Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : For a few 0 years, all kinds of frost and sky compete freely, the method of the madm

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The madman of Chu stayed in the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land for more than a few months. Among them, in addition to discussing Dharma practice with the Buddha, he also discussed some other things.

Before he left, he found Zhunti, and the others,

"This is the Jidao practice method, the sword seal of the King of Fudo Ming, and the Bodhi Samadhi." The madman Chu took out a jade slip, gave it to Zhunti, and invited several people.

Looking at the jade slip in their hands, several people were a little confused.

You must know that even if these things were given by the madman of Chu, even if they were placed in the entire Heavenly Buddha Pure Land, they were still the supreme practice, and even the emperor of the Buddha would be moved by it.

But now, the other party just gave it to them.

There is no attachment at all.

This really surprised them.

"The reason for giving you these things is that I just hope that you will become stronger quickly, and it is best to grow to a level that can control the Pure Land of the Heavenly Buddha."

Madman Chu said.

After learning about the God War, he felt a sense of urgency.

Want to be strong quickly.

Want more, integrate the entire human race!

Only when the entire human race is united can it exert the strongest strength in the battle of gods, and he needs to let the entire human race become a force.

Tianfo Pure Land is a holy land of the human race, extremely powerful and profound.

Madman Chu wants to control the entire human race, and there is no way to get around these holy places anyway, so he has to make arrangements in advance.

"I'll see it later."

Zhun mentioned, several people nodded.

At this time, they were already convinced of Chu Madman.

In the past, in the Pangu universe, they might be hostile to the Chu Madman for the battle of belief, but now, in the face of the future battle of gods that will sweep the entire heavens, their so-called battle of belief is not worth mentioning.

After arranging everything, Madman Chu left.

After he left.

Zhunti, the lead received the summons of the Buddha Emperor.

"Chun mentions and leads, you two have been in my pure land for a while. The Dharma is advanced and deeply convinced by the monks. Today, I give you the qualifications of missionary work for you and others. You can open temples in the pure land to promote the Dharma. ."

The Buddha Emperor said lightly.

Hearing what he said, the two of them looked overjoyed.

To know.

This has always been one of their goals.

Originally, they thought that to complete this goal, it would take another epoch, but now, it is actually ahead of schedule.

They unanimously thought of Madman Chu.


This definitely has something to do with the other party.

It seems that the other party has reached some agreement with the Buddha Emperor.

"Thank you Buddha Emperor."

The two of them should bow and salute.

In the Pure Land, a new path of spiritual practice began.

And the other side.

After the Madman Chu left the Pure Land, he came directly to the demon territory.

"Evil Bone Claw, it's been a long time since I saw it."

The Demon King stroked the evil bone claws in his hand, and the dark claws buzzed, bursting out an extremely powerful breath.

Madman Chu secretly felt his heart palpitations from the side.

no doubt.

The level of this evil bone claw is still above the dragon blade.

"Little guy, I'm sorry for you this time."

The Demon King smiled.

"You're welcome, you have helped me so much. I'm just reciprocating." Madman Chu smiled, and didn't ask for any payment.


If the Devil King is asked to come forward in person, if the two parties cannot agree, the Heavenly Buddha Pure Land may have been destroyed by the other party how many times.

After chatting with the Demon King a few words, Madman Chu left.

He returned to Panguzong.

During the next period of time, they were not going out.

Either snorkel, or visit the mountains and rivers.

Life is so happy.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

During this period of time, the Hongmeng Great World was also surging, and all forces vaguely felt that there would be a major change in the future.

Everyone is riveting enough to improve their strength.

This led to the emergence of several kings within this era.

This has surprised countless people.

You know, it was very difficult to see in past epochs.

For example, the last era.

It was a million years after the beginning of the era that King Lan was born, and the number of kings was less than five fingers in the entire era.

But in this era, only a few short thousand years have passed.

Kings appeared one after another.

"This is the Lord of the Void, is the ultimate era called by the Darkness of Doomsday? It really is incredible."

"This era is truly extraordinary, and it will change drastically."

"Final Era... does it mean the last epoch? Will the heavens disappear after this epoch?"

"Oh, eventful autumn."

"I must get ahead in this era!"

"This era is a major change that has never been seen in the past. Various opportunities are emerging in an endless stream. I must seize the opportunity."

Hongmeng Great World.

Some people are worried because of this era.

Some people, because of this era, have high morale and desire to compete with Tiangong.

It can be described as the freedom of all kinds of frost and sky competition.



Somewhere above the mountain peak.

Madman Chu sat cross-legged facing the rising sun.

Around him, there are a series of laws surrounding him, which is amazing, and in the faint, these laws are intertwined and circulated, turning into thousands of monarchs.

This scene simply violated the common sense of Hongmeng Great World's practice.

This kind of thing can only be done by Madman Chu.

For thousands of years.

Madman Chu had traveled all over the Hongmeng Great World, met various kings outside of the human race or human race, used him to transform the Dharma of Freedom, and he transformed a statue of Dharma and various practices.

He compiled and compiled these practices and put them in the Panguzong Collection Pavilion.

It can be said that the current Panguzong Collection Book Pavilion is the place that contains the most and most mysterious practice among the heavens, and it is not an exaggeration.

Of course, in addition to use to enhance the Pangu Sect's background.

His main purpose is to collect the dharma aspects of each king, and with the help of evolving thousands of dharma aspects, he can construct his own monarch dharma aspects!

And at this point, he already had an eye on it.

Behind him, the emperor's dharma dissipated.


It is a statue of a king dressed in white.

This method looks the same as the madman of Chu.

His eyes are like the sun and the moon, the stars above his head, the yin and yang chaos with his feet, the reincarnation of life and death with his hands, and his body is surrounded by the power of thousands of laws.

It was just a ray of breath that caused the surrounding void to explode crazily.


There are numerous restrictions laid down by the madman of Chu in advance.

This didn't let the breath leak out.

But even so, the heavy restrictions were humming and shattering, and the Madman Chu saw this and slowly put away the face of the Buddha.

"The power of this image is really terrifying."

Rao is the Chu Madman himself, and UU reading can't help but be a little surprised.

But when he thought that this image was constructed by his own use of three thousand laws and deduced countless monarchs, the Madman Chu felt reasonable.

This is the face of his madman Chu.

Can it be great?

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first form of the heavens!


Within the Pangu Sect, a tyrannical aura burst out, and a heart-palpitating soul wave spread out, which was eye-catching.

"Oh, someone broke through the king again... it's her."

Madman Chu was quite surprised.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 2404, Thousands of Years, Freedom in the Frost and the Sky, and the Law of the Mad Man of Chu), and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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