Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Gossip? The soul race comes to marry, shut up

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"The Eye of Kendo..."

The Madman Chu showed a pensive expression after hearing what Mingyue had no time to say.

Then he planned to return to Panguzong first.

The two went back together.

While on the way, Madman Chu heard a lot of anecdotes.

Among them, the one that I heard most was naturally about beheading the Lord of the Void, and in addition, the story of his own riot in the Holy Land of Heaven and Man was also spread.

"Have you heard that King Chu rushed into the crown and turned into a red face, hitting the sacred place of heaven and man with a sword, and took away the bright moon without time."

"Wow, this is too romantic."

"The King of Chu is really amazing."

I heard the discussions of the monks all around.

Look at the peach-eyed sisters again.

Madman Chu couldn't help being speechless.

How can this spiritual world be so gossip.

"Hey, there's one more thing that has something to do with King Chu. You all know that the son of the Kong Clan was divorced by the Soul Clan recently."

"You know, Son of Sora, that miserable, he was retired by the soul race Hun Meier, and now he has become the laughing stock of the ten thousand races."

"It's just that this has something to do with King Chu?"

"Of course there is. As far as I know, after Hun Mei'er saw King Chu's grace in the Xutian spirit world, she fell in love at first sight and never forgot. is it alright?"

"The Son of Kong is indeed not comparable to King Chu."

"If it were me, I would definitely choose King Chu too."

Hun Meier?

Madman Chu heard the name, showing a thoughtful look.


I have never heard of it myself.

Can Sorako's divorce be blamed on me?

This gossip, the more it spreads, the more outrageous it gets.

"I know a little about the soul clan Hun Mei'er. It is rumored that this person is well-known and well-known among the tens of thousands of people, but Chu Dao friends are rich in beauty and blessing."

Mingyue had no time to look at Madman Chu and said quietly.

Madman Chu was even more speechless.

It's forbidden for others to say so.

How come you have no time for the bright moon, and the reincarnation of the dignified sword spirit is also known?

"The gossip, nothing is credible."

"Really? I don't think so."

The corners of Mingyue's mouth are slightly tilted.

Fellow Daoist Chu, you don't know anything about your charm.

Shortly after.

Madman Chu, Mingyue had no time to return to Pangu Sect.

He introduced the bright moon to everyone.

Everyone looked at each other curiously.

"It turns out that this is the red face of the Sect Master who is so angry."

"The first goddess of the human race, really good."


"It's no wonder that even the Sect Master is moved."

Everyone was talking in a rush.

Madman Chu heard his head loudly, what a mess of it all.

"I saved Daoist Mingyue because of her meritorious service to the human race, and her deeds in the Holy Land of Heaven and Human are infuriating. That's all, don't think too much."

Madman Chu said helplessly.

"Know, know."

"The Sovereign understands righteousness, we understand."

"By the way, brother, sister Linglong wants you to visit her."

Chu Hong said suddenly.

Hearing this, Madman Chu couldn't help but chuckle.

"Is there a problem?"

"do not know."

Isn't it for the bright moon to have no time?

and many more.

Why should I think about this.

I am a madman who has been acting all his life, with a high spirit and a clear conscience.

What a guilty conscience.

Thinking of this, Madman Chu went to Gu Linglong.

"Friend Lan Yu, that Linglong sister in your mouth is the Sect Master's Taoist companion?" Mingyue asked curiously.


Lan Yu nodded.

Looking at Mingyue, she solemnly added: "The son and Sister Linglong walked step by step, and they are in love with each other. The love between husband and wife is deep."

"Heh, fellow Daoist Lan Yu, don't worry, I know this."

Mingyue didn't have time to know what Lan Yu was worried about.

She admitted.

He really had a little meaning for Chu Madman.

But it is also more of appreciation.

It's not as speculated by the outside world.

Inside the hall.

Gu Linglong is meeting guests.

Chu Kuang had just returned, and during his absence, most of the Zongmen's affairs were handled by Gu Linglong.

Just like now.

"Sister Gu, you have been with King Chu for so many years, do you know what he likes most?" A charming and enchanting woman looked at Gu Linglong, smiling and asking about Chu Madman.

This woman is exactly the soul clan Hun Mei'er.

When Gu Linglong heard the words, she glanced at her and said lightly: "The husband likes a lot of things, fine wine, swords, calligraphy and painting, etc."

"It's a coincidence. We brought a lot of fine wines this time, as well as a few supreme treasure swords, I hope he will like it."

"Oh, the soul race has a heart."

Gu Linglong glanced at the many treasures in front of her, her mouth slightly tilted.

The skin smiles but the flesh does not smile.

"By the way, Sister Gu, would you say that King Chu would agree to our proposal?" Hun Mei'er asked with a smile again.

"It depends on your means. If you can capture your husband, then I have nothing to say." Gu Linglong said lightly.

"The little girl still has some confidence in herself."

Hun Mei'er stroked her hair lightly.

Just such a small gesture revealed a kind of amorous feelings, and the young monk in the main hall took a look, his face flushed.

Madman Chu walked into the hall.

I saw Hun Mei'er and others, and knew that they were from the Soul Race.

"King Chu..."

After seeing Madman Chu coming, Hun Mei'er immediately greeted him with a charming smile on his face, wanting to say hello.

But Madman Chu passed her directly, walked in front of Gu Linglong, and asked curiously: "Linglong, what can you do with me?"

Beside, the smile on Hun Mei'er's face stiffened.

She is such a big beauty, didn't the other party see it?

"Husband, you are back."

Gu Linglong smiled faintly, and then looked at Hun Mei'er and the others and said, "Husband, let me introduce you. These are the patriarchs of the soul clan and his daughter, Hun Meier, who came here for... marriage Alliance."

"Marriage and alliance?"

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

And the patriarch of the soul took a step forward, "Under the patriarch of the soul, I have seen the king of Chu, and I have heard of the name of the king of Chu, and I finally saw it today."

"Hun Mei'er has seen King Chu." Hun Mei'er also quickly recovered from the embarrassment of being ignored, and saluted the madman Chu.

She was wearing a low-cut long skirt, her waist was like a willow, with a full grip, her waist was bent, and the gully in front of her chest was directly in front of Madman Chu.

The gloomy gully seemed to attract people's eyes to explore.

This is temptation.

Gu Linglong's eyes flickered, a little gloomy.

Madman Chu was calm and composed, showing no strangeness, and said lightly: "The so-called marriage alliance of the soul race, can you elaborate on it."

The soul clan chief laughed and said: "I deliberately marry the little girl Hun Mei'er to the king of and my soul clan form an eternal friendship."

I see.

Madman Chu's mouth twitched.

The outside world said that Hun Meier went to the empty clan to divorce for herself.

He thought it was just groundless.

Now it seems that this is really the case, what is this called?

"The Patriarch Soul is joking. I already have a wife in Xia Xia, so we must never do anything about marriage." The madman Chu sternly refused.

"The king of Chu is amazing. Even if you have a wife, you can't stop the little girl's affection for you. Besides, this man, three wives and four concubines are normal, let alone such outstanding people as King Chu, even if it is a harem. Three thousand..."

"Shut up!"


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