Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : King Kong Royal, 36 Magic Sword, the trump card of the King Seeds

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Twenty-four, the unbreakable sword, first appeared in the world!

The surging sword energy continuously tore the surrounding void to pieces!

The world was covered by the sword intent, and the endless hatred, killing intent, and destruction made the world seem to be plunged into the doomsday.

Among them, only Chu Madman was left.

He stood in the air, facing this sword alone.

I saw his sword fingers condensed, and the light of Buddha turned out of his fingertips.

"Fudo King Sword Seal, King Kong Yu!"

In an instant.

The Boundless Buddha shines on the world.

In the light of Buddha, the words of Buddha flowed one by one, just like countless classic chapters of Buddhism, in which endless Buddhism principles are contained.

These Buddhist words surround the madman of Chu, like an impenetrable barrier, revealing an immovable and indestructible mood.

There are three tricks in the Fudo Ming King Sword Seal.

To save sentient beings, the Buddha's light turns into thousands of sword auras, which is the method of attacking for the group.

Repent of sins, the strongest killing air, and the strongest single attack.

The last is the King Kong Yu.

It's the ultimate defense!

This Buddhism Zhidao practice method is very mysterious, and the killing energy contained in the first two styles alone cannot be controlled by ordinary monks.

A little carelessness, even the great virtue monk will instantly fall into the killing path.

Only those who have mastered the supreme principles of Buddhism and have reached a very high level of understanding of Buddhism can maintain their original mind and not be affected by the aura of killing.

This is also the reason why this practice method is hidden in the Thunder Drum Shenfeng, and it can only be obtained if the defense is more than 108 Buddhas.

The madman of Chu surpassed the Buddhas by relying on his little love.

But he himself is not wise in the study of Buddhism, but he still won't be affected by the aura of killing, because his Taoism is indestructible.

Sword Qi swept across the sky.

Crazy like a tide hit the Buddhist language barriers around the Madman Chu.

But it can't shake it.

In the end, the twenty-four sword energy of that strong sword fell completely!

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the void burst into pieces, and the world seemed to be beaten into a chaos, and the chaos aura dissipated around.

Everyone looked at the chaos intently.

I saw the light of Buddha circulating.

Thousands of Buddha's words are reflected.

And among the Buddha's words, the madman of Chu stood in the air, unscathed!

The sword tricks that Dugu Bupa painstakingly researched had no effect on him!

"how come……"

Dugu Bupai's eyes trembled violently, and he couldn't believe it.

Although he knew that he could not kill Madman Chu with this sword, the opponent was unscathed. This would be too shocking! !

What has been the result of his efforts over the years? !

"Your sword twenty-four... this is it?"

Madman Chu shook his head and laughed, extremely disappointed. His sword fingers condensed, and he raised his hand to cut out with a sword. This is his sword twenty-four!

That devastating sword intent caused the void to collapse and shatter one after another.

Dugu is not broken, but the scalp feels numb.

He gave a long scream, and suddenly a stream of light flew out of his body.

Thirty-six streamers are thirty-six swords.

Each one carries a violent evil spirit and killing intent.

Those are thirty-six magic swords in the universe of swords!

The magic sword hovered around Dugu without breaking the whole body, forming a sword formation, forcibly blocking Madman Chu's sword aura, but the powerful force still made him fly upside down, and the avenue inside his body was violently turbulent.

"Everyone, show your hole cards!"

Dugu does not break with a low cry.

He resisted the injury, spurred 36 magic swords, and swept across the sky like 36 shooting stars, locking the Madman Chu.

"You still have this hand."

Madman Chu was quite surprised. His sword fingers moved instantly, colliding with the thirty-six magic swords one after another, and the sword weapons flew out one by one.

After seeing Dugu's unbreakable hole cards, the remaining few king seeds no longer hid them and used tricks to press the bottom of the box.

"Five Qi Chaoyuan!"

Dao Lingtian gave a low voice and took out the five colorful lights.

The five divine lights contain the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The five auras entered the body, and the purple auras all over his body rose and circulated, and the aura of the Great Dao increased crazily, and the power of the law was more powerful, spreading out!

"Golden Body Town Magic Technique!"

The ancient Zen sat cross-legged, pinching the mysterious seal.

Then, both palms patted his Tianling Gai, and the golden Buddha's blood spurted out, dyeing his whole body golden.

A Buddhist golden body shines out.

The majestic and mighty Buddhism power spread out in a mighty and mighty way!

"Dragon blood **** pattern!!"

Chi Ying let out a low growl, and the dragon blood under the scales boiled frantically.

A series of mysterious and ancient lines covered him, and a large number of hot dragon's breath continued to gush out, dyeing the heaven and the earth crimson.

"The light of the gods, the seal of the holy gods!"

The **** Cang Yu took out an ancient rune.

The rune reflects the ancient breath, and in the light of the gods, there is a faint image of the gods shrouded in the celestial glory.

As if that was the will of the heavenly gods, the supreme existence.

"Wings of Space!"

The wings of light behind Kongchunyuan bloomed out of celestial splendor.

The power of the majestic space flows through it, impacting the power of the infinite realm. He holds the treasure in his hand, and countless space blades are suspended in the air.

Some of the other king seeds also performed powerful tactics.


This world is covered by mixed and violent energy aura.

The power of space, sword energy, light of the gods, dragon power, and even some unpredictable curse power, all kinds of energies compete to shine.

Dao Lingtian looked at Mingyue without any time, "You won't make a move?"

The strength of the opponent is unpredictable.

If she makes a move, she will be more sure to deal with Madman Chu.

"I can't afford to lose this face."

Mingyue said indifferently.

She really wanted to compete with Madman Chu, but at the moment, the aliens of the human race joined forces to deal with Madden Chu, and she was out of interest.

Winning is not martial.

Losing is even more a joke.

And whether you win or lose, your reputation will be stinks if you make a shot.

In the ancestral mausoleum of the ancestral land of humanity, where countless ancestors of the human race are resting, join forces with foreign races to deal with the human race? What is this like? ?

For the blood of the ancestors, Dao Lingtian and others don't need to be famous.

She must cherish feathers.


Dao Lingtian also stopped paying attention to the other party.

Take the lead in attacking the Madman Chu.

A palm blasted out, and the purple energy was mighty, and it contained the power of the law, which could be said to be the strongest attack power under the king.

The Buddhist words around Madman Chu began to collapse.

But there are invisible space barriers around him

When the others saw this, they all acted.

Thirty-six magic swords shuttled back and forth in the air, from every corner, every direction, stab or chop or pick, one after another attacking Madman Chu.

Like thirty-six peerless sword repairs.

The power of space is surging.

The long sword in Kong Chunyuan's hand was chopped out one after another, matched with the magic sword, to break down the space barriers around the madman of Chu, and create opportunities for everyone to attack.

The ancient Zen transformed into a Buddhist state of golden body, and its strength skyrocketed.

One hand after another, Xuanhuang overturned.

The red shadow's dragon pattern circulates around his body, manipulating the terrifying flames, forming a huge flame prison all around Madman Chu.

The scorching dragon's breath, as if he wouldn't stop without burning him to ashes.

The seeds of the kings from all walks of life are also forced to play one after another.

This kind of battle can even be used against the king.

"A bunch of bells and whistles, give me back!"

Kuangren Chu stepped out in one step, and the power of the great avenue poured out like a storm, and the supreme aura burst to the extreme in an instant, forcing everyone to retreat.

Immediately afterwards, a huge suction exploded in his body.

The technique of swallowing the sky is cast!

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