Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : Kong Chunyuan flees, bronze altar, no time to explore the bright moon

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Madman Chu couldn't help but sneer as he watched the **** Cang Yu, who was fleeing away.


A stream of light swept across the sky.

The **** Cang Yu swept towards the entrance of the ancestral mausoleum, wanting to leave as soon as possible!

When he came, he was so energetic, thinking that the human race would end in his hands, then how embarrassed he was now.

so horrible.

The strength displayed by Madman Chu is really terrifying.

So many king seeds, he punched one? !

The top-notch emperor seeds such as the lonely unbreakable, the red shadow, and the ancient Zen can't hold up a few moves in front of him, and they will be easily wiped out!

Absolute defense, super combat power...

All kinds of Ji Dao practice methods are almost at your fingertips.

Coupled with the technique of swallowing the sky, it is not afraid of consumption.

There are hardly any weaknesses!

"If you want to kill this person, we are far from enough!"

"We underestimated him!"

The sky **** Cang Yu kept flying to the distance with a gloomy expression.

But suddenly.

He found something wrong.

At his speed, he should have been far away from the battlefield a long time ago.

But he is still on the battlefield now!

Upon closer inspection, Madman Chu was not far behind him, with a playful look in his eyes, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"What's going on? It's this space field!"

The **** Cang Yu was taken aback for a moment, but then he wanted to understand.

It is the domain of infinity!

He was in it, and the space he was in was controlled by Madman Chu.

It can extend infinitely or shrink infinitely.

He thought he had flown thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles, but in fact he was always shrouded in the infinite realm of Madman Chu.

"Damn it! If you don't break this realm, you can't escape at all!"

The **** Cang Yu let out a low growl.

I saw a sacred seal in his hand blooming with brilliant brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, an ancient **** phantom shone out behind him, punching out his fists, and the light of the gods shone in all directions, blasting into the void!

Madman Chu chuckled, "Useless work!"

He raised his hand and pressed it.

The power of space in the infinite domain suddenly exploded, like a mountain of billions of sacred mountains crushed out, directly smashing the light of the gods.

The power of that overbearing power is even more impacting the body of the heavenly **** Cang Yu.

The body burst, and the main road inside his body began to collapse.

The **** Cang Yu was full of horror.


Madman Chu held his five fingers, and the power of the majestic space was unreserved!

The **** Cang Yu seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand. In the next instant, his body exploded, blood mist sprayed, and the main road inside his body collapsed.

Another top king's seed has fallen.

Madman Chu at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, looks like a **** like a devil!

As if invincible!

"We lost this battle!"

Kong Chunyuan looked at Madman Chu with unwilling expressions in his eyes.

Then, he took out something, it was a talisman-like thing, and it was filled with an incomparably rich spatial force.

The power of law is more contained in it.

"But Madman Chu, your war with us has just begun!"

Kong Chunyuan took a deep look at Madman Chu, suddenly crushed the talisman seal in his hand, and then his body was enveloped by a cloud of silver light.

In the next instant, it disappeared in place.

It was forcibly breaking through the blockade of the Infinite Domain.

"Oh, interesting space power."

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

That space power cannot be used by non-kings.

Unexpectedly, Kong Chunyuan still had such treasures in his hands, but he thought he was preparing for him to leave quickly after getting the blood of human ancestors.

"Madman Chu, I have taken note of today's affairs!"

Dao Lingtian looked at Madman Chu, and then a cloud of purple brilliance broke out on his body, and a force enveloped him, leading him to flew away.

As the second **** son of the human race, he also has some life-saving methods in his hands.

Although not willing to admit it.

But the Madman Chu at this moment is stronger than him!

This is beyond doubt.

He is not an opponent at all!

Madman Chu looked at the other party's direction, with a cold color in his eyes, and raised his hand to move the Infinite Domain, wanting to leave the other party behind.

But at this time, ripples appeared in the void.

An altar appeared out of thin air in the void!

This altar is made of bronze, with ancient runes engraved on it. It is not a rune that can be found in this era, but can be traced back to countless epochs, even the first era of the human race.

"What is this?"

The bronze altar that appeared suddenly attracted his attention.

And Dao Lingtian also saw this altar.

He knew that this might be another major opportunity, but it was a pity that he was not able to compete with Madman Chu for this opportunity.

Hateful, but annoying!

Daoling's heart is full of unwillingness.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the sky.

Madman Chu no longer paid attention to the other party, and his heart was completely attracted by this altar.

He glanced at some of the remaining foreign monks, directly waved his hand, and directly killed these foreigners who had invaded the human ancestral land.

Immediately afterwards.

He looked at the last person.

The moon is innocent.

The opponent didn't make a move from beginning to end.

But this does not rule out the other side's idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight.

"Ancestor's blood, don't you want it?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing what he said, Mingyue Wuxian just smiled, "Friend Chu Daoist is clever, you deserve the blood of this man's ancestor."

This woman, it seems that she really doesn't want the blood of the ancestors.

But Madman Chu looked at each other, the ancestor of the sword in his body trembled slightly, giving him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Obviously, when we met last time, I didn't feel that way.

Do not.

This is not how he feels.

It was the illusion that the ancestor of the sword gave him.

Madman Chu looked at Mingyue with no time, and there was a hint of thought in his eyes. Is there any connection between the other party and the ancestor of the sword?


Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and he raised his hand and cut it towards the opponent.

The sudden attack made Mingyue stunned for a while, but she reacted very quickly, with her bare hand withdrawing, the yin and yang Tai Chi diagram appeared.

It was the same trick as Lu Wuhen.

But compared to Lu Wuhen, she didn't know how powerful this move was.

It actually blocked Chu Madman's sword aura intact.

"Friend Chu, what are you doing?"

"Try the depth of fellow Taoist."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

This woman is very mysterious.

It also seems to have some connection with the ancestor of the sword.

He wanted to test it out.

As he spoke, his sword energy had already been cut out again.

And as soon as you shot it, it was the Jidao cultivation method, the Fudo King Sword Seal!

Buddha light blooms.

The golden Buddha statue reflected in the void, cutting out a sword.

Sword Qi turned out to be thousands of miles away.

Lock the bright moon without time!

This sword is extremely powerful, even if it is lonely and unbreakable, it is difficult to block a top-notch emperor's seed such as the ancient Zen.

Mingyue had no time to see it, her eyes condensed, and she stood with her hands behind her hands. He couldn't avoid it, and there was a peculiar fluctuation in his body.

At this moment, she seems to be integrated with the surrounding world.

This sword slashed on her body.

She was completely crushed in an instant!

Everyone was shocked, Madman Chu, he had no time to cut Mingyue?

But in the next instant, the power of countless great avenues flowed in the void, and the bright moon had no time to show up again in the enchanting fairy radiance.

"Fuse yourself in the heaven and the earth, the heaven and the earth are immortal, but you are immortal, is this the supreme method of the heaven and the human holy land? Not bad."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"A little life-saving method made Friends Chu laugh."

Mingyue had no time to smile.

The two were talking like old friends, but the avenues of the two had already collided, and they were in a frantic clash.

The surging breath caused the surrounding void to be twisted one after another.

Seeing this, the monks all around couldn't help swallowing saliva.

No. 1 on the Goddess List, No. 1 on the Goddess List...

Today, are you going to meet the best? !

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