Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Hell of the Void, the 9th floor, ready to be demolished here

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"Sect Master, help!"

Seeing this message, Madman Chu was taken aback.

Who is this message?

Take a closer look.

It is really a member of the Pangu Sect, and in the entire Pangu Sect, there are not many people who can directly contact him, just those key veterans.

"Yes... Yang Mei."

Madman Chu was even more puzzled.

Yang Mei, the oldest existence in the Pangu universe, is older than Sanqing and even Taoist ancestor Hongjun, and is the person who is best at the way of space.

And now, Yang Mei was actually asking him for advice.

What happened to the other party?

He wanted to contact the other party, but found that he couldn't contact him anymore.

He found Li Jun and asked where Yang Mei was going.

However, the other party is not clear.

Madman Chu thought for a while, and went back to the Temple of Destiny to look for Six Eyes, the other party had the Heaven Seal of Destiny, and there was the third eye of the Extreme God Soldier of the Six Eyes Clan.

As far as the way of deduction is concerned, it is likely to be above oneself.

He wants the other party to make a deduction.

After some deduction.

Six eyes closed the third eye between his forehead slowly, "I saw a huge black prison floating in the boundless void..."



Where is that?

The six-eyed expression continued: "According to my guess, it should be the void of the empty clan, located in the void of the universe."

"I see."

Madman Chu nodded.

Between the void of the universe...

If he remembers correctly, among the many destinies of the Temple of Destiny, one of them is called Konghuang, and he has stayed in the void.

Yang Mei, may be in the Prison of Void now.

And Konghuang also has grudges with Kongzu.

Is there any connection in this?

"It seems necessary to take a trip."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

His figure flashed and disappeared into the temple. In the next second, he crossed the space barrier of Hongmeng Great World and came into the void of the universe.

Here is a vast void.

This is the disorderly zone of the universe. If there is not enough cultivation base and spatial attainments, it is very likely that you will be lost here forever.

However, there are many great secrets hidden in the void of the universe, so the exploration of this place has not stopped.

Among them, the deepest exploration of this place is undoubtedly the empty clan.

They are good at the way of space.

In this void, it is almost like a fish in water.

They even set up a prison here to detain those who are enemies of the Kong clan, in order to frighten all the clan.

"The Prison of the Void, drifting in the void at will, it is not easy to find it... Try to see if you can perceive the location of the deed."

Madman Chu thought about it, and soon he had an idea.

For many years, Konghuang has stayed in the void. He guessed that the other party may not be willing, but was locked up by the Kong clan.

That being the case, he should also be in the Void Prison.

After some induction, Madman Chu found the right direction to go.


A dark prison floats in the void.

This prison is like a high tower, divided into several layers, and there are many empty-clan monks guarding the tower outside, and the guards are tight.

And today.

A burst of fairy radiance bloomed in the void.

A man with a pair of light wings on his back walked out of the void.

Seeing him, some of the guards looked straight and did not dare to neglect.

"I have seen the Son of Sora."

The coming person is the son of Sora.

It is also the newly promoted king of the empty clan.

The rumored one will lead the Kong Clan to the supremely glorious existence.

No one dared to neglect his arrival.

"Well, I'm going to the ninth prison."

Sora Son glanced at the Void Prison and said lightly.

Hearing what he said, everyone was startled.

In the Prison of the Void, there are many existences that oppose the empty race, and the higher the threat, the more layers are imprisoned.

It is said that the original Void Prison had only eight floors.

The eighth level has already involved the existence of the monarch realm.

And the newly added ninth layer only closed one existence.

This ninth level was set up for him, which shows how extraordinary this existence is, and how much the Kong Clan attaches importance to him.


Although the guard was curious, Sorako wanted to go to the ninth floor, and he couldn't stop him, so he had to take him there obediently.

The Void Prison, nine layers of sky prisons, each layer has a large number of prohibitions.

And the higher the ban, the stronger the ban.

At the ninth level, the restriction was strong enough to resist the emperor's attack, not to mention that there were various control methods in it.


"This is the Hell of the Void?"

A figure came to the Void Prison silently.

It is Chu Madman.

He came here relying on the feeling of fate.

"Who are you?"

At this time, an empty guard saw Madman Chu.

His face changed, and he wanted to call someone.

But it was easily controlled by Madman Chu.

The next moment.

The monks of the Nakong tribe turned into countless fragments and dissipated in the void.

"He turned..." Madman Chu's light and shadow changed, and he became the guard of the empty race, and then walked into the Prison of the Void in an open manner.

He came to the first floor.

Prisoners are being held here.

Most of the cultivation bases are in harmony, mixed in the original realm.

Moreover, everyone wears fetters and handcuffs, and there are restrictions on them, suppressing everyone's cultivation to death.

"Yang Mei, where will it be?"

Madman Chu whispered.

He said to a guard next to him: "I heard that we have another prisoner here recently. I don't know which floor is being held."

"Oh, you mean that innate creature, that guy, just like our empty clan, is also good at space methods, and his cultivation is not bad, and he is now locked on the sixth floor." The guard said without any doubt.

"Did he commit anything?"

Madman Chu asked again.

Why does the Kong Clan grab Yang Mei? This is also his point of curiosity.

"Oh, if we want to arrest people, do we need to ask why? If there is any reason, then blame him as an innate space creature. The people above want to study his space methods."

The guard said casually.

Then, he pointed to it again, "Knowing that our highest ninth floor of the Void Prison is no, there is also an innate space creature there. It is said that his spatial methods are very tyrannical, and even our patriarch has been jealous. These years Many people from the clan came to study him."

"So this is ah."

Madman Chu smiled.

But his eyes were cold.

It's just because Yang Mei is an innate space creature and he is good at space methods, so he was arrested and studied. Kong Clan, what a bravery!

In addition, he also had some guesses about who the person on the ninth floor was.

It should be the empty emperor who signed a deed with the temple.

"I heard that this time even the Son of Sora is here..."

At this time, the guard revealed another piece of information that the Madman Chu was interested in.

However, he hasn't finished speaking yet.

I felt that the aura of Madman Chu around him had changed.

A white figure shrouded in Xianhui emerged. UU Reading

The guard was taken aback.

"Who are you?!"

"A man who is going to demolish this void in prison."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, then raised his hand.

The guard turned into pieces.

Then, he looked at the countless prisoners in front of him, his sword fingers condensed, thousands of swords aura, and a prison cell was torn to pieces.

The shackles and handcuffs on the prisoners were all severed.

this moment.

The eyes of all the prisoners flashed green.

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