Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : At the beginning of the election, Wang Lan will be a judge? Other methods

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Cangming Mountain.

Fazu, Buddha Emperor, Heavenly Sage, plus two judges, almost half of the oldest and most powerful kings in the human race have arrived.

"Fazu, King Lan, it's the Human Race election meeting now. It's just to give me a face. Please calm down and stop fighting."

The concubine said with a faint smile.

Her court judge said so, what else can everyone say?

"The concubine is serious. I just had to discuss with King Lan and didn't get angry." Fa Zu touched his beard and smiled.

"Compare? Yes, if I have the opportunity, I will seek advice from the older generation again." Wang Lan sneered, and said in a weird manner.

Especially in the old words, emphasize the tone.

Ironically, the other party just relied on the old to sell the old.

Fa Zu's eyelids twitched and the corners of his mouth twitched, but he was still holding back his anger. In fact, he would target Madman Chu and King Lan. It was really because these two people had become so famous and popular recently that they wanted to beat him.

Unexpectedly, King Lan would be tough with him.

"Well, let's save the extra words, people should be almost there already." The landlord walked over and glanced.

When he saw Madman Chu, he paused.

Then he ignored it.

After receiving the invitation, the kings from all walks of life were almost there.

"Since it's almost time to come, let's elect the third judge."

Dijun said directly.

The election process is also very simple.

Just vote directly.

"Among the kings present, Fazu has the oldest qualifications and his cultivation is sufficient to serve as a judge. I will choose him." A king spoke first.

"I choose the Buddha Emperor, the Buddha is compassionate, everyone knows the justice of the Buddha Emperor, he is a judge, it is more appropriate."

"The Heavenly Sage is pure and innocent, the way is natural, and his heart is indifferent. When dealing with human affairs, if you want to deal with it more impartially, I choose him."

One by one, the kings spoke one after another.

And beside the concubine, an entourage began to count the votes.

Most of the kings chose Heavenly Sage, Buddha Emperor, and Dharma Zu.

Obviously, these three people have extremely high prestige among the kings, and they even passed the gap with the other kings in secret, and fought for votes for themselves.

"I choose King Lan."

At this time, a king said lightly.

This made King Lan stunned for a moment.

There are people who would elect themselves to be judges?

She glanced at each other curiously, and was even more surprised, because the other party was not someone else, but the King Wing who had fought with her.

Everyone also looked at each other curiously.

The law enforcer of the court chooses King Lan?

The kings have different thoughts and vague guesses.

"I also choose King Lan."

Another person stood up and said.

Like the King of Gold Wings, the opponent is also an enforcer of the court.

At this moment, everyone was basically sure.

The Supreme Court, or the concubine and the landlord, wanted King Lan to be the third judge, so they hinted at the law enforcers of the court.

Good guy, this is an upright shady.

"Two judges, there is something wrong with you."

Fazu frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied.

The concubine said with a faint smile: "Is there anything wrong? The election is all based on personal wishes. They are also kings and have the right to vote."

"Fazu misunderstood. We chose King Lan because we sincerely admire her. Tianzun rebelled. It was she and the concubine and the earth prince who suppressed the rebellion. Otherwise, the human race might decide what it would be like to be harmed by Tianzun."

At this moment, King Gold Wing stood up and said.

He looked at the kings with sincerity written in his eyes.

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Really admire?

The other party emptied all of your resources at the beginning.

Do you really admire it?

Who believes it!

However, although everyone knew that the two judges had won votes for King Lan, there was no way, after all, it was true that King Lan had fought against Tianzun.

She is meritorious to the human race, and she is strong enough.

In addition, the prestige in the human race is also very high today.

People really have the capital to be a judge.

"Let's see, who gets the more votes."

Fazu thought to himself.

Before coming here, he had already won votes for himself. Although King Lan had emerged, he still had a certain degree of confidence.

The election continues.

Because of the appearance of King Lan.

Now, the number of popular candidates for judges has changed from three to four.

"Concubine, you want me to be a judge, why?"

Wang Lan looked at the concubine, secretly spread the voice.

"I am optimistic about you..."

The concubine said with a faint smile.

She has a basic knowledge of the kings present.

The father was arrogant and selfish.

The Buddha Emperor is too compassionate and sometimes too indecisive.

Tiansheng seems to be indifferent to fame and fortune, quiet and inaction, but if he is really indifferent to fame and fortune, he would not want to be a judge.

The most important thing is that these three people each represent the three giant forces.

Once you become a judge, you might be able to use the supreme authority of the human race to fight for the well-being of your own forces, which makes it hard to rest assured.

Instead of giving the position of judge to these three, it is better to elect King Lan.

The other party investigates Tianzun, who has worked hard, has meritorious deeds in the human race, is decisive, young and energetic, and has a promising future. It is very suitable.

After listening to the concubine's explanation, King Lan pondered for a moment.

"There is another reason."

King Lan chuckled: "You think you can hold me down."


The concubine blinked at each other, looking like I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Wang Lan looked at each other with a smile, "You two have not healed from the battle with Tianzun, let Fazusan Human beings, you didn’t have the confidence to suppress each other, so I chose me, who is relatively junior."

The concubine only smiled when she heard the words, and neither admitted nor denied.

King Lan knew that his guess was correct.

She doesn't care about the position of judge.

It doesn't matter if you don't get it.

So she watched things develop.

And in the elections.

Above the top of the mountain.

Madman Chu was immersed in the mystery of the stone tablet.

When he was enlightened, his human ancestor's body seemed to be throbbing, and the three thousand laws in his body were actually working on its own.

The stone monument in front of me also quietly changed.

The stele is no longer a stele.

The runes on it turned into stars, suspended in the sky above him, and every star seemed to contain a kind of Tao.

Thousands of stars contain mystery and truth, and they are constantly changing.


The stars in front of Madman Chu actually formed a figure.

This figure has eyes like the sun and the moon, acupuncture points in the body like a nebula, and meridians like a galaxy. It is constructed by countless great principles.

The power of the law flows in his body, which contains various powers such as the law of flame, the law of yin and yang, the law of space, etc., which is magnificent.

Madman Chu knows that this figure is a human ancestor!

The other party, like him, is the existence of three thousand laws!

"Wonderful, UU reading is wonderful, it's really wonderful."

"Who would have thought that there is such a mysterious technique in this stone tablet. This time I came to Cangming Mountain."

Madman Chu exclaimed repeatedly.

He has penetrated the mystery in this stele.

Among them, there is a unique practice method in the heavens!

His level can no longer be judged by Dao, Hongmeng, or even Extreme Dao, and he is amazed by the power of this practice method.

This is the method of practice against the sky created by the ancestors.

Its name calls...the other way of being free!

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