Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : Inside the Ancestral Mausoleum, the ancestors of the human race, the purple coffin

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"I see…"

Madman Chu looked at the crystal long sword in the sky, showing a sudden look.

Sure enough, his previous guesses were not wrong.

In the murals recorded in the caves of the Jiufang tribe, the ancestors always wore this sword, but after the Nine Humanities Treasures appeared, the sword was gone.

He had a faint suspicion at that time.

That sword turned into a nine treasure of humanities!

Now it seems that it is true that Renzu smashed this sword into nine pieces, and incorporated the fragments into the nine treasures of humanities.

Why the other party did this is unknown.

But if someone gathers the Nine Treasures, this sword can be reproduced in the world.

"This fragment of the sword is hidden in the nine treasures of humanities. Since so many eras, no one has seen the mystery in it."

"The ancestors' methods are really clever."

"If it weren't for me to have the heart of ten thousand weapons and manipulate the nine treasures at the same time to resonate with the power of the ancestor of the sword, I am afraid that even if the nine treasures are gathered together, because the people who hold them are different, the secrets will not be discovered. "

Madman Chu chuckles.

He looked at the crystal sword with fiery eyes.

The first sword of the heavens.

The concept of the sword originated from this sword.

This alone is enough to see how extraordinary this sword is, and its level, I'm afraid it is still above the Supreme Treasure.

The value is no less than the eternal reward of good luck pool.

He raised his hand and grabbed the crystal long sword.

Saw the sword body trembled slightly, did not resist, and then turned into a stream of light and merged into Chu Kuangren's body, converging the sword light and sword intent.

But Madman Chu could perceive the huge power contained in his body.

But he can't mobilize this power yet.

"This time the humanistic ancestral land, with this sword, it is a worthwhile trip."

He was really satisfied. Compared with this first sword of the heavens, the Buddhist practice of the Supreme Path of Buddhism that he had obtained not long ago seemed to be nothing.

"Next, this is the ancestral mausoleum."

Madman Chu whispered.

Although he is very satisfied with his harvest this time.

But who would mind that he has gained too much?

This person's ancestors inheritance, he has to decide!

"Everyone, let me take a look."

Madman Chu did not explain about the ancestor of the sword, and Yin Honghua and the others did not ask much, and followed him into the ancestral tomb.

I saw in the ancestral mausoleum, a series of coffins were suspended.

Each coffin represents an ancestor of the human race.

And there are countless characters on the coffin.

It records the deeds of these human ancestors.

"Human Cangzi, at the beginning of ancient times, who preached the preaching, the human race had its wisdom and wisdom in the past, and the culture has no carrier, so that people can develop. Cangzi has been lonely for many years, and finally invented the words and allowed the development of civilization..."

"Human Shitian, the ancestor of Buddhism, perceives the origin of Buddhism in the world, and establishes Buddhism, so that all living beings can be saved, and all beings are guided to be good..."

"Human race, watch the mountains, rivers and trees, see the sun, moon and stars, realize ten thousand years, and create a formation so that the human race can defeat the strong with the weak..."

"Human race hugs Pu, tastes all the Hongmeng grass and trees, creates a line of alchemy..."

"The Terran Tibetan Peak, the human race in the past was weak, and it was invaded by the tens of thousands of people. The Black Sea fought, and the tens of thousands sent troops to besieged the main city of the Terran. …"

"Human Gu Yue Taoist..."

"Human Yang Ye..."

Everyone looked at the characters on the coffin and couldn't help being in awe.

It is precisely because of the continuous inventions, creations, struggles and struggles of these ancestors that the human race that has been the protagonist of the heavens and the earth has come into being today!

Terrans are weak, but they are constantly striving to improve themselves!

"Xiao Ai, write down the lives of the owners of these coffins. These are all materials for studying the history of ancient human races."

Madman Chu said.

"Recording has started."

Xiao Ai said lightly.

Naturally, she would not let go of this opportunity for archaeology.

"Sect Master, look there."

Suddenly, the emperor Wa and others pointed somewhere.

I saw a huge coffin in the void. Compared with the other coffins, it was purple all over, exuding bursts of spiritual aura. There were no characters on it, but there were vivid pictures.

There are mountains, rivers and earth, sun, moon and stars.

Thousands of beasts bow their heads, and the immortal Buddha worships.

"The human race respects purple, and the aura of Hongmeng is also the most aura. The picture on the coffin even more clearly shows the extraordinaryness of its master... Sect Master, that is most likely the coffin of the ancestor." The emperor Was solemnly said.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and he was a little puzzled.

Human ancestor coffin?

Is Renzu dead?

But he still flew towards the coffin with people.

And all around the purple coffin was already surrounded by monks.

In addition to the human race, there are many foreign races.

Kong Chunyuan, Heavenly God Cangyu, Chi Ying and others were all there.

"The person in this coffin is probably the ancestor, and the blood of the ancestor is hidden in it. As long as the blood of the ancestor is obtained, most of the plan is completed."

Kong Chunyuan's eyes are fiery.

Naturally, they will not come unprepared for this trip.

There is a secret treasure of the Kong Clan on his body.

As long as you get the blood of the human ancestor, and then use the secret treasure, you can leave the human ancestral land in an instant, even the king can't stop him!

"Open this coffin!"

Kong Chunyuan raised his hand and slammed out, but around the coffin, there were a series of restrictions, which easily blocked his palm strength.

"There are restrictions, it's not easy to handle."

Chi Ying, Heavenly God Cang Yu and others also successively shot.

The surging power is still difficult to shake the restraint.

"You don't need the Nine Humanities Treasures to open it?"

The **** Cangyu frowned slightly. He thought that opening the ancestral tomb requires the nine treasures of humanities. Is this the same step to gain the inheritance of the ancestors?

This can make them difficult.

The Nine Humanities Treasures have now been taken away by the Mad Man of Chu.

Do you want to go back and grab it back?

Let's not say whether you can beat the opponent, and I don't know how much time it will take. Who knows what will happen in the middle.

Just when Kongchun was in trouble.

Not far away, Dugu Bupa and others also arrived.

Seeing them, Kong Chunyuan's eyes lit up, "Everyone, the restriction around this coffin is difficult to open, how about we wait to join forces?"

"Huh. UU reading"

Dugu Bupo coldly snorted and ignored it.

Directly blasted out with a sword.

Twenty-three swords, soaring to the sky!

But the sword energy fell on the prohibition, and it still didn't hurt any of it.

However, Dao Lingtian, Lu Wuhen and others took action one after another, and the same did not damage the restriction at all, which caused everyone to commit difficulties.

"Everyone, join hands."

Kong Chunyuan continued to laugh.

Everyone pondered for a moment, and then agreed.

It's the first time anyway.

Do it again, it's not impossible.

"Do it!"

Kong Chunyuan urged the power of the space avenue, and saw a silver-white torrent appearing in the void, violently shattering the void.

The red shadow made a long roar, and the domineering dragon's breath came out!

The divine light of the **** Cang Yu was revealed, and his power was mighty, and he raised his hand to strike out a divine light, which was far more powerful than the ordinary supreme avenue.

The other human king seeds also showed their powers.

The unbreakable sword aura is full of destruction, and Lu Wuhen's Taiji figure contains the good fortune of yin and yang, forming a black and white torrent.

Dao Lingtian raised his hand and struck out, the purple gas came to the east for ninety thousand miles...

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