Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 361: : Yuan Wudao admits counsel, I did it, do you have an opinion?

"Is this the strength of Madman Chu?"

"It's really scary!"

Yuan Wudao looked at Madman Chu with a jealous look in his eyes.

The two were just right, but he had already used more than 70% of his power, but he was still shaken back several feet abruptly.

Madman Chu didn't move at all.

It can be seen that the other party did not use that much power.

50%? Still 30%?

But no matter how much it took, it was beyond doubt that Madman Chu's strength was above him, which made Yuan Wudao feel a little unwilling.

"King Chu, we came here to make a deal with the White Lotus Sect. This seems to have nothing to do with you."

Yuan Wudao said lightly.

"You brought the people from the underworld to make a deal? Oh, I can only say that there is nothing to talk about." Chu Madman sneered.

He doesn't have a good impression of the underworld.

The other party repeatedly made trouble for him directly or indirectly, and even planted a spy in his Xuantianzong.

At this moment, how could he do nothing?

When the words fell, Madman Chu raised his hand to urge his spiritual power again.

"Good, you Mad Chu, you are so unreasonable!"

Yuan Wudao was extremely angry, his face gloomy.

"Funny, when did your magic way become reasonable people? Get out!" Madman Chu raised his hand and patted a palm.

The more vast Buddha light turned into a more magnificent golden hand.

This blow is extremely powerful.

Yuan Wudao's complexion changed slightly, and a terrifying and gloomy Taoist rhyme burst out of his body, and a black and eerie mist rose up.

That is **** devil! !

Although the magic path is called the magic path, it refers to their behavior and style, and they also practice common spiritual power.

But the evil spirit of hell, this is rare.

Yuan Wudao took it out with a palm, the cold and violent demonic energy poured out, and the entire lobby seemed to condense a layer of frost.

The devilish energy turned into a black skull and smashed at the Buddha Guang's hand.

But with a big gesture like breaking a bamboo, he easily smashed the skull to pieces, and the terrifying force directly blasted Yuan Wudao out of the lobby.

But the big golden hand still moved forward, grabbing the unresistible King Yama in his palm.

Madman Chu didn't say anything, his five fingers pressed slightly, and he suddenly squeezed the opponent into a cloud of blood and exploded!

This scene caused Yuan Wudao's eyes to split.

"Chu Madman, you are too presumptuous!!"

He was full of demonic energy surging, turning into black clouds and surging in the sky, and black skulls rose on his body, very strange.

"Bring the people from the underworld and jump in front of me, who is this too presumptuous?!" Chu Kuangren said coldly.

He stepped out one step, and there was an incomparably vast golden Buddha light soaring into the sky, turning into a thousand-foot-old Buddha in the void.

The Buddha's light was shining for hundreds of miles, and the billowing devilish energy was melted and disintegrated like snow meeting the scorching sun under the golden Buddha's light!

Yuan Wudao's pupils shrank suddenly, terrified.

"My devilish energy is so vulnerable in front of his Buddha's light. Is it possible that he is still a living Buddha reincarnated?"

"Damn, I'm probably not his opponent."

Yuan Wudao looked at Madman Chu with a little horror in his eyes.

He finally knew why before he entered the world, why his master told him to be careful of Chu Madman.

This guy threatens him far more than those who walk in the world!

This golden Buddha light completely restrained his devilish energy!

"Mad Chu, I surrender."

Before the official start of the fight, Yuan Wudao gritted his teeth, restrained the devilish energy on his body, and immediately disappeared.

Madman Chu glanced at Yuan Wudao, quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Wudao could endure this.

The Buddha's light dissipated.

"Are you leaving by yourself now, or I ask you to leave."

Yuan Wudao took a deep breath and turned away incomparably aggrieved.

"Master, just let him go like this?"

Lan Yu asked inexplicably.

"There are very few people who practice devilish energy, and this person may be useful." Madman Chu touched his chin, thinking.

To practice devil qi, naturally one must have devil qi to be able to practice.

And it is not easy to find a stable source of devil energy in the sky star, this is not the **** demon world.

So where did Yuan Wudao's devilish energy come from? !

Madman Chu felt that there was a big deal in it.

After dismissing Yuan Wudao, the Madman Chu looked at the old man with a hook nose and said lightly: "The Black Front Saint has no corpse, and was frustrated."


"Who did it!!"

The old man Ying Hou Noi was very annoyed when he heard this, but the sacrifice he was going to bring back was actually lost? !

"What I did, do you have any comments?" Madman Chu said.


The old man with eagle nose suddenly became dumb.

Madman Chu did it.

Madman Chu actually did it, so what can he say?

Is it impossible to fight each other? !

Don't be funny, he knows how many catties he has, and if he fights Madman Chu, he promises that he will never stick to a few tricks.

That is looking for death!

"Do you have anything else you want to say?"

"No, no more."

The old man had no choice but to leave dingy.

Seeing his leaving back, Madman Chu sighed: "What's wrong with the corpse coming all the way?"

"He wants to take it back as a sacrifice."

At this time, Qianyue Saint said.

She talked about the old man's calculations.

The sister of Saint Thousand Moon had married overseas and became a sacrifice to the snake god. She still knew a little about these things.

"The prestige of the snake gods on the 36 islands overseas is very high. The 36 islands overseas depend on the snake gods to have the scale of today. Therefore, the 36 islands overseas will offer sacrifices to the snake gods every ten years. Over the years, I don’t know how many people have died in the hands of the snake god."

"But even so, Thirty-Six Islands overseas still regard him as a god, which is really sad and lamentable." Saint Thousand Moon shook his head and said.

Hearing this, how did Madman Chu feel that the 36 overseas islands were a bit similar to the Jiu-tou tribe, and they all believed in a long snake as a god.

Is this overseas snake **** also a nine-child? !

He shook his head, putting aside this somewhat unrealistic idea.

Jiuying is an ancient fierce beast, extremely rare, how could it be possible for him to meet two at once? This chance is too small.

"Overseas snake god, if I have a chance in the future, I would like to see it." The Madman Chu smiled lightly, making the overseas thirty-six islands a god, and it must be a holy king-level existence.

Saint King, this is the top existence among Saints.

In this era when the emperor is not coming out, the Holy King is the strongest ~ Madman Chu is still a little reluctant to deal with the Holy King, but if he really wants to fight it, it is not completely impossible to defeat.

After all, he also has a lot of hole cards in his hand.

"Damn it, **** it!"

"Unexpectedly, a madman of Chu ran out halfway to spoil the situation! I didn't get the body of the three-headed dog in hell. It seems that I can only find another way."

Yuan Wudao, who had left the White Lotus Church, was extremely angry.

Then, he seemed to think of something, "I heard that there is also a magic well sealed in the feather clan, but you can try it there."

But he seemed to have thought of something, and his footsteps stopped, "Why did I forget, the woman next to Madman Chu is from the Yu human race, and if something happens to the Yu human race, it is likely to lead him over."

"Damn, how come there is this Madman Chu's shadow everywhere."

Yuan Wudao was depressed.

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