Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 325: : The imperial treasure appears, who dare to force me to leave

Chapter 325 The Emperor Level Treasure Appears, Who Dares To Force Me To Leave

After killing the Ebon Blade Saint, Thousand Moon Saint sighed in relief and uttered a long roar to the sky, "Qianyin, I take revenge for you!!"

Madman Chu watched by the side, silently retracting the hook.

"Thank you Chu Daoist for your help." After Sage Qianyue vented his emotions, he walked to Madman Chu and bowed and said.

"No need to be polite."

Madman Chu said indifferently, he showed curiosity, "I just don't know what festival this saint and fellow Taoist have, which makes you hate it so much."

"This matter is a long story." Saint Qianyue smiled bitterly.

She said the matter briefly.

It turned out that Saint Thousand Moon had a younger sister who traveled the world when she was young and met the Saint Ei Feng who also traveled at the time.

The two met and knew each other and loved each other, and then the sister of Saint Thousand Moon even ignored the opposition of the White Lotus Cult and resolutely followed the Saint Black Blade to settle overseas and became the wife of the island owner of Black Wind Island.

But the years have changed, and the Ebon Saint has also changed.

In order to be holy through the calamity, the Ebon Saint sacrificed his lover to a terrifying existence called a snake **** overseas.

After learning of this news, Saint Thousand Moon was filled with grief and indignation, and went to Black Wind Island, but because of limited power, he was unable to take revenge.

"For these years, if I didn't want to guard the White Lotus Cult, even if I spared my life, I would drag this scum to die together!"

"Unexpectedly, when I came to explore this unknown island this time, I would meet this person again, and I would have to help Daoist Chu. I am very grateful to Qian Yue."

Saint Thousand Moon salutes again.

It can be seen that she is indeed very grateful to Mad Man Chu, and the dignified saints salute people one after another.

"Friend Qianyue doesn't need to be polite, Xuantianzong and Bailian Sect are in the same spirit, and this scumbag is indeed for everyone."

Madman Chu glanced at the corpse of the black front saint on the ground, raised his hand to display the gluttonous technique, and sucked it into the gluttonous space for refining.

Seeing this, a touch of happiness appeared in the eyes of Saint Qianyue.

This Ebon Saint is best without a dead body.

"Speaking of which, I am quite interested in the snake god. Do Fellow Qianyue knows where this is sacred?" Madman Chu asked.

Sage Thousand Moon shook his head, "The origin of the snake **** is mysterious. I only know that the power is very terrifying. It is a **** enshrined in 36 islands overseas, and he will offer a lot of sacrifices every once in a while."

"Even the saint bows down to him?"


The Thousand Moon Sage nodded slightly.

"It seems that it is indeed a terrifying existence." Madman Chu showed a thoughtful color, and then temporarily put the matter in his heart.


At this time, the island shook suddenly.

I saw ripples in the distant space, and an extremely heavy imperial power swept across the island instantly!

This imperial Dao pressure is far stronger than before.

Madman Chu's expression moved slightly, and he looked into the distance.

"Three thousand miles to the south, there is a quasi-emperor..."

"Three thousand miles to the south, there is a broken emperor..."

"Three thousand miles to the south, there is a damaged imperial soldier..."

Feedback from the treasure hunt came.

He can accurately perceive the breath of those treasures.

"The means to isolate these treasures has disappeared." Madman Chu showed a touch of surprise in his eyes, and then he swept towards the center of the island.

Thousand Moon Sage saw this and followed closely behind.

The center of the unnamed island.

A thatched hut suddenly appeared here, and that extremely strong imperial Dao coercion was revealed from the hut.

The saints on the island are aware of this breath coming.

Soon, the hut was surrounded by saints one hundred feet away, but within one hundred feet, no one dared to set foot easily.

Within a hundred feet of the hut, it was like a forbidden place.

"This island is overseas, not within the four realms, so the things in this hut should belong to my overseas saint."

At this time, an overseas saint said.

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the overseas saints also took it seriously.

"Yes, Liu Sheng is right."

"Don't talk about the things in this hut. Logically speaking, this entire unnamed island should belong to my 36 overseas islands. It is all your kindness to allow you four-domain saints to come and explore."

"Yes, please leave now."

Overseas saints began to crowd out saints from the four realms.

The face of the Four Domain Saints is not very good.

"You are too overbearing overseas. This nameless island is an island without owners. Why do you say it belongs to you? Is it because you live on the sea? It's just a laugh."

Second Ancestor Xuantian snorted coldly.

The saints of the other four realms also supported it.

"The second ancestor Xuantian is right. According to this logic, I live in the Vermillion Bird Territory. Wouldn't it be mine?"

"That's it, it's ridiculous not to draft anything."

The saints of the four realms, overseas saints scolded hard.

But what can be clearly seen is that the Saints of the Four Realms are obviously at a disadvantage. After all, this is overseas, and it is the territory of overseas Saints.

When the unnamed islands appeared, the 36 islands overseas were the fastest to be discovered, and the number of saints who came was the most, up to 30.

And the saints of the four realms are far away, although they have all sensed the situation of the nameless island, but now there are less than twenty here.

"Huh, in a nutshell, this hut has returned overseas. The monks of the four domains must not interfere, otherwise we can't blame us for being ruthless."

An overseas saint snorted coldly.

He is the leading saint in this area, and one of the most powerful saints in the field. He has reached the level of a great saint.

Hearing what he said, the sages of the four realms were very dissatisfied. Some of the hot-tempered people even rolled up their sleeves and prepared to fight, but they were stopped by some sane sages.

There are many sages overseas, and if there is a fight, the situation is not optimistic for the sages of the four realms.

"Damn it, do you want to watch these overseas saints so arrogant?" a saint said unwillingly.

"Please leave, please."

The sage leading overseas said lightly.

"Saint Wanshui, do you really want to do this?"

Second Ancestor Xuantian said coldly.

"So what!" Wanshui Saint snorted coldly, "If you don't leave again, don't blame us for asking you to leave!"

As soon as this statement was made, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense.

One by one overseas saints stood behind Wanshui saints, their eyes looking at the saints of the four realms with extremely cold eyes.

It seems that you can do it at any time.

"Oh, I want to see who dares to ask me to leave!"

At this time, an indifferent voice floated into everyone's ears.

I saw two people coming from behind the four-domain, a man and a woman respectively, and it was the young man walking in the front who spoke.

"It's the White Lotus Sage Thousand Moon Sage, and... Madman Chu!"

"he came!"

The saints of the four realms looked at the incoming person, his eyes gleaming.

Madman Chu walked into the crowd, and the saints all around retreated, and automatically gave him a way.

"I have seen the second ancestor, the third ancestor." The madman of Chu came to the second ancestor Xuantian and the third ancestor and bowed his hands in salute.

"Madman, you are here."

Second Ancestor Xuantian looked at Madman Chu with relief.

"Yeah." Madman Chu nodded slightly, and then he looked towards the overseas saint and said lightly: "The treasures in this hut are for the capable ones. Everyone is playing fair. I would like to see who can force me to leave."

(End of this chapter)

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