Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 331: : The young master of the defeated scale clan, take 3 halberds, she is here

"Okay, let you!" Being excited by the madman of Chu, Bei Mingsang, who was already arrogant, no longer hesitated, and directly agreed.

He doesn't think he will lose.

The long-term victory has brought him great self-confidence, and the trident in his hand is a quasi-imperial soldier. With his strength and this quasi-imperial soldier, even the great sage has to retreat.

He felt that Madman Chu couldn't beat him.

In fact, it's not just Bei Mingsang who thinks so, but all the Lin tribes believe that Mad Chu can not beat Bei Mingsang.

"The Young Master's strength is earth-shattering, plus the trident, even if it is a saint, it will hold hate, how can this Madman of Chu compare with it?"

"Yes, he just waits to lose."

"This person can be regarded as a peerless arrogant on land, reaching the supreme level at a young age, and it is rumored to be on par with the saint, but it is a pity that he met the young master and was doomed to fail!"

Everyone in the Lin clan talked a lot.

The saints in the island are also very curious.

They know the combat power of Madman Chu, but Bei Mingsang's strength should not be underestimated. With the addition of a quasi-imperial soldier, might this burst of strength really be comparable to Madman Chu?

"come on!"

Bei Mingsang waved his trident, and a terrifying rhyme of water erupted, turning into a terrifying torrent rushing towards the Madman Chu.

But this move is not weaker than the saint's blow.

Madman Chu didn't use any weapons, and he raised his hand with a palm.

The extremely violent Renshan Yin Jue broke out in an instant, and the terrifying force crushed like a sacred mountain, breaking the torrent.

Upon seeing this, Bei Mingsang's eyes lit up, "Okay! As expected of the strongest Tianjiao on the land, it seems that I met my opponent today!"

He looked a little excited, holding the trident tightly, and attacking the Chu Chu Madman, waving the trident, the power of the monstrous torrent erupted, and the sound of water like a tsunami continued to resound in the void.

Kun Wu unsheathed from the waist of the madman Chu, and the moment the sword was out, an extremely cold sword rhyme instantly tore the rhyme of Bei Mingsang's Dao rhyme, forcing the opponent back hundreds of feet, and a majestic sword aura burst out instantly!

With a sword cut out, the vast purple sword light engulfed a rhyme that seemed to be able to tear the earth and the earth, and went straight to the north Mingsang!

"Blackwater Taotao!"

Bei Mingsang yelled, urging his genius.

This is a holy king technique that is close to the emperor technique, and with the blessing of the trident in the hand, the power is almost the same as that of the emperor technique.

The trident blasted out, and the two forces crashed into one in the air. The extremely majestic force surged out in a flash, slapped the void like a sea tide, scouring everything.

Under the impact of this force, Bei Mingsang was blasted back more than ten feet, and the trident in his hand was buzzing with a backlash, making him almost unable to hold it.

"This person has such terrifying strength!"

Bei Mingsang was a little unbelievable.

Fighting Tianjiao has always been just him crushing others, but now, he has been defeated when fighting Madman Chu! !

He had never encountered such a thing.

"This is your strength, which is a bit disappointing."

Madman Chu said calmly.

Can you compare with the Great Sage?

In the eyes of Madman Chu, this Bei Ming Sang can only fight against the Great Sage at best, but it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

But he is different.

He, but even the Great Sage can beheaded!

"Come again!"

Bei Mingsang roared in anger.

He waved the trident in his hand, stimulating Dao Yun and spiritual power to the extreme, and weaving a black sea in the void!

The sea is rough and the waves are rolling.

A boundless mighty force enveloped Chu Madman.

Overpower people! !

If an ordinary saint was facing this attack, it would be difficult to resist even a moment of terror, but unfortunately, it was Madman Chu who was competing with Beiming Sang at this moment, and his combat power was much stronger than ordinary saints.

"Give me defeat!!"

Bei Mingsang roared and flicked the trident in his hand.

A surging force burst out instantly!

The boundless sea is rushing towards Chu Kuangren!

"This blow is interesting."

"But, it's not enough!" Madman Chu smiled faintly, a **** flame suddenly emerged from his body, and the Nine Death Burning Technique was activated.

Holding Kunwu in his hand, he suddenly slashed out with a sword.

"Zhantian Swordsmanship!"

Cut out with one sword, the sword light is magnificent!

The boundless sea was torn in half by Jianguang!

A sword divides the sea!

"What!!" Bei Mingsang's pupils shrank sharply, his face was full of horror, and the sword light was like a broken bamboo, already rolling towards him.

"Block me!"

Bei Mingsang roared and waved out the trident in his hand.

The sword light collided with the trident, and an earth-shattering clang was erupted, and the sound waves continued to spread like a substance.

Bei Mingsang couldn't bear this force, he vomited blood and flew out, and the trident in his hand was shaken out of his hand.

Madman Chu's figure turned into a streamer, quickly swept away, and grabbed the trident in his hand.

And when he succeeded, there was an extremely cold breath behind him, and a palm enveloping frost blasted toward him!


With a soft snort, Madman Chu shot out his backhand.

The golden Buddha light broke out.

Fumo big mudra!

The big golden hand collided with Frost's palm, and Frost shot out mixed with golden Buddha light, sweeping around.

Madman Chu stepped back several feet, and he also saw clearly that the man who attacked him was a gray-haired old man.

The old man's cheeks were covered with a layer of scales, and he was obviously a saint of the scale clan, staring at him coldly at this moment.

"Boy, hand over the trident."

Madman Chu took the trident and turned it around twice, and then put it into the universe ring in the angry eyes of the old man.

"I wish to accept the bet. He lost. This trident is naturally my thing. Does the scale clan even have no credit for this?"

"My scale clan can exchange other things with you, spirit stones or secret treasures in the sea, but this one doesn't work."

"Sorry, I just want this thing."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"If so, you don't want to leave this island today."

The sage of the scale clan said with gloomy eyes.

Behind him, a group of scales quickly approached, enclosing Madman Chu in the inner and outer layers.

The momentum is amazing, even the saint has some palpitations.

There are too many scales, and this is the sea, which is originally the home of scales, and the situation is very unfavorable for the madman Chu.

"Oh, if the Lin clan has the consciousness to die with me, then come on." A guqin appeared in front of Madman Chu.

Seeing that piano, the saints couldn't help but shudder.

They knew that once Madman Chu played the piano, the power of the eight sounds of gods and demons could definitely kill most of the scales present.

The piano tone is suitable for large-scale attacks.

boom! !

At this moment, a horrible energy wave suddenly heard from the back of the scales, followed by screams one after another.

"Ah, what is this."

"Quick, kill her!"

Everyone looked.

I saw a figure suddenly appeared behind the scale clan.

It was a body without a head, walking among countless scale races as if they were in no one’s land. Everywhere they went, the scale races seemed to have been evacuated of their vitality, turning into corpses and falling on them. maritime.

Everyone, even the saint, took a breath when seeing this headless body.

Madman Chu couldn't help but startled.

"She is coming!"

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