Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 281: : All avenues enter the venue one after another, the 13th prefect of city 1

Chapter 281 All the main roads enter one after another, the thirteen prefects of the first city

time flies.

Soon, it was time for the competition to begin.

Madman Chu led a group of disciples to the central square of City One, where there was an extremely huge battlefield.

After passing a gloomy corridor, Madman Chu and others entered the arena.

In an instant, the light illuminates them, and they are surrounded by millions of spectators on the arena.

Some were sitting in the spectator stand, some standing, and some floating in the air, almost impenetrable than the surroundings of the arena.

When Madman Chu came with the people of Xuan Tianzong, the crowd suddenly burst into shouts.

"Look, it's from Xuan Tianzong."

"The one who walks in the forefront is the Madman Chu, the head of Xuan Tianzong! The rumor is that he has cut three saints in a row within this year."

"Oh my god, this man is as rumors as he is, extraordinary, how nice it would be to spend a good night with him."

"Daydream about you."

"I heard that Tianjizi gave him a comment a few days ago, who is the head of Tianjiao, and Xuantian has a madman! He was directly listed as the first person under Tianjiao today, which shows how amazing this person is."

"Tianjizi's evaluation is too high."

After entering the venue, countless spectators were talking about it, especially Madman Chu, who almost attracted the attention of everyone present.

In addition to his appearance and temperament, there are many more rumors about him, which make people have to care.

"Head, you are very popular."

Nangong Huang said to Chu Madman.

"In this competition for supremacy, you are the protagonists. All give me a bit of anger, and let the world see the strength of my Xuantianzong."

Madman Chu said lightly, he didn't care about the scorching gaze of the millions of people, and he looked like he was not surprised.

In the arena, other saints also entered the arena.

"Look, it's from Fengyun Mountain."

"Well, the people from the Linghu family are also here. Except for the Murong family who has been beheaded by the two saints, the strongest kendo sect in the sky stars is here. This competition must be very exciting."

"Do you still need to say? There are also the White Tiger Territory Heavenly King Palace, the overlord saint of the Xuanwu Territory, and the Tianyin Sect of the Vermillion Bird Territory. These are also the famous saints' orthodoxy. This competition is really a feast of arrogance!

"Yes, look at the leading Tianjiao. It is either the young emperor or one of the ten outstanding young people. More than half of the most outstanding young people in the world have gathered here. It is so rare."

The saints entered the hall one after another, causing many people to exclaim.

As soon as the saints of the Taoist line entered the scene, they looked in the direction of Xuan Tianzong, to be precise, in the direction of Madman Chu.

"Chu madman..." The young emperor of Linghu's family, Ling Huteng, looked at each other, his eyes flashed with deep fear and even fear!

He used to fight Madman Chu in the Jianlou, but the result was a disastrous defeat. Later, when he heard the news that Madman Chu had killed the two great saints of Murong's family, he almost collapsed with fright.

At that time he knew that the gap between himself and the other party might be so great that he could not catch up in his entire life.

The direction of Fengyun Mountain.

Young Emperor Ling Feng looked at Madman Chu with extremely complicated eyes.

In the old days in the sword tower, he was overwhelmed by the madman Chu's sword skills so that he could not even make a single sword. This matter was already a knot of his heart.

Later, after he heard of Madman Chu's deeds, he was immediately behind him, and he was not worth mentioning as a so-called sword lunatic.

What the other party does is really crazy!

Except for Ling Huteng and Ling Feng, many other Tianjiao are also carefully observing Chu Madman.

For this person, they are too curious.

Everyone is a tianjiao, why are you so good?

To be the head, but also to behead the saints, and the Divine Phoenix to recognize the master, to move the world and thoroughly compare everyone.

Among these people, some have jealousy in their eyes, some are unwilling, and some are eager to fight...

In the direction of the Overlord Saint Clan, Saint Cang Yuan suddenly gasped after seeing Xiao Hong on the shoulder of Madman Chu.

"It's him!"

"It was him that day!"

Saint Cangyuan's heart is lingering.

Next to him, an elder in black noticed his strangeness and asked in confusion, "Sage Son Cangyuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Elder, he is the person I told you about." Shengzi Cangyuan swallowed and said solemnly.

Hearing this, the black-clothed elder's expression changed slightly, and then looked at Saint Cang Yuan and said: "You can still stand here, luck."

"Elder, don't come here unharmed."

At this time, the people of the White Lotus Sect walked up.

The White Lotus Sect Master saluted the madman Chu slightly, and said respectfully.

"Master, you are here too."


Several people were chatting.

Madman Chu was also observing other people in secret, but after a few glances, he was short of interest. The people who came were basically the leaders of the major sages, and there was no saint.

In other words, the saint was hiding in the dark and did not show up.

"It's a pity that the elders can't participate in this hegemony contest, otherwise, I'm afraid they will be the leader." Bai Lian said with a smile.

Madman Chu smiled faintly: "They are all heads. How can they fight fiercely with a group of juniors and lose their status."

Everyone rolled their eyes upon hearing this.


Please, be sober and see how old you are?

But they complained about it, but no one dared to refute it, or they should be thankful that the madman Chu had such an idea.

Otherwise, Madman Chu came out to compare with this group of arrogances, who could be compared, and they would not be able to beat all the arrogances completely.

However, the major leaders thought so. Some Tianjiao looked at Chu Madman, but they were unhappy in how they looked at it.

"Is this guy using our status to press us? Or are we people who are not worthy of being compared with him?"

"Junior? Go to his junior."

"I really want to compete with him if I have a chance."

The people here are the most outstanding young people of our time, and they naturally have their own arrogance in their hearts. Even if they know that they are probably not the opponents of Mad Chu, they can't help but compare with them.

To put it bluntly, it means to be beaten up by society.

at this time.

Three streams of light descended from the sky and came to everyone.

These three streamers are two men and one Everyone has a powerful Taoist rhyme, and they are all supreme supreme!

Seeing them, a different color flashed in the eyes of everyone present.

"It's them, the third of the thirteen prefects of City One."

"It's eleven, twelve, and thirteen prefects."

"They are the referees in this competition."

"It is rumored that there are thirteen prefects in the first city, and each of them are super masters, especially the first few. They rarely show up. There are rumors that the first three prefects are all... saints!"

"Yes, it is precisely because of these thirteen prefects that the status of the first city in the white tiger region is extremely high, not even weaker than the palace of the heavenly kings, otherwise, why dare this first city call itself the first city in the world?"

The Madman Chu's Eye of Insight was working, and he glanced at these prefects. The female was the eleventh prefect, and the two men were the twelfth and thirteenth prefects. Both were stronger than the ordinary Supreme Supreme.

(End of this chapter)

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