Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Amazing luck value, come and fight with me

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In Pangu Sect, everyone has the appearance of a king!

This kind of thing stunned the monks of the ten thousand races.

Even the concubine and the landlord were shocked.

What kind of monster sect is this.

Everyone has this kind of luck, how can this make others live?

"It's impossible, there must be something weird in it."

"That Lan Yu, not even a king, how can there be such a huge blessing of luck, what is the situation?"

"Is it crazy, or the world is crazy."

Even the concubine and the landlord were shocked.

This scene is indeed beyond imagination.

They knew that Chu Kuang had huge luck in his body, and that part of the human luck was also concentrated on him, but they didn't expect that these luck would be so great that even the monks of Pangu Sect were affected by him.

Everyone is blessed with great luck.

"Ha, I see who would dare to say that my human race is not the protagonist of heaven and earth."

The landlord chuckled lightly.

Some of the kings of the ten thousand races heard the words, and their faces became a little gloomy. Such luck is really worthy of being the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Among them, it is not easy to have a Qi Luck value of over 10,000 in the clan. Pangu Sect is good, all of them are over 10,000, and the ones that reach 100,000 and hundreds of thousands are even more mad. pole.

The emotional human race is not in decline.

And the children of Qiyun are all concentrated in Panguzong.

"This Pangu Sect will be great in the future."

"Yes, with so many children of luck, Panguzong's future achievements are far above the holy land of the three giants of the human race."

"Well, when these children of luck have grown up, the entire Hongmeng Great World will only be in charge of Pangu Sect."

"Wait, the people of Pangu Sect are so lucky, so what kind of luck does the Madman Chu, who is the leader of Pangu Sect, have?"

Everyone looked at Madman Chu curiously.

Some people have even more fiery eyes.

The cultivators of Pangu Sect are all so highly praised, so as the master of Pangu Sect and the first king of the era, what is the value of his luck?

"I guess there is a million luck."

"At least a million luck starts."

"Tsk tsk, this scale of luck, I'm afraid it's unprecedented."

Everyone's eyes focused on Madman Chu.

And this time.

The concubine sent a message to the madman Chu: "King Chu, you can hide your luck value so as not to attract more people."

Test your luck, you can understand yourself.

But if it is too large, it is easy to attract attention.

After entering the mysterious yellow realm of Qi Yun, I am afraid that it will immediately become the target of the ten thousand races. You must know that this time it is planned to enter the mysterious yellow realm of Qi Yun, but not only the young generation of the ten thousand races, but some ancient kings are planning to intervene.

Mad people of Chu can suppress the younger generation.

Even most veteran kings are not his opponents, but that doesn't mean that he can fight against all the kings of the ten thousand races on his own.

Hearing the reminder from the concubine, Madman Chu's mouth turned slightly.

But he stepped forward and went straight to the front of Xuanhuang Menfei.

Seeing this scene, the concubine smiled helplessly, "I know that with his crazy temperament, he will never hide his head and show his tail, especially in front of the monks of the ten thousand races, it is absolutely impossible to show his timidity."

Some kings of the ten thousand clan showed their appreciation.

"Good spirit, worthy of the rumored King Chu."

"It's really not afraid of fear."

There are also some kings showing mockery.

"I don't know about Cangzhuo, it's really looking for death."

"Alright, I also want to see how much luck I can get by defeating him."

Everyone looked at Madman Chu.

I saw the other party slowly walked to the front of the Xuanhuang door.

Xianhui on the door flickered, and then there was no movement, and the Qi Luck value did not show up after a while.

This surprised everyone.

You know, just measured the luck value of so many people, this Xuanhuangmen didn't stop at all, why is it crashing now?

"It's not that the madman Chu's luck is too huge, this Xuanhuang Menfei will not be able to react for a while."


"Tsk tusk, what a huge amount of luck this must be."

Everyone stared at the door.

The next moment.

I saw Xuanhuangmen Fei fighting with an extremely bright divine light, this divine light was as high as one hundred thousand zhang, one million zhang, ten million zhang, until the immeasurable brilliance.

It seems to illuminate the entire Hongmeng world.

And in this incomparably bright brilliance, the Xuanhuang Gate shook frantically, the characters on it swam like tadpoles, and the various rare and exotic animals on it seemed to have come back to life, roaring.

The unprecedented vision caused everyone's mind to be turbulent.


Above Madman Chu, a numerical value flickered crazily.

One hundred thousand.


Ten million.

Twenty million.

thirty million……

That value is climbing at an incredible speed.

Soon it broke through tens of thousands of luck.

Everyone could just swallow their saliva. This kind of luck was too terrifying, so terrible that countless people wondered if they were dreaming.

Boom, boom...

Between heaven and earth.

The aura of Hongmeng boiled for it, condensing blossoming purple lotus.

The strange beast above the Xuanhuang Gate also rushed out of the door, surrounded the Madman Chu, crawling on the ground, and roaring in bursts.

Immeasurable light.

Reiki Hualian.

Ten thousand beasts creep.

Various visions appeared one after another.

And the value of Qi Luck on Chu Kuangren's head was still changing.

Forty million, fifty million...

In the end, it reached an astonishing nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, and the series of nines made everyone feel swaying.

Some people kept counting the series of nines.

Counted it several times in succession.

"This, what the **** is this luck value?!"

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine?? How can there be such a value of luck? This is impossible, impossible."

"It's not right, you see that the luck value is still flashing."

Someone noticed.

The Qi Luck value on Chu Kuangren's head was still flashing, as if he wanted to go up, but he was restricted by some kind of power.

Some kings have guessed.

"This is not the true value of Chu Kuangren's luck! His real luck value is still above this, but it has exceeded the measurement limit of this mysterious yellow door, my God, how terrifying this is!!"

"This luck value is out of the blue!"

"Oh my God."

Countless people looked at the Madman Chu, who was enveloped by the dazzling divine light and whose luck seemed boundless, with a strong shock and inconceivability in their eyes.

You know, the value of luck for breaking ten thousand will be like a king.

And Madman Chu's luck value...

Everyone can't imagine the height that the other party can reach in the future.

There were also many monks looking at Madman Chu with fiery eyes, full of greed, and they wished to replace him.

Before, they didn't have this opportunity.

But now has it.

As long as he defeats the Madman Chu in the Xuanhuang Realm of Qi Luck, he can take his Qi Luck as his own and become the person with the strongest Qi Luck in this world!

Son of Sora, Zhuyang, Ancestral Dragon King, Celestial Patriarch and other kings of all races and even human kings looked at Madman Chu with extremely greedy eyes.

Madman Chu also noticed these people's gazes.

He smiled on his face, opened his arms, and said loudly: "Do you want this kind of luck in me?! Then come and kill me!"

"Kill me, this luck is yours!"

"To rule the king and hegemony, but wait a moment. With this kind of luck, you can even dominate the heavens! So, come on, pick up the weapons in your hands, and use up what you have learned throughout your life, assassination, sneak attack, poisoning, siege, use Come and fight with me... by any means, at all costs!!"


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