Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : The original gods, the ancient gods war, the first heard of the gods

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Within the palace of the devil.

A slender figure sat on the throne with a lazy posture.

"Wang, King Chu has already arrived."

Grand Duke Succubus came with Madman Chu and bowed in salute.

"Well, I see, you can go down first."


The Succubus Grand Duke turned and left.

And the Demon King looked at Madman Chu, "You are recovering very quickly, the body of the ancestor is indeed very important."

In words, she was not surprised that Madman Chu gained the body of an ancestor, and then pointed to the position beside her, "Sit down."


Madman Chu didn't pretend to be sentimental, and just sat down, "I came here as agreed. Please also ask the Devil King to tell me the whole story."

"Rather than let me say it, let you see for yourself."

The Demon King raised his hand and pointed to his forehead.

An aura emerged.

In an instant.

Picture after picture poured into my mind.

It was a battle that shook the heavens and the earth!

Do not.

It's war!

During that war, Madman Chu saw a treacherous existence, incarnate in boundless darkness, swallowing endless laws, and plunged the heavens into darkness.

There are peerless strong men who have smashed the universe with a single knife, cut the darkness, there is a candle dragon, open eyes for day, closed eyes for night, master the time, there is a majestic beauty, women who do not let the eyebrows, raise their hands to attract the wind and thunder, and smash the stars. …

some of.

There was an existence that attracted the attention of the madman Chu.

It was a man in white.

With a crystal sword hanging on his waist, his figure changes. He is at ease, suppressing everything, no matter how powerful the existence is, it is like a chicken and dog in front of him.

And what contends with him is a man wearing a dark golden robe, a crown on his head, and a prestigious existence. Just a glance, Madman Chu feels that the man's pressure seems to have spanned time and is crushing toward him!

That kind of existence, even if it exists in the memory of the Devil King, is only shown to Madman Chu, it has an unimaginable power...

This war is extremely terrifying.

Almost shattered the heavens.

The monarch level, in such a war, is only high-level cannon fodder.

Only with infinite roads can you have a certain life-saving ability.

The top master can control the situation.

After a long time.

Chu Kuang's talent slowly recovered. He looked at the Demon King, "What kind of war is this? What kind of existence is fighting against you?"

"This is... the battle of the heavens!"

The Demon King said lightly: "In the oldest era of Hongmeng, the Great World of Hongmeng would not be like it is now. It will restart every once in a while. The reason for this is because the Great World of Hongmeng was destroyed."

Madman Chu's pupils shrank slightly.

Hongmeng Great World, this is the origin of the universe!

Countless universes originate from Hongmeng.

Such a world was actually broken? !

"Because of that battle between the heavens and the gods?"


The Demon King slightly nodded, "In the earliest days, when Hongmeng was born, the Three Thousand Dao hadn't fully manifested. That was the era of origin. The origin that everyone dreams of can be seen everywhere in that era."

"And in that era, a group of original existences were born. The Lord of the Void, the Primordial Candle Dragon, the God of Slaughter, the Ancestor, the Beast God, etc. were all creatures born in that era. They called themselves the Primordial Gods! "

"It is the heavens, the oldest existence!"

"Later, the origin gradually dissipated, the three thousand great avenues manifested, and batches of great avenue creatures appeared. Although their power is stronger than the current king, they are not as good as the original, so they surrender to the original gods."

"I am a great creature."

The Demon King looked at Madman Chu and yawned, "Evil bone, this is my real name. It is a bone that has absorbed the evil of all souls. As time goes by, more and more creatures in the Great World of Hongmeng, all souls The evil has made me stronger and stronger. Although it is a great creature, it is not inferior to the original gods. It is one of the few existences that compare with the original."

The original gods, the great creatures...

Madman Chu thought, that era was really magnificent.

The Demon King continued: "I don’t know how long the Great World of Hongmeng will not create creatures on its own. When lonely, the original gods who don’t know how long, some people have begun to try to create life, human race, dragon race, empty race, gods. One race, soul race and other race groups were born because of this."

"The gods have poured deep emotions on the creatures they created, but with time, more and more ethnic groups, and more and more negative emotions of the creatures, the resources of the Hongmeng Great World are limited, but at the beginning The desire of the gods to create is limitless, so war broke out."

"From the battle between races and races, it gradually evolved into an internal struggle between the original gods. Later, a creature created by gods actually killed the gods, and the creatures created by the gods actually possessed Beyond the potential of the gods, the gods felt... fear for the first time!"

"Among them, some of the gods advocate the elimination of all gods created creatures and return the world to the most primitive state, while some gods are unwilling to do so. Under endless disputes, a larger and more fierce battle of gods erupts. This is the reason why the gods fight..."

The Demon King whispered.

After listening to Madman Chu, he couldn't help but sighed, "What you told me, is the war that may occur in the future, is it the war between the heavens and the gods?"


The demon king nodded slightly, "The battle of gods lasted for an epoch, the fall of the gods, the slumber of sleep, the reincarnation of reincarnation, but the battle of gods did not end. The Lord of Destiny once said However, there will be a final epoch in the future, which will put an end to this great battle."

"And now, it is the final era!"

"Whether they are reincarnated or slumbered, these ancient primitives are about to wake up one by one, and the war of gods will come again! This is a war that sweeps the heavens, and no one can stay out of it."

The expression of the demon king gradually became solemn.

Madman Chu just suddenly.

It turns out that the Devil King has been cultivating strong people, all of which are preparing for the upcoming battle of gods.

"In this way, you and the original candle dragon, human ancestors, are the camp that protects the heavens, while the darkness of the end, the master of the void, etc., advocate the destruction of all god-created creatures, and return the world to the original camp of extinction."

"Yes. UU reading"

"Just ask, which of the two camps is stronger now?"

"Well...the Desire camp should be stronger, because in the original battle of God, the original candle dragon and other strong existences fell, the ancestor sacrificed himself in order to seal the gods, and the Destroy camp, others Not to mention, the strongest divine emperor is still alive now," said the demon king.

"The Emperor..."

Madman Chu murmured.

The strongest original.

In his mind, the other side's figure emerged.

That was the emperor in the memory of the Demon King. Just prying, Madman Chu felt his head hit hard by a sacred mountain.

"It can make the human ancestors seal the existence at the cost of life, instead of killing the existence, ha, it seems that it will be a tough battle in the future."

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