Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : The curse clan who has suffered heavy losses, the emperor who has turned his face an

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"This power is... the Lord of Destiny!?"

After a king felt the power contained in the cursed beast, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, trembling all over, and there was a touch of horror in his eyes.

Lord of Destiny.

This is an extremely old name.

All I know is that this name once resounded through the heavens, and no one knew it.

But there are very few people who have seen the Lord of Destiny.

But it is undeniable that the influence of the Lord of Destiny in the heavens, even countless people call it one of the greatest mysteries in the heavens.

Later, the Lord of Destiny disappeared.

But now, some of the kings who have traded with the Lord of Destiny and the Temple of Destiny, have sensed the breath of the Lord of Destiny from the cursed beast. This is how they can not be shocked? Not frightened?

If the Lord of Destiny reappears in the world...

The destiny they made with the Lord of Destiny is about to be fulfilled.

Only they know what they have traded with the Temple of Destiny.

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

The fortune teller also noticed the power of destiny contained in the curse beast, and couldn't help but shake his body, and a touch of amazement appeared in his eyes.

Immediately, he smiled bitterly, "This era is really surprising. Even the existence of the Lord of Destiny has reappeared in the world."

"Well, it's time to come, it's going to come anyway."

Within the curse.

The ancestor of the curse day looked at the hideous curse beast and couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "This, this is not a pure curse power, this blends with an incomparably majestic force of destiny, this force is too majestic. ."

At this time, the people knew why their curse-relieving methods had no effect on the great curse of heaven and earth, because this was not the great curse of heaven and earth that they were familiar with at all, but a mutated practice method of the extreme path.


With a roar, this ferocious cursed beast exudes a majestic power, which combines the two powers of the road of fate and the road of curse.

In front of this power, many curse races fell one after another!

Under the power of the curse, they quickly aged and died, or under the power of fate, their fate was broken and died, completely dissipating the world.

There is no **** scene.

However, the master of the curse clan felt a chill deep into his bones.


The curse beast looked at the master of the curse clan.

The eyes of the two collided.

One is tyrannical and gloomy, like a whirlpool that devours souls.

One is panic and fear.

"not good!"

The face of the master of the curse changed drastically, and unprecedented fear filled his body.

He wanted to escape.

But the suppressing curse power in his body suddenly broke out, impacting his body, and his already old body became even more rickety.

The curse beast pounced directly on it.

"no no!"

In panic, the master of the curse clan urged various curse techniques, and the power of various laws broke out, madly fighting towards the cursed beast.

But none of this stopped the cursed beast.

The curse beast opened its mouth like a black hole and swallowed it directly!

In his body there was the Avenue of Curses, and the two powers of the Avenue of Destiny were crazily intertwined, especially the Avenue of Destiny, which was full of extremely terrifying laws of power, quickly disintegrating the fate of the Lord of the Curse Race.

All souls have fate.

Even those who are detached are only detached from the control of the Great Dao of the Universe.

But his fate is still in the long river of fate.

It's just strong and weak.

And the power of destiny contained in the curse beast was displayed by the madman of Chu with the help of the temple of destiny.

It is undoubtedly stronger than the main mantra.

In a short while.

The fate of the Lord of the Curse Clan is completely shattered!

At this point, in the heavens, there is no longer such a person as the master of the curse clan.

After swallowing the lord of the curse clan, the curse beast was still not satisfied, and fixed his gaze on Xuetianjun and other kings.

"Beast, dare you!"

The ancestor Shutian was in a hurry.

Although he scolded the Lord of the Curse Race and others as trash, he also knew that every king was extremely precious to the Curse Race.

He wanted to stop.

The power of the law of the curse rushed out, once again condensed the power of the emperor's law, but this did not play a role.

The power of the emperor's power he used before was easily torn apart by the curse beast. This time, if he used it again, the effect was not much better.

"Ancestor, we will help you!"

Xue Tianjun said loudly.

"Get out! Take the tribe to evacuate!"

The ancestor Shutian roared.

But it was too late.

I saw the cursed beast roared, and the terrifying curse power and the power of destiny spread out into a substantive black energy, covering most of the cursed race.

Countless tribesmen fell one after another under this power.


A cursed king roared, no longer suppressing the curse power in his body, forcibly reversed the main road in his body, bursting power toward the cursed beast.

When the curse beast saw this, it opened its mouth.

Swallowed it directly.


Inside the curse beast, the king kept urging the power of the law to disintegrate the curse beast from his body, but it was only in vain.

After a while, he was completely ‘digested’ by the cursed beast.

The cursed beast was in the cursed clan and wreaked havoc.

Wherever he went, all spirits fell.

A jet black spear shot out suddenly, piercing the curse beast's body, and that spear contained a powerful curse breaking power.

The cursed beast roared, and the curse power in his body continued to dissipate.

"This spear is..."

The ancestor Zhoutian looked into the distance.

I saw a skinny and skinny old man slowly got up from a coffin, raised his hand, and the spear flew into his hand.

"Curse Land Ancestor!"

The ancestor cursed the sky with joy.

"Chutian, what is going on?!"

The ancestor of the curse land looked at the territories of the curse tribe that had been ruined so badly.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm talking about working together to solve this curse beast!"


Curse Heaven, Curse Di, and the two ancestors of the Curse Clan joined forces to deal with the Curse Beast. After a tragic fight, they finally solved the Curse Beast.

The two ancestors were also not lightly injured.

The entire curse clan was hit harder than ever.

Including the original master of the curse clan.

Three kings died, hundreds of them were lost in the Great Realm, and the Hunyuan Realm and other ordinary tribesmen were countless.

In addition, the entire territory of the Curse Race was affected by the Great Curse of Heaven and Earth, and the power of the curse was permeated everywhere, and it was difficult for the people of the Curse Race to get close. UU reading

Want to recover, do not know how much time it will take.

"After all, which **** killed my curse clan like this!" The curse land ancestor said tremblingly.

"It's Madman Chu!"

Xue Tianjun gritted his teeth and said.

He whispered about Chu Madman.

After the two ancestors listened, their faces were gloomy.

But before they were able to slow down, they saw the earth tremble, and the majestic earth aura rose to the sky, making the already dilapidated curse race even more fragmented.

I saw a tall man walking slowly not far away.

Wherever he went, the earth's air rolled like a dragon.

Exactly, the landlord.

"Earth Lord, **** it, did all those guys run away?!"

Xue Tianjun's face changed drastically.

The gods, dragons and other kings said that they would jointly bear the revenge of the earthlord for them, but now, all of them are running out of sight.

He took out the jade slips and contacted the gods and other kings.

"We said, as long as you kill Madman Chu, we will take the Supreme Court's revenge for the curse clan, but now it have failed." A king of the Celestial Clan said indifferently.

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