Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 365: : Tricky magic liquid, the power of heaven and earth oven body, absorb magic liquid

"not good!"

King Chu Jiang's expression changed.

He is not as impulsive as the King of Wheels and the King of Five Senses. He knew in his heart that just these few of them are not the opponents of Mad Man Chu.

It would be too easy for the other party to kill them. He knew the result the moment he saw the King of Wheels and the King of Five Senses.

I saw Madman Chu gently raise his hand, waved his hand casually like a fly, and an extremely majestic force exploded.

The King of Runners and the King of Five Senses were hard to resist. On the spot, blood vomited wildly, and the body flew out. One hit the hellfire, sparks splashed out, and the Supreme Supreme was instantly burnt to ashes.

The other one fell into the magic liquid.

The squirming magic liquid boiled and entangled the opponent like a living thing. The king of the five sense organs who was entangled by the magic liquid screamed, and white smoke came out of his body, which was corroded into bones in a few breaths!

And don’t know if it’s an illusion, everyone found that the amount of magic liquid seemed...a little more? !

"Not good! This magic liquid can not only corrode the monk's body, but it can also assimilate the spiritual power of the monk into a devilish energy!!" Yuan Wudao's expression changed, he couldn't help being shocked when he saw the characteristics of the magic liquid.

He had never seen this kind of thing in the classics.

What kind of ghost did the ancestor of the thief create?


The whole basement began to vibrate.

I saw that the pool in front of everyone began to expand, and a large amount of magic liquid spread out, the scale of which was far beyond what they saw!

Not only that, everyone also saw a huge pothole appeared under the pool, and there were bones inside! !

The number is so dense that it is piled up like a mountain! !

I'm afraid it's no less than 100,000!

"Damn it!"

"Go, go!"

King Chu Jiang hurried away with the remaining demons.

But the magic liquid spread extremely fast, covering the entire basement in the blink of an eye, and even soaring to the sky, completely overwhelming the entire residence of the old man thief and spreading towards the bronze door.

King Chu Jiang and the rest of the demonic cultivators couldn't resist at all in front of this magic liquid, and they were corroded into bones in a short while.

The hellfire fell on the magic fluid, not only was it not extinguished by the magic fluid, but it was instantly ignited as if it fell on the kerosene, and a large amount of the magic fluid mixed with the hellfire spreading in all directions, forming a sea of ​​hell fire!

"A lot of magic liquid!"

Yuan Wudao circulated magic energy all over, forming a gas mask to resist the magic liquid, and he looked at the magic liquid in front of him, his eyes were fiery.

He suddenly reacted, if this endless magic liquid was absorbed by him, how far would he grow? !

Just thinking about it, Yuan Wudao trembled with excitement.

"Opportunity, great opportunity!"

"It's just that it may have assimilated too much spiritual power of the monks, and affected by the grievances of those monks, this magic liquid is more violent than I thought. With my ability, I can only absorb a little at a time, and I have to find a way to expel it. Hellfire attached to it."

Yuan Wudao murmured, extremely excited.

He was looking at the Madman Chu not far away, and saw that there was a mysterious Taoist rhyme flowing around him, and white lotuses surrounded the void, but the magic liquid that approached would be purified one by one, and he could not get close to Madman Chu.

"Heh, this should be the White Lotus Purifying World Chapter of the White Lotus Sect. It is indeed mysterious and extraordinary, but it is a pity that it is impossible to purify this monstrous magic liquid with this method. This is a high-purity magic essence, plus Hellfire, even the Saint King Bailian came here in person and he was helpless!!" Yuan Wudao said gloating on the sidelines.

Only by cultivating Devil Qi can he move freely in this Devil Liquid, and Devil Liquid will treat him as one of them.

"My son, what should I do now?"

Lan Yu asked, standing beside Madman Chu.

"Don't worry, it won't get in the way."

Madman Chu looked at the monstrous magic liquid with a faint smile on his face, "You stay here and don't move, wait for me for a while."

With that said, the madman of Chu dispersed to the White Lotus Purification Chapter.

Lan Yu urged the Guangming Dao body to resist the devil liquid infestation, and looked at the undefended man Chu, who walked out into the depths of the pool with doubts.

Not far away, Yuan Wudao's eyes widened.

"Just walk into the magic liquid, even if he is a holy king, he will definitely die! What on earth does this guy want to do?!"

In Yuan Wudao's view, the behavior of the madman in Chu is tantamount to suicide!

The magic liquid passed the ankle, knee, waist of Madman Chu...

Gradually, Madman Chu walked into the depths of the magic liquid, and his whole person was swallowed by the magic liquid.

Under the barrier of the magic liquid, Yuan Wudao couldn't perceive even the slightest breath of Madman Chu.

Just when Yuan Wudao was puzzled, the magic liquid around suddenly boiled, and the magic liquid that was originally rushing out started to flow back!

The magic liquid flowed back towards the depths of the pool, as if sucked back by a terrifying suction.

Yuan Wudao looked at this scene in disbelief, he knew that all this must have been done by Madman Chu!

"What did this guy do?!"

Yuan Wudao stared at the depths of the pool.

A large amount of magic liquid flowed back, but did not fill the pool, as if being sucked away by an inexplicable existence.

The scale of the magic liquid decreased sharply, and finally formed a human-sized black water mass, and the black water mass dispersed, revealing the figure of Madman Chu, that large amount of magic liquid was sucked into the body by the opponent!

Yuan Wudao only felt dizzy, wondering if he was dreaming.

This scene of Madman Chu absorbing the magic liquid had too much impact on him. You know, even if he was practicing magic energy, he could only absorb a little magic liquid at most every time!

Madman Chu is good, and he directly absorbed this huge amount of magic liquid, and even the hellfire attached to it was not let go. This was incredible!

"Is this the body of the Tiandihong furnace? It is really strong."

Madman Chu felt very satisfied with the magic liquid contained in his body and the energy of hellfire. Of course, compared to the magic liquid, the energy of hellfire was almost negligible.

The furnace body of heaven and earth can absorb heterogeneous energy between heaven and earth and transform it into energy required by its own realm.

And devil qi is also a kind of alien energy, so Madman Chu can naturally absorb the magic fluid.

Moreover, the body of the Tiandihong furnace is even stronger than the madman Chu had It sucked all the magic liquid into the body in such a short time!

Of course, it's just inhalation, not refining.

In addition to being able to absorb refining and chemical energy, the furnace body can also store the energy in the body.

Madman Chu can now feel that every piece of blood, every fiber, and even every cell in his body stores the majestic magic liquid energy!

As long as you have a thought, you can begin to refine this energy and transform it into the spiritual power you need in your current realm.

However, he has no idea of ​​refining for the time being, he wants to retain this energy, and retain the foundation of the supreme saint in the future!

"You, how did you do it?!" Yuan Wudao couldn't bear the shock and curiosity in his heart, and asked.

Kuangren Chu glanced at him, then gently raised his hand, and directly responded with Fumo's big mudra.

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