Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Against the Darkness of the Doomsday, the Law of the King, the Realm of the King

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"Very well, it seems that the Lord has appeared!"

Madman Chu sneered looking at the ‘Guangming Zuotian King’ in front of him.

The other party raised his eyes and looked at him, with a smile on his mouth, "This era is indeed the ultimate era. Even your anomalous fusion of the three thousand laws has appeared, but even the ultimate era will fall into the end!"

The ultimate era?

What's the meaning?

Madman Chu secretly wrote down.

"King Zuo Tian Wang, no, now you should be called the darkness of the doomsday, right? I can tell you clearly that in front of me, the doomsday is just empty talk. You can only crawl under my feet."

The Madman Chu waved his sleeves, and the power of the law gushed out like a vast ocean, and its aura was several times stronger than before.

Everyone was stunned secretly.

Co-author The battle between the opponent and Guangming Zuo Tian Wang just now was just playing?

It didn't really move at all.

Gee, this strength is terrible.

"It deserves to be No. 1 on the Human Race God's Son's list. His combat power after being promoted to the King is simply terrifying!" The Doomsday Sect Master said with solemn eyes.

"But my lord has really appeared, no matter how strong he is, he is definitely not my lord's opponent!" said a person next to the doomsday lord.

Hearing his words, the doomsday leader nodded with a smile.


"I said Guangming Zuo Tianwang absorbed the power of my lord, how could it be okay? It turned out that it was just a little bit of time that my lord took."

The goddess of Light Years, Ming Concubine looked at Madman Chu with worry in her eyes.

At this time, the Guangming Zuo Tianwang had completely transformed into the darkness of the apocalypse, and the powerful power made them feel suffocated.

Madman Chu, will he really be an opponent?

"Goddess, trust him, he is the son of light."

Concubine Ming looked at the worried Goddess of Guangming and comforted.

"Yes, he is the son of light and the nemesis of the darkness of the apocalypse!"

The eyes of the Goddess of Light gradually became firmer.

And Madman Chu and Darkness of Doom stood in the void, facing each other.

Just this collision, the power that exploded, also directly turned the dozens of stars between the two into dust.

"The darkness of the doomsday is qualified to test... my current strength." Madman Chu said lightly.

He has just broken through the king and needs to test his combat power.

The darkness of the doomsday will be a good target.

"Take me as a sharpening stone, you are so presumptuous!"

When the dark eyes of the doomsday became cold, he immediately raised his hand to urge the power of the law of darkness, turning into a waterfall of black law and rolling towards the madman of Chu.

The mighty power is much stronger than the Guangming Zuo Tianwang just now.

"Sword, twenty-three."

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and his sword energy condensed at his fingertips.

Swipe in the void casually.

The power of the law of kendo whizzed out, turning into an overwhelming sword energy.

Sword Qi shattered the law of darkness.

Straight towards the undercurrent of the doomsday.

"Doom, Dark Front Slash!" Doom Zhi cried out coldly, and between raising his hands, the power of the law of darkness condensed into a pitch-black halberd in his hands.

With a wave of the halberd, the huge black halberd lightly cut out.

Swallowing the sky, it seems that even the avenue can be crushed and swallowed.

Sword energy, halberd light.

When they collided in pairs, the void was torn apart by a huge crack.

Madman Chu stepped out of the void and stepped into the void, while the darkness of the doomsday followed closely and stepped into the void to fight Madman Chu.

The consciousness of many kings did not dare to neglect, and quickly entered the void to watch the battle.

The war of kings is rare.

What's more, there are kings of the level of Madman of Chu and the Darkness of Doom.

Do not.

The darkness of the end of the heyday may even be close to the existence of the king, after all, only one-tenth of his power is sealed in the Ming clan.


The power of the law in the dark body of the doomsday gushes out frantically, and the body blooms with black fairy radiance, deep and curious, as if it swallows all the blackness!

The madman Chu's body law surged, containing a variety of powers, colorful and dazzling.

The existence of the two is very eye-catching. After many kings entered the void, they found their existence all at once.

One by one looked at them with breathlessness, and didn't dare to be careless.

"Darkness of the doomsday tactic, madly swallowing the sky!"

I saw the darkness of the doomsday, raising my hand to gather the power of the law of darkness, and directly hit it, like a vast river of laws, rumbling.

Hit a piece of void and directly shattered.

Madman Chu did not move, and his whole body was celestial.

The sword fingers condensed, and the boundless and sharp sword intent came out!

"Sword, twenty-four!"

Cut out with a sword, the sword energy is magnificent and eye-catching.

Sword intent brilliance, illuminating all directions!


In the violent turmoil, the darkness of the doomsday retreated a few steps.

And with a stroke of the halberd in his hand, a more domineering halberd light poured out, which contained a world-destroying atmosphere of darkness, which was very shocking.

This trick came very quickly.

Directly lock the Chu madman.

It is inevitable for him to avoid.


In the fierce impact, Madman Chu also took a few steps backwards.

In the first round of confrontation, neither of them seemed to have suffered much injury.

It can be said to be evenly divided.

But the Doomsday sneered, and the law of darkness within the body was surging, and it was once again promoted. Everyone was stunned secretly, which was too terrifying.

Successive upgrades.

Is there any limit for this person?

Just seeing this scene, Madman Chu was not surprised.

He let Xiao Ai analyze the darkness of the apocalypse.

For the opponent's strength, he also knows a rough idea.

"Do you think that only you can forcefully increase combat power?"

Madman Chu sneered.

A powerful suction burst out of the body.

The power of the void all around rushed towards him frantically.

It is the law of the ultimate way, the art of swallowing the sky!

With the blessing of the sky-swallowing technique, Madman Chu's strength also increased.

"Good practice!"

The faint smile of the doomsday can't help but praise.

The next moment.

I saw the boundless dark power condensed behind him, which directly turned into a dark and ancient **** phantom, which made people tremble.

This is the king's face of the darkness of the doomsday!


Madman Chu chuckles.

Although with the cultivation base he just broke through, he couldn't condense the emperor's form in a short while, but he also had his own way.

I saw the law behind him combined with the aura of the void.

It also condenses a Dharma image.

Pan Gu Dharma!

This pan of ancient law wielded the god-opening axe, smashing into the darkness of the doomsday.


The two great Fa elements slammed together once again.

The madman of Chu was constructed with three thousand laws supplemented with spiritual energy, and its power was not weaker than that of the emperor! !

It is even stronger than the normal monarch's form, and only the monarch's form of the darkness of the end can contend with him.

This battle is too wonderful.

Many kings watched intently.

The battle continues.

At this time saw the darkness of the doomsday roar, and the law of darkness poured out, covering the entire void, and where the law of darkness was shrouded, the rest of the power of the law of the road was rejected one after another. go out.

It seems like an independent dark world!


"It's the realm of kings!!"

A king couldn't help his pupils shrinking slightly.

The domain of the king.

This is the power that only the king of the first step can display!

It is a stronger power than the monarch's form!

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