Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Why can they, Mingyue has no time to be punished, Xie Tiansheng

Madman Chu did not completely monopolize the dragon blood.

Instead, he gave part of it to Mingyue Wuxian, this time beheading the Lord of the Void, besides him, it was the opponent who contributed the most.

She even lost tens of billions of years of life.

That blue silk, all turned into white hair.

If you don't compensate for anything, it won't be justified.

Afterwards, Madman Chu glanced at the battlefield.

The empty clan, the dragon clan and others had quietly left without knowing when, after all, no one dared to provoke the Chu Madman now.

Staying in the same place is almost looking for death.

"Oh, I'm quite acquainted, but I don't know if you dare to show up next time you meet?" Chu Madman chuckled lightly.

The matter of beheading the Void Lord has come to an end.

Everyone, leave separately.

And as the madman of Chu killed the Void Lord gradually spread, his prestige in the Great World of Hongmeng also reached an unprecedented height.

Especially in Terran.

Even the three major judges are far inferior to him. Now, if he raises his arms, I am afraid that many people will rush out and embrace him as king.

But Kuangren Chu didn't have this plan for the time being.

He just wants to develop Pangu sect well now.

By the way, strive to build the Kingdom of Qi Luck as soon as possible.

Speaking of the Kingdom of Qi Luck, he found that after he killed the Void Lord, his own Qi Luck had increased again, and he was one step closer to building the Kingdom of God.

This made him very curious.

The Lord of the Void is the origin of the Void Race.

Killing him will have a huge impact on the Kong Clan, and will even damage their air luck, and the damaged air luck will be transferred to yourself?

Madman Chu was a little curious.

However, things like luck are illusory and difficult to figure out.

Compared with destiny, it is not much to give up.

He didn't think too much.

It’s always a good thing to have better luck.

See you, Pangu Sect is now thriving, and the monks of the Dao Realm are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Sanqing and other immortals existed, and they advanced to the supreme realm one after another.

Its speed of practice can be said to be a must in the Hongmeng world.


Inside the Holy Land of Heaven and Man.

Mingyue had no time to come back, and many people came out to greet her.

"Sister, you are finally back."

"Sister, how come your hair has turned white."

"what happened?"

Everyone looked at the white-haired bright moon and couldn't help but worry.

But Mingyue Wuxian just said indifferently: "It's okay."

She knew the worries of the younger brothers and sisters, but even if they said it, it would not help her.

"Senior Sister, it is said that a major event happened in the Xutian Spirit World this time. The Lord of the Void appeared but was beheaded by the Madman Chu. Is it true?"

A disciple asked curiously.

Mingyue nodded without time, "Yes."

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"Oh my god, this Madman Chu is too powerful, how much does the Lord of the Void exist, he actually killed him."

"This is incredible."

"You said that Madman Chu would not be the reincarnation of Human Ancestor, otherwise, how could he have such strength? It's incredible."

"It's not impossible..."

Listening to the words of the disciples around, there was a wry smile at the corners of the mouth under the veil of Mingyue Immaculate, the human ancestor was reincarnated...

Only she knew that it was impossible.

Because she saw Ren Zu die with her own eyes.

And it's... soul flies away!

Where did the reincarnation come from?

Thinking of this, Mingyue's eyes darkened.

"No time, come to Zangyu Pavilion."

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

This is the Lord of Heaven and Human Holy Land.

"Everyone, I will leave first."

Mingyue has no time to walk towards the Cangyu Pavilion.

Tibetan jade pavilion.

The place where the Holy Lord of Heaven and Human lives, and now, this Holy Lord looks at the bright moon with white hair and has no time, and there is a complex color in his eyes.

There was surprise, heartache, helplessness, and anger.

"In these years, you have been hiding very deep, and no one has discovered that you are the reincarnation of the sword and spirit of the ancestor of the human ancestor."

"I only awakened my memory a few years ago."

Mingyue has no time to say indifferently.

"The reincarnation of the sword spirit will not be mentioned for the time being. In any case, you are the saint of my holy land in this life. This will not change. Let me ask you why you don't obey the orders of the holy land."

Speaking of this, the voice of the Holy Lord of Heaven was a bit angry.

In the Holy Land of Heaven and Humanity, the words of Heavenly Sage are the supreme will, and even he, the Holy Lord, must obey the dialect of the other party.

But Mingyue had no time, and he dared to openly ignore the other party's orders.

This has offended Tiansheng.

"The Heavenly Sage wants me to ignore the Madman Chu, but the foreigners deceived me the goddess of the human race, and as the goddess of the human race, I have to deal with it."

"What kind of person Chu Madman is, don't you know? He is a king, a freak, and a lunatic. Why do you want to mix with him, even at the mercy of the heavenly sage, and he is still my enemy of the heavenly holy land."


Mingyue had no time to sneer, "The enemy of the human race is the empty race, the dragon race, the curse race, the six-eyed race, the foreign race! Not the human race!"


"Hmph, you are dissatisfied with me."

An indifferent voice echoed.

It was Tiansheng who spoke out.

But I only heard the sound, but didn't see the person.

Mingyue had no time and didn't care, but was silent and did not speak.

Not speaking, it is the default.

"Huh, don't forget your identity!"

Tiansheng snorted coldly.

"Don't dare, I have no time to remember the identity of the human race at all times." Mingyue Wu said, with a little irony in his words.

"What a sword spirit reincarnated, that's all, I think it's because you used to follow human ancestors. As long as you tell me something, you don't care about it. Tell me how you can practice Dafa at ease!"

In the distance, there was a fiery color in Tiansheng's eyes.

He changed the law of freedom.

He wanted this magical way of human ancestors so much.

Different ways.

He transforms all souls.

Having this method is equivalent to having everything!

"That's the way..." Mingyue had no time to look at her eyes, she was still thinking, how could Heavenly Sage easily let go of herself, because she wanted to figure out how to practice the law of his own freedom.

She shook her head and chuckled, "I heard that Tiansheng spent hundreds of years in front of the stone stele on Cangming Mountain after the end of the Human Race election, but found nothing. Don't you know this practice method, ordinary people can't practice it at all."

"Then why can the human ancestors practice, and the madman of Chu can practice?"

Tiansheng's tone was a little irritated.


His heavenly sacred aptitude tops the human race, UU reading www. has also suppressed the era.

He asked himself where he was no worse than the ancestors of the past.

And that madman of Chu.

How can a young king compare with himself?

They can all practice, why can't they do it on their own!

"Oh, because of them, beyond common sense."

Mingyue had no time to chuckle, ignoring the pressure of the Heavenly Sage that had come, she sat in the same place with a straight spine.

After a while, the indifferent voice of the Heavenly Sage came, "The moon is innocent, the eyes have no respect, and he disobeys the holy order, breaks into the land of five failures, and thinks behind closed doors for a million years!"

"Thank Tiansheng!" Mingyue had no time to sneer, and then got up and left, with three thousand white hairs as white as snow.

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