Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2009: : Restoration of the complete Demon King, 3 avenues of infinite power

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The Void Lord's momentum rose greatly.

But the original candle dragon looked indifferent and unmoved in the face of all this.

"You can't kill me in your life."

As he raised his hand, the law of time flowed, condensed into a knife, with a raging fire burning on it, burning towards the Lord of the Void.

Wherever he went, time passed crazily, and the vegetation was only contaminated with a little breath, and it quickly grew, thrived, then withered and withered.

This flame, burning is time!

Upon seeing this, the Void Lord gave a low cry and pointed out.

Time and space collide.

The two forces are equal, forming a huge vortex.

Where the whirlpool is covered, nothingness remains in the world.

"The Eye of the Candle Dragon, the world is silent!"

In the beginning, the candle dragon rose into the sky, and the dark golden eyes burst out with a divine light.

A huge golden eye pupil condenses in the air.

Under the golden divine light, time stood still.

Only the power of the law of space around the Lord of Void can resist.

"The eye of the candle dragon, the world is gloomy!"

The original candle dragon, once again displayed the magical powers of the candle dragon.

I saw the world became dim.

From daytime to night.

The endless cold and cold aura enveloped him from all directions towards the Lord of the Void. This aura would freeze him in time.

Let him sink forever in the boundless darkness!

The law of the Void Lord's body boiled, the avenue of space vibrated, and the endless law gushed out from it, turning into silver-white flames.

"Nothing Sky Fire!"

The sky fire of space, burn the void!

Wherever I go, there is nothingness!

This move is the ultimate move of the Void Lord.

The magical power of the candle dragon is directed against the sky fire in the space, and the fairy light flows out, and the mystery of time and space is fully displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone is fascinated by it.

Madman Chu watched from the side, he turned his own law to operate.

He is recording everything he has seen. As long as he has a sufficient cultivation level in the future, he can transform the Lord of the Void, and he will transform the Primordial Candle Dragon!

This battle has made him very rewarding.

Boom, boom!

The collision of time and space caused the world to break apart.

And over time.

There was still no victory or defeat between the original Candle Dragon and the Lord of the Void.

"That won't work."

"No one knows how long the original candle dragon can last."

The Demon King said lightly.

The original candle dragon came to this world across time and space. No one knows the limitations of this. How long he can last is even more unknown.

The Devil King didn't plan to put all hope on the opponent.

"Little guy, you should return my things."

The Devil King looked at the Madman Chu.

"your things…"

Madman Chu was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that he took out a black eyeball, "Heh, the devil's left eye, I will give it back here."

This demon eye was obtained by him a long time ago.

It was also his chance to get acquainted with the Demon King.

Although, the process is not very beautiful.

I saw that the demon's eye turned into a jet of black light, rushing into the left eye of the demon king, and then, the demon opened his eyes!

A pair of autumn water and bright eyes, charming and moving.

Demon King, restored to completeness!

The aura on her body was also rising steadily, and the horror of coercion on her body caused the Zulong Wudao next to her body to tremble slightly.

"The devil king is so terrible!"

Zulong Wudao's eyes condensed, and he felt that if he shot at the other side, even if he was the extreme way, there would be only a dead end.

"Is this the restored Demon King?"

Madman Chu whispered.

"Little guy, stay here and leave the rest to me."

The Demon King said lightly.

Taking a step forward, she came across the range of the battle between the Lord of Void and the original Candle Dragon, where the majestic power of time and space was flooded.

When ordinary kings get close, they will either be consumed by time, their lifespan will be greatly reduced, they will age rapidly, or they will be crushed by the power of space.

But the demon king is surrounded by the evil of all spirits, and the power of the surging demon law completely isolates time and space, and can't hurt her a single cent.

"Oh, evil bone, long time no see."

"Tsk, I didn't expect that you would leave such a hand on the Void Lord, and I was surprised to see you in this world."

The Devil King also smiled slightly.

Apparently, she was familiar with Yuan Chu Zhulong.

After a few polite words, the Demon King looked at the Lord of the Void, his eyes as cold as ice, a flash of purple light turned, and the power of the law spread out.

"Domain, Sinful Night!"

In an instant.

The world fell into the boundless darkness.

Unlike the dim world of the original Candle Dragon, the realm constructed by the Demon King is filled with all kinds of evil thoughts.

Every evil thought is extremely terrifying.

Crazy assaulted the mind of the Void Lord.

"Hmph, the evil bone domain, I have learned it." The Void Lord snorted coldly, and a circle of halos flowed out of his body. These halos formed an independent world, isolating the evil thoughts around him.

But how easy is the king of the devil?

With a move of her mind, those evil thoughts in the void turned into black flowers, the flowers bloomed, and the evil thoughts exploded one after another!

That extreme force impacted the void domain.

"I will help you too."

The original candle dragon said, stepping out, and the crimson flame spread out around him, which contained the power of the law of time.

Candle Dragon Realm, open!

The Candle Dragon Realm impacted the Void Realm.

The Demon King took advantage of this opportunity to accelerate the erosion of the void domain.

The three fields of origin and existence are colliding, and the barriers of the Hongmeng Great World are all cracked by this force. These breaths escape to the outside of the universe, and the stars and galaxies die under this force.

The clash of origins, even if it is an incomplete clash of origins, its power is extremely terrifying, and it can easily cause the destruction of multiple universes.

This is the most terrifying power of the heavens.

The field of candle dragon, the night of evil.

Under the combined attack of the two forces, the domain of the Void Lord began to collapse.

The laws of space flow around him, and the infinite power of the avenue bursts out!

And the original candle dragon and the devil king also mobilized the avenue in the body, and connected with the avenue of time and the avenue of evil in the middle of the avenue.

The infinite power of the avenue is also running.


In the three major areas, the infinite force of the three great avenues strikes.

The kings only felt that the end was coming, the sky was falling and the earth was cracking, and the avenues in their bodies and the king's hearts were shaking uncontrollably.

"Finally suppressed him."

The eyes of the concubine and the concubines were bright, UU reading, along with the devil king and the original candle dragon teamed up, and the newly broken Void Lord was finally successfully suppressed.

Victory seems to be here.

at this time.

The Lord of the Void screamed, the law of space on his body was circulating, the Void Skyfire was burning, and his aura was increased again!

"Although it hasn't returned to its heyday, using this trick is a bit troublesome, but it's worth it to kill both of you in one go!"

The Void Lord's eyes were cold, and his body gradually merged into the space.

Not this space.

It is integrated into the spatial avenue between the avenues!

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2379 Restoring the Complete Demon King, the Infinite Power of the Three-strand Avenue), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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