Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Why bother to provoke me, the ancestors of the gods, the sky seal of the formation

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Boom, boom, boom!

Madman Chu and Tianshen Yi blasted a few moves.

The powerful breath pours out everywhere, and the power of the king shakes the world.

Some cultivators around were all retreating frantically, not daring to approach.

"The monarch's image!"

After seeing that he couldn't attack for a long time, the **** Yi roared and directly displayed the emperor's magical aspect.

When the madman Chu saw this, he also displayed the image of Tianshen Yan.

The two great laws collided, and the power became even more earth-shattering.

"If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid other kings will come."

Madman Chu could perceive that there were several incomparably powerful auras of kings quickly approaching here. Once they arrived, they couldn't handle it with the strength of the gods of the sky. Besides, there was the barrier of the gods of the sky.

This enchantment blockades the space and is very mysterious. Even if the king enters here, it is difficult to get out. And this enchantment is very strong, and it is not easy to violently break it.

"Oh, I wanted to leave quietly, why did you come to provoke me?" Madman Chu shook his head helplessly.


In the distance, several bursts of monarch energy burst out, locking the madman Chu.

The state of Chu Madman's display was immediately defeated.

Several kings surrounded him round and round.

"Tian Shen Yan, hand over the stolen treasures and follow me back, so that you have a way out!" Tian Shen Yi said coldly.

He couldn't even figure out why it was so good. There was no reason why the Celestial Flame wanted to betray the Celestial Clan.

"I am leaving today, no one can stop me!"

"Then don't blame us."

Several kings shot together, and the power of the Great Dao Principles filled the four directions, surrounded the madman of Chu, and rushed toward him like a tide.

Boom, boom, boom...

The void exploded one after another.

"Did you make it?"

"Under this kind of attack, you will be seriously injured if you die."

But suddenly.

The power of the law of the great avenue is like the vast ocean, venting out.

These laws are transformed into endless dragon energy, wandering everywhere.

One by one, the kings were hit by this force, and they were actually knocked into flight.

"This force is the Dragon Race!"

"What's the matter? The breath of the gods of the gods has disappeared, replaced by the breath of the dragons. Is this gods of fire the dragons pretending to be?"

The kings were a little confused.

I saw the law of energy dissipate.

A figure shrouded in Xianhui slowly appeared.

Dressed in white, faintly visible.

His face was covered by aura, unable to see clearly.

And his breath is even more vague and unpredictable.

Someone saw the Buddha's light shining brightly.

Someone saw the dragon gas boiling.

Some people also perceive the light aura of the gods unique to the clan of gods.

Everyone can't see his origin at all.

"Who is this person?"

"Damn, how could his breath be so complicated?"

Tianshen Yi was a little weird.

In front of them, whether it was appearance, temperament, cultivation strength, etc., it was definitely Tian Shen Yan that was right.

But now, it has become a strange and inexplicable existence!

What kind of law of change is that?

So clever to this level.

Boom, boom!

The sky is shaking.

In the depths of the Celestial Clan, a burst of incomparably bright Celestial light suddenly rose into the sky, and a surging power of the rule of the king spread out.

The heaven and the earth were shaken, and then, the light of the gods mixed the law, turned into a earth-shaking big hand and violently grabbed the madman from Chu.

Wherever he went, the void twisted and collapsed, and the stars burst into pieces one after another.

This blow is definitely only the king of the first echelon can display it.

"Those who hide their heads and show their tails, stay!"

An indifferent and old voice suddenly echoed everywhere.

"It's the ancestor who made the move."

"The ancestor made a move, this person can't leave."

Tianshen Yi and others smiled with joy.

Madman Chu stood in the air with an indifferent expression, "I said, if I want to leave, no one can stop this world!"

The sound was like thunder, exploding thousands of waves.

As magnificent as a god!

The next moment.

I saw him raise his hand to take out several treasures.

It is just a few pieces of great treasures obtained from the treasure house of the gods.


A great treasure flew towards the big hand that covered the sky and covered the sun.

The remaining pieces are flying in all directions.

Incomparably shocking energy fluctuations spread out from the treasure, and when all the kings saw it, they took a breath of air, and their eyes were horrified.

"not good!"

"Hurry up and stop him!"

The kings had guessed what Madman Chu was going to do.

They want to stop.

But it was too late.

I saw that a few pieces of Hongmeng Supreme Treasure bloomed with incomparable brilliance, astonishing violent energy swept out, impacting the entire Celestial Clan.

Wherever he went, the emptiness of the earth was broken.

The big hand that covered the sky and sun was also blasted to annihilation.

The dead and wounded members of the Celestial Clan are even more numerous.

Madman Chu, with the heart of all weapons, let these treasures blew up!

This level of attack is very scary.

Not only blocked the attack of the king from the depths of the Celestial Clan, but also severely wounded the other kings, causing the entire Celestial Clan's vitality to be greatly injured, and even tore the barrier of the Celestial Clan.

And this is exactly what the madman Chu needs.

"I said, no one can keep me if I am leaving."


Madman Chu's figure disappeared instantly.

The barrier was broken.

No one in this world can keep him.

In just a moment, he connected to the Temple of Destiny and went straight back.

Only left, the devastated Celestial Clan.

"Asshole, asshole, who is he!"

"Stealing the treasure house of my Celestial Clan and ruining my Celestial Clan like this, how will it end now?"

"The treasure house was seized and the ethnic group was wounded, this **** it!"


In the depths of the Celestial Clan, peaks exploded.

An aura that made the entire Celestial Clan feel depressed spread.

The ancient king of the Celestial Clan is angry!

"Check, check it out for me!"

"Calling Tianshen Yan, we must find out who this person is!"

A voice echoed.

Shortly after.

There was news.

But it wasn't the person who robbed the treasure, it was bad news.


This silenced the kings of the Celestial Clan.

Although they had expected it, they still felt sad and indignant.

"First, the earth prince made a big trouble with my celestial clan, and now there is another mysterious existence, first stealing treasures, and then killing my clan king. What happened to this era? Why do my celestial clan have so many disasters."

"It's Human Race, it must be Human Race."

"Yes, they must be revenge for the last time we calculated their affairs with the other races, **** it, fight with them."

"There is no proof, and the Celestial God clan has suffered one after another. Now what is it to fight with the Human clan, the rest of the clan will not agree."

The kings of the Celestial Clan talked a lot.

There was a mass of anger in my heart, and I didn't vomit.

But I can only hold back forcibly, UU reading can't find a way to vent at all.

And the other side.

Inside the Temple of Destiny.

Madman Chu is now counting the harvest this time.

Especially the Heaven Seal, this is his biggest gain.

After some enlightenment, the true face of this seal was also revealed in front of him.

"The Heaven Seal of the Formation!"

"It turned out to be the seal of the formation, but I am now at the top of the formation list. This is of little use to me... Huh?"

Just when Madman Chu thought this way, he saw the core practice of this Heavenly Seal, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "This is good."

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2349, why bother me, the ancestor of the gods, the seal of the sky), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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