Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Gathering on Qingtian Island, Candle Dragon and Candle Sun, 6 Eyes for Unprovoked Li

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The matter of the Lord of the Void may have spread throughout the entire Hongmeng Great World in a short period of time, and this is naturally the handwriting of the Madman Chu.

He has accumulated a lot of power with the Temple of Destiny.

It's just that this force has never been present.

But spreading a news is not difficult for him.

And this time.

Inside Pangu Zong.

Madman Chu is taking a break.

After going to the Prison of the Void and fighting for a while, although he returned unscathed, he still lost a lot of vitality.

"It has been restored..."

Madman Chu slowly opened his eyes.

A gleam of light flashed by.

According to his prediction, although his resilience was amazing, the vitality lost during this trip in the Void Prison would take several years to repair.

Unexpectedly, it was completely restored in just a few days.

Such a speed of recovery, even he was quite surprised.

"Well... is it the reason for the human ancestor body?"

Madman Chu thought to himself.

The body of the ancestor is mysterious and unpredictable.

In addition to the terrifying cultivation aptitude for the madman of Chu, even his resilience has become extremely terrifying, which can be said to be unique.

"Now, the matter of the Void Lord has spread throughout the great world of Hongmeng. If nothing happens, the human race will do something."

Madman Chu thought to himself.


It didn't take long for King Lan to find him.

For the sake of the Lord of the Void.

"Master, there have been rumors that the Lord of the Void is about to emerge. I have discussed with the concubine and the landlord to let a group of people go and check it out."

Although the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth.

But for an origin-level character like Lord of the Void, he still dare not look down upon it. After all, this is the same level of existence as the human ancestor.

"Well, I will check it out too."

Madman Chu nodded.

Although the water has been muddled by him.

But for the Void Lord, he is still very interested.

There is also the power of the candle dragon.

He also wanted to figure out what the relationship is between these.


Hongmeng Great World.

Above the vast ocean.

A stream of light passed by and came to the sky above an island.

This island is called Qingtian Island.

It's just that the purpose of everyone here is not for this island.

It's a spiritual world in this island.

"According to the Emperor Kong, the Xutian Spirit Realm is within this Qingtian Island," said the son of Kong, with anticipation in his eyes.

He brought a lot of people from the empty race.

Among them, there are many king seeds like Kongchunyuan.

There are even kings.

After all, the Lord of the Void matters a lot, enough for them to dispatch the king.

In addition to the empty family.

And the soul clan also came, headed by Hun Meier.

This woman is charming and charming, and is the focus of everyone's attention no matter where she goes, but the people of the empty clan dare not even look at it.

Because they know that the other party is the fiancée of the son of Sora.

It is said that a monk of the Kong tribe was secretly killed by the son of Kong because he looked at the woman a few more times, which made everyone respect the woman.

For the Son of Sora, he was also a little bit chilly.

This is the son of the sky who is rumored to lead the Kong clan to glory?

Why did he harm his family in turn.

This rumor is not false, right?

"Hey, the air of this Sora Child is so small."

Hun Mei'er glanced at the Kong Clan monks who feared him like a snake and scorpion. He also knew what Kong Zi was doing, and couldn't help sneering at it.

My heart's evaluation of the other party is a bit lower.

"The whereabouts of the Lord of the Void is within the Void Sky Spirit Realm in this Qingtian Island. Enter Yixun." Said the son of the sky.

Everyone entered Qingtian Island and began to search for the spirit world.

Except for them.

The forces of all parties are gradually converging.

Dragons, gods, orcs, humans, etc.

But no matter how you look for it, you can't find the whereabouts of the virtual sky spirit world, which makes many forces a little angry.

"We won't be fooled, where is the spiritual world?"

"Yes, who gave this information."

"This information suddenly circulated in the Great World of Hongmeng. No one knows how it got up. Will there be any tricks in it?"

"Isn't it the Sora who directed and acted by himself?"

Various doubtful voices appeared one after another.

The empty clan has become a target of public criticism.

"Son of Sora, don't you Clan of Sora give an explanation?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Just look at a dragon king wearing a golden armor and said coldly to the son of the sky, a dragon spirit, mighty and powerful.

After seeing the other party, Sorako's eyes condensed, "Oh, if I remember correctly, it should be the candle sun of the dragon clan, right."

Candle sun.

The seed of the top king hidden in the dragon clan.

At the same time, in the history of the dragon clan, there are a few existences with the blood of the candle dragon, and they are the characters of the dragon clan who made kings in this era.

Like the Son of Sora, he just became a king soon.

"So what?"

Zhuyang sneered.

As a new king, Zhuyang is full of arrogance.

He is not afraid of others who fear the Son of Sora.

And everyone is the king of this era, he is very curious about the strength of the son of the sky compared to his own, which is stronger and weaker.

"Candle Dragon's bloodline is not bad, but you want to question me, you don't have the qualifications yet!" Kongzhi's eyes were cold, and a palm blasted out.

The power of the laws of space disturbs the world.

The huge power shook the world and the earth.

"Good job!"

When the candle sun saw it, he would not retreat or avoid it.

He saw his blood boil, the dragon aura was vertical and horizontal, his eyes burst out with a sharp light, he opened his mouth and vomited, the fire of the candle dragon gushing out.

The two forces collided and exploded.

Actually, they retreated.

Sorako looked at Zhuyang in surprise, "Oh, as the king of the new generation, you can take my hand."

"Hmph, Sora Son's ability is only to speak big words?"

Zhuyang sneered.

"It's not good for you to anger me."

Sorako's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a cold killing intent.

The breath of the two collided, and the laws of the king confronted each other.

The breath was strong, and a tsunami was set off on the sea.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

"Oh, are they going to fight?"

"One is the Candle Dragon, and the other is the Son of the Kong in the rumors of the Kong Clan. The battle between these two people must be extraordinary."


Even Hun Mei'er not far away showed great interest.

"Sora son, come on."

She didn't even forget to fan the flames beside her.

Sure enough, after hearing her cheering, Sorako's breath rose a lot, and he was ready to do it at any time.

"bring it on!"

Zhuyang can't wait to fight.

Just when the two sides are about to make a move.


A voice suddenly appeared.

I saw a young man in white slowly walking out, saying indifferently: "Everyone is gathered here to find the virtual world. In the face of this common goal, please put away the grievances between the two."

Everyone looked at the young man, slightly surprised.

"Who is this dare to stop the two kings from fighting."

"Look, he closed his eyes."

"Close your eyes...Is it from the six-eyed clan."

Someone thought of something.

Rumor has it that the six-eyed clan was born on the avenue of destiny. A pair of six-eyed people never open their eyes easily. This has become a major symbol of them.

"Six-Eyed Clan, it's interesting, let me report it."

Sora Son said lightly.

"Six eyes, fate for no reason."

The white-clothed youth said indifferently for no reason.

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