Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : Huge temptation, cunning poisonous mist, you are fooled

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Qiyun Xuanhuangjie.

In a valley.

Madman Chu was collecting the spar scattered after the alien beast was killed.

There are a lot of these spars, and they contain a lot of luck. They add up to a good harvest, and Madman Chu is quite satisfied.

However, he suddenly sensed something, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"Come out."

Madman Chu said lightly.


Dozens of figures rushed out of the void.

These people, apart from anything else, directly combined into a powerful formation, blocking the Madman Chu in it, and starting to urge the power of the law.

"Mad Chu, we want your luck!"

One of them said loudly.

As the formations flowed, countless rune prohibitions rose into the air.

"A group of ants that the king hasn't reached, who on earth gave you such courage?" Madman Chu couldn't help but sneered.

He could tell.

Among these monks, the strongest cultivation base is Dao Zhizun. Although the laws have been condensed, they are too far away from the emperor.

"Hmph, we are not your opponent alone, but together, the power of this formation can definitely suppress you!"

The monk headed by that was obviously very confident in his formation.

Madman Chu glanced at the formation, and it was indeed not uncommon, but in front of his formation at the top of the list, it was tantamount to making an axe.

He slapped it casually.

With a bang, the power of the majestic law came out.

In the blink of an eye, the huge circle was disintegrated on the spot.

One by one monks flew out, vomiting blood.

Many people even collapsed and were sent out of the Profound Yellow Realm of Qi Luck.

A series of invisible luck, gathered towards Chu Madman.

"How can it be?!"

The monk who was in the lead was taken aback, but Madman Chu slapped him casually, and the rest of the people were also shot out of the Profound Yellow Realm of Qi Luck by him.

"It's really people who die for money, so with such a little strength, you dare to trouble me?" Chu Kuangren shook his head and sneered.

The luck in him was too great, and the monks of the ten thousand races coveted him very much, and even took risks and took risks.

After all, he couldn't die in this Xuanhuang Realm.

Why not try it?

If this is to succeed, it will be an unimaginable great fortune!

No one is unmoved.

After the madman Chu had absorbed the luck of everyone, he refined the luck contained in the spar of the strange beasts, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He continued to walk in the Xuanhuang Realm of Qi Luck.

There is no hidden trace.

He even released his breath unscrupulously.

Many people are eyeing him.

"Look, it's Madman Chu!"

"I didn't expect him to dare to be so swagger now. Didn't he know that there are people who want to kill him and get luck?"

"Ha, he is Madman Chu, what is he afraid of?"

"That's right. Since he dared to say that, he was obviously mentally prepared for a long time. Even, this may be his strategy. The cultivators of all races want to take his luck, and he doesn't want to take away the anger of the cultivators of all races. transport?"

"Hey, brother, do you want to give it a go?"

"You can't die anyway, don't fight for nothing!"


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Silhouettes rushed towards Madman Chu from all directions.

The number is tens of thousands.

Among them, even the Hunyuan realm, the Hedao realm, and even the monks of the Daluo Jinxian level have come to blend in.

These monks were not worth mentioning like ants in the presence of Madman Chu.

But ants often kill elephants.

Everyone adhered to this idea and rushed out frantically.

"Haha, I don't believe it, he is really invincible."

"Yes, no matter how powerful a person is, there will be flaws. He can't fight forever. I don't believe he won't be tired!"

"It makes sense, brothers, kill!"

"Kill him, we share supreme luck!"

All kinds of practice methods, overwhelming Chu madmen flooded.

The momentum is huge and the light is brilliant.

This energetic ocean can even submerge a universe.

But Madman Chu stood still, his sword fingers condensed, his eyes flashing like electricity.

Swipe in the air casually.

Thousands of sword auras whizzed, tearing apart the ocean of energy.

Wherever the sword qi went, the cultivators vomited blood one after another and flew upside down.

Then his body dissipated and he was sent out of the Xuanhuang Realm.

A few tricks down.

There were as many as tens of thousands of monks'dead' in the hands of Madman Chu, and their luck was also absorbed by Madman Chu madly.

"Not enough, not enough."

Madman Chu whispered.

At this point of air luck, it was far from condensing the kingdom of air luck.

With a big wave, the infinite realm unfolds!


The monks in the infinite realm exploded one after another, and in front of the majestic space power, there was no power to fight back at all.

Shortly after.

A spot of blood was left beside Madman Chu.

But there was no corpse.

"This Xuanhuang Realm of Qi Luck is truly mysterious, defeating other people, taking away Qi Luck, heh, interesting." Chu Madman muttered.

He just defeated tens of thousands of monks.

A conservative estimate has brought him nearly one hundred thousand luck values.

Naturally, this is not the sum of the aura of these monks. A large part of this is absorbed by the Xuanhuang Realm of Qiyun.

Madman Chu continued to move forward.

Along the way.

He met all kinds of monks who wanted to take his luck.

Some of these people were assassinated, some attacked, some poisoned, some secretly laid traps, and some even wanted to seduce the Mad Chu with their beauty.

Unfortunately, none of them worked.

It is too difficult to seize the luck of the madman of Chu.

at this time.

A purple poisonous mist swept across in front of him.

Wherever the purple poisonous fog went, the herbs withered, and all souls died, as if the black fog was synonymous with death.

"Oh, this breath..."

Madman Chu also noticed that in the black mist, the power of law flows.

A figure fled in embarrassment.

Madman Chu glanced, and seemed a little curious. It was a woman in a long black dress with a panic on her face.

And the woman also saw Madman Chu.

"This son, save me!"

The black woman Ewha made a plea for help with rain.

Behind her, an old man in black robes chased unhurriedly, with a purple mist on his body, apparently the creator of this poisonous mist.

"Hey, Niang Pi, you can't escape."

The old man Ziwu looked at the woman in the black dress hiding behind Madman Chu, and sneered, then looked at Madman Chu, "Who are you who dare to stop me Taoist Ziwu, don't you want to live anymore?!"

The Taoist Ziwu raised his hand and shot a poisonous mist. The mist was very strange, seemingly light and fluttering, but it was extremely powerful.

Has reached the level of kings.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and a crack was drawn in the void.

The poisonous mist dissipated directly.

The old man Ziwu was even knocked out on the spot.

at this time.

A sharp blade with flickering cold light suddenly pierced out of Madman Chu's back!

The person who made the shot was the woman in the black dress!

"Ha, Madman Chu, you have been fooled!"

The woman held a sharp blade, her eyes sparkled with joy.

This attack hit Madman Chu fiercely, but her face became completely stiff in the next instant.

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