Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 230: : Exploring the ancient battlefield, the white-robed generals of 7 strange stories

Tuyang City, outside the city gate.

Leng Changkong and the others were waiting for Madman Chu, Lan Yu, when they saw the two arrived, they greeted him.

"Two fellow Taoists, let's start now."

"it is good."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

Under Leng Changkong's leadership, everyone progressed to the ancient battlefield.

The ancient battlefield is divided into an outer circle, an inner circle, and a core zone, and Leng Changkong and others generally explore the outer circle, and rarely enter the inner circle, let alone the core zone.

There is a place where even saints are very taboo.

Along the way, several people brought by Leng Changkong were watching the two Kuangren Chu in secret, with curiosity in their eyes.

They had heard a lot about Xuantianzong, but it was the first time to see someone from Xuantianzong.

And it looks very extraordinary, even if Madman Chu covers his face with aura, that extraordinary temperament is still difficult to conceal.

When everyone was observing Madman Chu, Madman Chu had quietly launched a treasure hunt to find the treasures around him.

This search suddenly surprised him.

"Three hundred miles south, there is a supreme weapon."

"At four hundred miles to the southeast, there is a supreme artifact... At 1,500 miles to the southeast, there is a broken quasi holy artifact..."

"Three thousand miles to the southwest..."

"Four thousand miles in the West..."

Pieces of information kept coming.

Most of them are weapons-like treasures, but this fell to Chu Madren's expectation, after all, this is an ancient battlefield.

Fighting, of course, we must use weapons.

"Friend Leng, stop."

After walking for a while, Madman Chu suddenly spoke.

Everyone was taken aback.

"What's wrong, is Fellow Daoist Chu tired?"

"No, you remove the stone next to you."

Madman Chu said, pointing to a big stone next to him.

Leng Changkong didn't know why, but he still did. When he removed the stone and saw something below, everyone was overjoyed.

Under the stone, there is an iron armor!

The iron armor is engraved with runes. Although it is a little broken, the material is good, and even if it is sold, it can be exchanged for a lot of spirit stones.

"Friend Chu, how did you find out?"

"Xia Xia is born with a keen sense of some treasures."

Madman Chu smiled lightly.

"Is it a natural supernatural power?" Leng Changkong was slightly surprised.

In this world, there are indeed some who are born with a certain special ability, just like the Taoist body, these are called natural magical powers.

Some Dao bodies also have magical powers.

"I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Chu to have this ability." Leng Changkong smiled faintly, then handed the iron armor to Madman Chu.

In his opinion, this iron armor was discovered by the madman Chu, and it should belong to the other party.

But Kuangren Chu shook his head slightly, "This thing is of no use to me, let's take it from Fellow Leng Daoist."

"How can this be done? Since this thing was discovered by a Daoist, it belongs to the Daoist. We can't be greedy for cheap."

"Then let's go, Fellow Daoist Leng, take it, and then distribute the income from this trip after I go back." Madman Chu smiled lightly.

Leng Changkong groaned for a while, "Then... okay."

Several people went on.

Now that he had exposed his keen perception of treasures, Madman Chu also let go, telling all the treasures nearby.

However, these treasures are not worth mentioning to him, even the supreme tools that made Leng Changkong and others ecstatic, they are just ordinary goods to him.

He planned to separate from Leng Changkong and the others soon, and went deep into the inner circle with Lan Yu to see what he could gain there.

"This, this is another supreme weapon!"

Under the guidance of Madman Chu, Leng Changkong and others discovered another supreme weapon, which was shrouded in great happiness on the spot.

The corners of their mouths grinned, and they were very happy.

They looked at Madman Chu with awe.

"Friend Chu Dao, your treasure hunting technique is too impressive, and its effect on this ancient battlefield is too great."

"Yes, with you, this ancient battlefield is a huge treasure house that is inexhaustible."

Everyone couldn't help but said in shock and emotion.

You know, along the way, the treasures they obtained under the guidance of Madman Chu far exceeded what they had gained for decades.

What a terrible thing is this?

If Madman Chu's ability were to be spread, I am afraid that adventurers in the entire ancient battlefield would be unable to sit still.

But Leng Changkong looked at Madman Chu, but he was thoughtful.

Along the way, they did get a lot of treasures, including several supreme artifacts.

But he noticed that Madman Chu was completely indifferent to these treasures, as if to him it was like a Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

This made him feel that Madman Chu is not easy anymore.

"Even in the Xuantian School, a supreme weapon is enough to attract the attention of most disciples."

"It's estimated that there are only a few heavenly prides who can ignore the temptation of the supreme weapon. Could he be one of them?"

Leng Changkong thought to himself, guessing the identity of Madman Chu.

As for the head of Xuan Tianzong, he didn't dare to think about that.

That kind of character is too far away for him.

Step on...

At this time, there was a heavy footstep not far away.

I saw a figure wearing a broken armor and holding a saber in his hand walking towards Chu Kuangren.

Madman Chu looked at the visitor curiously, because he was surprised to find that there was not the slightest breath of strangeness in the man.

In other words, this is not a person!

"Is this the evil spirit?"

Madman Chu whispered.

In the ancient battlefield, there was a very special existence, and that was the evil spirit.

The so-called evil spirit is the existence combined by the boundless evil spirit of the ancient battlefield combined with the grievances of the people who died in the war.

They wandered in the ancient battlefield, repeating the killing process day after day, and they were the most dangerous existence in the ancient battlefield.

"It's just an ordinary evil spirit."

Leng Changkong glanced at the evil spirit and didn't care.

In the team, one person walked out, carried a sword and rushed up, and the evil spirit was solved by three hits and five divided by two.

After the evil spirit died, it dissipated directly into a burst of light smoke.

But the grievances persisted and returned to the world. It only took a while to combine with the evil spirits here and form a new evil spirit again.

And this is also the reason why the evil spirits of the ancient battlefield are endlessly killed.

After solving the evil spirits, several people rested in place.

"By the way, have you heard the legend of the white robe general?"

In the team, a talkative young man suddenly said.

" This is the most well-known legend in the ancient battlefield, and it is also one of the seven strange stories in the spiritual world, of course I have heard of it."

Someone laughed.

Madman Chu was a little interested when he heard the words, "Seven weird stories? This is the first time I have heard of this, can you talk about it?"

"of course can."

The talkative young man said: "The seven weird stories actually refer to the seven unsolved mysteries in the spiritual world, such as the floating ghost ship, the headless female corpse... this ancient battlefield white robe general is one of them."

"It is said that there is a white robe general in this ancient battlefield, where the evil spirit retreats, and the world is sad. Some people say that this white robe will be the king of this ancient battlefield, a peerless evil spirit born from the infinite evil spirit of the ancient battlefield. Some people say that this white robe will be a general of a nearby country many years ago. He died here, and his grievances will continue..."

The talkative youth talked about it.

But after listening, everyone felt that something was wrong.

The sky suddenly darkened.

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