Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 228: : The ancient battlefield, meet the rich and the rich again, the younger brother

Everyone was shocked by the Madman Chu's entry into the WTO!

They have to care.

The Kuangren Chu entered the world for the first time, and as soon as he came out, he cut the Supreme Supreme, annihilated one hundred thousand demons, and the Heavenly Pride that overwhelmed the world couldn't lift his head.

The second time he joined the WTO was after three years of retreat.

Everyone thought he was eliminated by the times.

As a result, people still suppressed the world with their own power, and even the Supreme Sovereign in Worship Sword City was listed as the number one in the hundred swordsman spectrum.

Discuss the Dao with a saint in Baimei Mountain, create an emperor technique, and then take over as the head of the Xuantian School, and get the Divine Phoenix to recognize the Lord.

The most terrifying thing is that he went to the Xuanwu Region to kill the two saints of Murong's family within a few days of being the head!

Now, it is his third time to join the WTO, one year after he took over!

The ghost knows what he will cause again!

All forces in the world are closely watching his movements.


There are ten forbidden places in the sky star.

These ten forbidden places are very famous in the sky stars, even the saints have many taboos against them, and dare not go too deep.

The ancient battlefield is one of them.

The ancient battlefield in the top ten forbidden areas, the degree of danger is considered relatively low, as long as it is not too deep, it can still break through.

And because there have been many wars in ancient battlefields in history, many treasures and opportunities have remained.

Therefore, this place has attracted many monks to explore, forming a unique local adventure culture.

Ancient battlefield, outer circle.

Madman Chu and Lan Yu were walking on a desert, wind and sand whizzing past.

If an ordinary person walks in the sand without protection, I am afraid it will be extremely uncomfortable. I am afraid that it will be difficult even to speak, because the sand will be poured into the mouth when it opens.

However, the two Kuangren Chu are both monks, with high strength and spiritual power, releasing a gas mask on the body surface, and they can easily isolate all the wind and sand, without affecting them in the slightest.

Madman Chu looked into the depths of the desert. Although it was difficult to see with the naked eye, he could perceive that there was an extremely majestic evil spirit!

The suffocation of that scale, I don't know how many fights and deaths can be formed.

"The ancient battlefield is divided into the outer circle, the inner circle, and the core zone. The holy war mentioned by the Heartbreaking Sage should have occurred in the core zone, but the evil spirit there is too strong to go deep."

Madman Chu whispered.

"My son, look, there is a city over there."

At this time, Lan Yu pointed to the distance and said.

In the distance, a towering city stands in the wind and sand.

"There should be Tuyang City."

Madman Chu said.

Tuyang City is the only city outside the ancient battlefield, and it is also a gathering place for countless monks who have come here for adventure.

The two walked in the direction of Tuyang City and arrived soon.

The gates of the city were wide open, and there were no guards, and the discipline in the city was extremely lax, and most of the pedestrians came and went, looking like they were in the dust.

What's more, no one cares about people fighting in the street.

"Hey, the folk customs in this place are pretty tough."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

They wanted to find a slightly cleaner place, put it in order, and by the way, were investigating the intelligence of this ancient battlefield.

After walking around for a long time, I found a restaurant in the city. This restaurant looks good, it looks very high-end.

Those who can open such a restaurant in such a place must be someone with a hand.

"You two, stay in the shop." As soon as he walked in, a middle-aged man walked up facing him.

Madman Chu was quite surprised when he saw this man, "Boss Qian?"

This person is not someone else, but actually rich.

In the past, the famous sword restaurant opened in Cangjian Gorge was rich and rich.

Qian Fugui's eyes lit up. Although the person in front of him was covered with aura and couldn't see what he looked like, after listening to the voice, Qian Fugui immediately judged that the man in front of him was Madman Chu.

"Oh, honourable guest, please come in soon, friends from Taoist Chu." Qian Fugui hurriedly welcomed the two into the restaurant and opened a clean private room alone.

Inside the private room.

Madman Chu looked at the wealth and wealth in front of him, and said lightly: "I said Boss Qian, this restaurant is not owned by you, right?"

"Like Daoyou Chu laughed."

"Oh, the wealthy firm is worthy of being the largest firm on the sky, and you can buy and sell everywhere."

Madman Chu said, breaking the identity of wealth and wealth.

Hearing this, Qian Fugui's expression stiffened and he returned to normal randomly.

"I don't know how Fellow Daoist Chu saw it."

Qian Fugui did not hide his identity after seeing his identity.

"Guess it."

"Uh... well."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Boss Qian is here, maybe he was waiting for me on purpose."

"Yes, wealthy business houses are all over the world, and their intelligence capabilities are not bad. I knew that Daoist Chu had come to the ancient battlefield, so I came to Tuyang City to try my luck, but I didn't expect to see it."

"What are you looking for?"

"It's nothing, if I said I just wanted to make friends with Daoist Chu, do you believe it?" Qian Fugui smiled.


Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Because there are so many people who want to make friends with me in this world, not the money boss."

With his current status and strength, there are indeed many people in the world who want to make friends with him.

"Friend Taoist Chu is really straightforward."

Money rich said helplessly.

"Well, if nothing else, I will go to rest first."

Chu Kuang said humanely, he got up and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard a noisy sound from downstairs.

I saw that there were two men and horses holding weapons and facing each other on the street. They might fight each other at any time.

"It's from Team Tianyu and Team Husha." Qian Fugui glanced at it and smiled faintly.

In Tuyang City, many monks came to the ancient battlefield to venture out and look for opportunities. In addition to lone travelers, more monks were formed in groups.

Because this is an ancient battlefield, the adventurous group formed by these monks is also called a clan.

Some powerful teams even have supreme players.

Madman Chu looked at it, and the people of the two teams seemed to be in conflict over a supreme weapon.

The reason was that the members of Team Tianyu found a supreme weapon on the periphery of the ancient battlefield, but a member of Team Husha said that they discovered it first and was snatched by Team Tianyu.

After returning to Tuyang, the two sides assembled their troops and prepared to fight.

"Just for a supreme weapon?" Chu Kuangren smiled and shook his head.

In his Azure Spirit Sword Box, there were a large number of supreme weapon level swords, plus the lottery this year, there were nearly 20 holy swords.

And this was just a sword. He didn't know how much he had drew the rest of the equipment, so he was thrown into the treasure house of Xuan Tianzong.

"Friend Chu, you are a full man, I don't know the hungry man is hungry." Qian Fugui said helplessly.

The supreme weapon is already very rare in the outside world, and some sages don't necessarily have the supreme device.

"By the way, the leader of the Tianyu team is the Taoist son of the Tianyu Sect. On that day, the Yuzong was an affiliate of the Xuan Tianzong."

"Oh, really?"

Madman Chu was slightly surprised. In this way, Team Tianyu was still his younger brother.

Do you care, or do you care?

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