.

Compared with other races, they are weak in body, so weak that they have almost no power to protect themselves, and it is normal to treat some practitioners as gods.

"This statue..."

Madman Chu looked at the statue, with a sense of familiarity inexplicably.

Seems to have encountered it somewhere.

Why is there such a sense of familiarity?

"Master, please wait, I'm checking..." Xiao Ai said. UU Reading

After a while.

A picture appeared in Chu Madman's mind.

That was when he crossed the Hunyuan Jie.

At that time, he was crossing the Hongmeng Hunyuan Tribulation, the most powerful Hunyuan Tribulation, and a purple figure appeared during the last thunder tribulation.

That figure seemed to control the existence of Thunder Tribulation.

The other party is extremely similar to this statue in appearance, figure, or temperament. Are the ancient human races offering sacrifices to the **** of thunder and calamity?

Madman Chu was extremely surprised.

Does the other party have anything to do with the ancient human race?

"Xiao Ai, write down everything I have experienced during this trip to the ancestral land of humanities, and don't miss a single detail."

Madman Chu said.

This human ancestral land carries a heavy history.

There is no shortage of ancient records in these histories. Collecting this information may be useful in the future.


Xiao Ai will not let go of this archeological opportunity.

She contains knowledge of multiple universes, but this human ancestral land involves the oldest years, the history before countless epochs.

This also has such a big temptation for her.

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