Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : The King Seed teamed up with one blow, how could you disturb the ancestors...

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"No need to say more, do it!"

Dugu Bupa took the lead in taking the shot.

His sword can't wait to clash with Madman Chu again.

The last fiasco was vividly remembered by him.

This time, he wanted to see how far he was from Madman Chu!

"Sword, twenty-three!"

One shot is the strongest killer move in the spirit of swordsmanship!

Full of devastating aura, it enveloped Madman Chu.

"In my opinion, your sword has no bright spots."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The sword's fingers condensed, and the same sword was cut out twenty-three.

The power is completely different!

The violent power directly disintegrated the opponent's sword aura, but the sword aura's power remained undiminished, still rushing towards the opponent crazily.

"Sword God Demon!"

When Dugu did not break, his pupils shrank.

The sword on his body turned and rose into the sky, turning into a swordsman **** and demon!

The gods and demons hold the sword and cut out with one sword, which contains the surging galaxy.

This blow was worthy of the Twenty-Three Sword.

But this also made Dugububu's sword-holding hand trembling.

"His power is so much stronger!"

Dugu Bupa had long guessed that Madman Chu would be able to improve his strength a lot after he was promoted to the Great Dao Sovereign, but he didn't expect that he would have to use two top-notch killer moves with a single sword, and this would be able to withstand it. It was terrible.

Completely surpassed any supreme I have ever seen.

"Do it!"

When Kong Chunyuan and others saw this, they shot one after another.

He blasted out with one move, and the power of the space was condensed into a stunning galaxy. This blow was enough to shatter the space and break the ground!

"Taste my fiery dragon's breath!"

With a long roar, the red shadow instantly transformed into its body.

He is a huge red dragon, the red scales on his body are flowing with a faint red light, and there seems to be hot molten molten flowing under his skin.

He opened his mouth and vomited, and the overbearing dragon's breath burned into the void almost distorted.

"Madman Chu, please teach me the light of the sixth heavenly god!"

The **** Cang Yu snorted coldly.

The light of the gods on the sixth floor reflects the ten directions.

Where God shines, the void collapses and shatters one after another!

The endless divine light condenses into a white beam of light and bursts out!

"Hmph, the blood of the ancestors, I will definitely get it!"

Dao Lingtian raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, and smashed it down. The purple gas came to the east for 90,000 miles, and it turned into a purple river and rolled out.

The ancient Zen hand pinches the Buddhist seal.

The light of the Buddha is flowing, and the golden palm print contains the power of the devil!

Lu Wuhen's hands were drawn in the air, one yin and one yang, the power of yin and yang converged, turning into a huge Tai Chi picture, covering the sky and covering the sun.

the other side.

Mingyue didn't have time to step aside, but didn't make a move.

Human Race, Celestial Race, Dragon Race, Empty Race...

Seeds of the kings of several races, shot together.

That terrifying power almost broke this piece of heaven and earth!

It's like destroying the world!

When many monks saw this, they couldn't help taking a breath.

The Madman Chu stood in the air, celestial radiance on his body, with a wave of his sleeves, Yin Honghua and others behind him were taken into the portable universe.

Then, his sword condensed.

The incomparably majestic sword intent burst out like a flood.

Vaguely, there is a breath of law flowing through it!

When the ultimate move came out, Madman Chu seemed to have thought of something. He stopped his hand halfway, restrained his sword intent, and chose to carry the terrifying energy torrent before him.

This scene stunned everyone.

"What is he going to do?"

"Why don't you make a move?"

Everyone is puzzled.

So many King Seeds joined forces, and the power was so powerful that almost no one under the King could stop it, but Madman Chu didn't evade, and didn't make a move.

What is he thinking?

Is he crazy? Want to find a dead end?

Mingyue is not free and can't help but frown, a little puzzled.


With a soft drink.

Madman Chu condensed the power of the space in the infinite domain and turned it into a barrier, and the majestic energy blasted on it, erupting with a loud noise!

The terrifying energy fluctuations crazily impacted the space barrier in front of Madman Chu, causing the space around him to continue to twist and collapse.

This power is too strong.

The space barrier in front of him began to shatter.

Half of his body was swallowed by a terrifying void crack.

What is strange is that this kind of terrifying energy breath only surrounds him for several miles and has not leaked out.

It seems that this is his intention.

And in this way, he almost withstood all the power impact.

This behavior is no different from self-harm and suicide.

Everyone really didn't understand.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"With all this kind of attack, no matter how strong he is, he will never die or be disabled."

"Mad Chu, what on earth are you doing?"

I saw the void rift around Madman Chu getting bigger and bigger, and he and all the energy was swallowed in.

Everyone saw the void like a mirror, constantly shattering!

"Huh, looking for death!"

Kong Chunyuan coldly snorted.

In his opinion, Madman Chu had withstood the offensive of everyone, and he would be seriously injured if he died. Next, he only needs to enter the void to clean up the opponent and take the blood of the ancestors, and he doesn't even need the help of others.

But just when he was about to act.

In the void, a figure walked out.

The white clothes are like snow, and the dust is not stained.

Xianhui shines, outstanding.

It is Chu Madman.

When Kong Chunyuan saw this, his pupils shrank, "Why, after taking the attack like ours, how can he seem to have nothing at all."

"No, it's not right, his avenue must have been severely damaged."

"Yes, it must be so."

But everyone still didn't understand.

Why did Madman Chu clearly want to make a move just now, but stopped halfway through.

Is it just to show off your defensive capabilities?

"Could it be..."

Mingyue had no time to guess, her eyes showed admiration.

The Madman Chu flicked his sleeves, the infinite realm enveloped the surroundings, and the surrounding coffins were moved far away under his control.

The whole process did not damage these coffins at all!

Everyone finally understood what the other party had done just now.

Kong Chunyuan couldn't believe it and said, "You unexpectedly took the extreme tricks I waited for for a group of guys who have been dead for not knowing how many years?!!!"

"These are the ancestors of my human race, how can you let these inconsistent things disturb their peace." Madman Chu said lightly.

This is also the reason why he stopped just now.

If he uses extreme tricks, the power that vents is enough to destroy hundreds of galaxies, and the coffins around them will also be destroyed.

So he chose to use the infinite domain to control the space, concentrate all his power around him, and forcibly block the energy impact.

For a while, everyone understood the profound meaning of Madman Chu.

Many human races looked at each other with deep admiration in their eyes.

"The Madman Chu is righteous!"

"This is the real God Son of Human Race!"

"Compared to Dao Lingtian, Dugu Bubreaking and others, Madman Chu's behavior is utterly noble, which really impresses me."

Mingyue had no time to look at Madman Chu, with appreciation, admiration, and admiration in his eyes, "You are the most respectable opponent in this life!"

Hearing all the beautiful words about Madman Chu, Lu Wuhen coldly snorted, "Madame Chu, is this your way to win people's hearts? It is extremely hypocritical. It is a fart to protect a group of dead people!"

As he said, he raised his hand to urge the power of Yin Yang Dao, but before he could really make a move, the figure of Madman Chu came to him in an instant.

"That's why I said that it is a kind of sadness that Human Race has you."

Madman Chu said indifferently, and he lifted his hand, the power of the boundless space, condensed in his palm, suddenly pressed down as if it turned into a sacred mountain!

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