Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 329: : Fighting the saint of water

Chapter 329 Fighting the Saints of Ten Thousand Waters

Two palms struck each other, and a violent shock swept out.

Madman Chu and Saint Wanshui each retreated, and the overseas saints also rushed up one by one, surrounding the Madman Chu.

"Boy, hand over the treasure and spare you not to die."

"Yes, otherwise you can't get out of this island."

Several overseas saints glared at Chu Madman.

When Madman Chu saw this, he said lightly: "Then I want to see how you keep me from getting out of here."

When the words fell, Raoliang Guqin was already on his chest.

Ten fingers pressed on the strings, ready to go!

And the saints from the four realms couldn't help but change his face slightly after seeing Madman Chu taking out the guqin, and then quickly backed away with interest.

They looked at the overseas saints and couldn't help showing their pity. These guys don't know what kind of lunatic they are facing!

"Huh, Qin Dao? No matter how strong your piano sound is, can it be better than the thirty saints we are here?"

A sage sneered, then his figure moved, rushing towards Madman Chu, a terrifying rhyme burst out instantly.

When the madman of Chu saw this, he picked the strings with his fingers and let out a loud voice!

"The third song of the Eight Tones of Gods and Demons, Huang Zhong Dalu!"

The horrible piano sounds burst out!

The rhyme of the saint was torn in an instant, and the violent power blasted the saint out on the spot. After flying out of a hundred meters, he smashed the saint to the ground. The bones and bones were broken and there was no breath!

This scene shocked everyone present!

A saint was actually killed by a piano sound!

What a terrifying Qin Dao is this?

"What the **** is this guy's cultivation base?!"

"Isn't he a Venerable?"

The overseas saints are extremely palpitated.

It has always been that the venerable was killed by the saint in a second, so how can a venerable kill the saint in a second, this simply caused their worldview to collapse.

"Come on, everyone, please."

Madman Chu picked up the strings to signal to everyone, with a proud appearance, and with his one move to kill the saint in a flash, no one in the room dared to act rashly.

Upon seeing this, Saint Wanshui took the lead.

He is the Great Sage, but he also has this ability.

When Madman Chu saw this, he instantly activated the Nine Deaths Burning Blood Technique, his breath soared, his ten fingers quickly plucked on the strings.


"The storm hits the shore!"

The fifth and sixth tunes of the Eight Music of Gods and Demons come out.

The violent sound of the piano impacted the Saint Wanshui, entangled and collided with the rhyme on his body, causing the surrounding space to rumbling.

The rest of the saints were shocked by this terrifying power, no one dared to step forward, and even backed up one after another, for fear of being affected.

"Too powerful, what does this guy come from?"

"Don't talk about the Qin Dao he used, how can the **** flame on his body be a bit similar to the rumored Nine Deaths Burning Blood Technique."

"What's a joke, isn't the Nine Death Burning Blood Technique, a suicide technique that is listed as a saint's taboo? How dare he use it?!!!"

Not to mention the overseas saints, even the saints of the four realms are secretly stunned

They naturally knew that Madman Chu would burn blood for nine deaths, but they didn't expect the other party to use it as a normal exercise!

"The exercise is listed as taboo, but he can use it at will. Is it possible that he has a way to resist the side effects of this exercise?"

"Impossible. The saints of the past have studied for so long and no one can make up for this shortcoming. Why else would it be taboo?"

"The saints of the past can't do it, it doesn't mean that the crazy people of Chu can't. Don't forget, this guy can't be measured by common sense."

Upon hearing this, the saints were silent.

What a terrifying Chu Kuangren ability, they have seen too much in the past few years.

I don't know how many things are considered impossible by everyone, and the other party has done them one by one. Even if there is a way to resist the side effects of the nine deaths, it seems that it is not that unacceptable.

"Turbid waves and waves!!"

Venerable Wan Shui suddenly roared, an extremely terrifying Taoist rhyme burst out of his body, and the sound of water rushed out of the void.

This Dao Yun carried an extremely cold force, and it was entangled with the sound of the piano. For a time, it actually overwhelmed the sound of the piano!

"Oh, this is a certain holy king technique, plus this person's cultivation has reached the great holy level, it's no wonder that this kind of combat power can erupt."

The madman of Chu sighed slightly. Although he had a lot of holy kings and emperor skills, he also knew that holy kings were actually very rare, and most of the saints used ordinary saints.

Facing the impact of Venerable Wanshui’s Taoist rhyme, Chu Madman’s tune suddenly changed, and a stronger piano sound and Taoist rhyme exploded.

In an instant, the sky was surging, the thunder rumbling, the earth was also affected, the earth surging, and the earthquake trembled.

The sky and the earth seem to be accompanying this piano!

"The seventh song of the eight sounds of gods and demons, heaven and earth double ring!!"

The terrifying sound of the piano erupted, wave after wave, from the sky and the ground, from all directions towards the Saint Wanshui.

This power is too sensational!

Even the Saint Wanshui couldn't help his face change drastically, frantically urging his Dao Yun to resist the Qin Yin Dao Yun.

The sound of crashing water collided with the majestic piano sound one after another. Gradually, the sound of the water gradually disappeared, but the piano sound became more and more high.


"Wanchuan Huihai!!"

The Saint Wanshui screamed, stimulating the spiritual power in the body to the extreme, and even took out the broken knife used to resist the pressure of the imperial Dao, and used the pressure of the imperial Dao in this knife to bless his own practice.

Suddenly, there seemed to be thousands of streams in the sky converging towards the Venerable Wanshui, forming a majestic and terrifying Taoist rhyme like the boundless sea, and then rushing towards the madman Chu.

At this moment, the sound of the piano was broken abruptly!

"Boy, die for me!!"

This blow was the strongest blow of the Saint Wanshui!

The power is so powerful that the void is distorted, as if there really is a sea converging on the Saint Wanshui, smashing towards the Madman Chu.

"This guy is dead!"

The overseas saints stared at this scene.

In their opinion, Madman Chu couldn't take this trick, and few people on the entire 36 islands could take this trick.

Under the gaze of the sages, the madman of Chu picked the strings, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and everything was silent!

But there is an earth-shattering, unspeakable rhyme of Taoism condensed on Chu Madman's body and the strings of his fingertips.

"The final song of the eight sounds of gods and demons...the big sound is very loud!!"

Madman Chu suddenly let go of the strings but there was no sound, but a terrifying music and rhyme had already exploded!

The avenue is invisible, and the sound is loud!

This is the highest realm of Qin Dao. It is not that there is no sound, but that the sound is already blended with Dao and cannot be heard or touched...

I don't know where it started, or when it will disappear.

Silence is better than sound!

The moment Madman Chu loosened the strings, Saint Wanshui suddenly felt a palpitating heart, and it was cold all over his body!

Qin Yin and Dao Yun came in an impact, majestic and boundless, silent and breathless, but it was like a ruin and withered, easily destroying his Dao Yun!

In an instant, Wanshui Saint’s Dao Yun collapsed, and the whole person was hit by this piano sound Dao Yun. With the body of his great sage, his muscles and flesh were immediately broken, flying upside down like a broken kite...

(End of this chapter)

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