Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 368: : The world walks on stage in turn, who else besides me

"Emperor Fenshuzang..." Madman Chu murmured, with a mocking expression on his face, "Unknowable Land? In my opinion, it would be better to change the name to Shameless Land."

The emperor is the pinnacle of spiritual practice. The birth of each emperor is accompanied by endless glory. Their deeds should have been passed down to the world and be admired by the people of later generations, indicating the direction of practice for future generations.

But these so-called unknowable places sealed up the glory of the emperors for the sake of a statement that does not know the truth or falsehood, and for the sake of selfish desires, so that later cultivators know the emperor, but do not know what is the emperor?

No one becomes an emperor in the Age of Domination, this is the shackles of heaven.

The Emperor Burning Books in the Unknowable Land, this is to create a cage for the monks of later generations. The later generations are trapped in the cage, and they do not see the glory of the emperor, do not know what the emperor can do, and how the emperor becomes an emperor...


"Haha, the name is good."

Tianjizi was stunned when he heard the words, and then laughed. He looked at Madman Chu with a different color in his eyes, "Even in a world of great controversy, it is still extremely difficult to become an emperor, but there is an emperor's inheritance in the unknown place. The emperor should have been born out of them first."

"But little friend Chu, you are an exception. I hope to see you slap these unknowable places fiercely in the face, and let them know that even if they burn the book and hide the emperor and make all beings stupid and know the emperor, there are still people who can break the cage. , Prove the way to proclaim the emperor!!"

Tianjizi is the number one divine calculation in modern times. He has long since passed this world of great controversy. The machine of becoming emperor should have been firmly controlled by those unknowable dungeons, but now, there is an unimaginable anomaly.

Things are moving in an unexpected direction.

This makes Tianjizi feel very interesting, and he himself has no good feelings about those unknowable places. For this kind of situation, he is naturally happy to see it happen.

"There is a Madman Chu in the world, who dare to be the emperor?!"

Madman Chu laughed, his figure turned into a stream of light, disappeared into the distance, and flew away in the direction of Tianyu Peak.


Xuanwu domain, Tianyufeng.

Following the world of Jiuxiaotian, Lingxiao set up a ring here, and this place has become a gathering place for wind and clouds.

Countless Tianjiao came from all directions.

Even the saints are very concerned about this place.

Tianyu Peak is full of people.

At the top of the mountain, there was a man standing proudly.

This person has black hair and shawl, his body is straight, holding a black spear in his hand, the person and the gun, seem to be integrated, an extremely sharp breath circulating on this person, as if to pierce the sky!

He is walking in the world where the ring is set up this time, walking in the world of the unknown, Jiuxiaotian...Lingxiao!

The name calls Lingxiao, the gun calls Lingxiao, and the momentum seems to be above Jiuxiao!

"This person is Ling Xiao, and it is really extraordinary. I heard that he entered the world in March at this time, but the Tianjiao who was defeated in his hands was at least double digits, and his combat power was even more terrifying than ordinary saints."

"Is it so perverted to walk around the world?"

"I really don't know how those so-called unknowable places were cultivated. It's incredible."

"For a long time, we think that the most powerful forces are those of the saints. We did not expect that there are so many so-called unknowable places hidden in this world."

Around Tianyu Peak, countless people gathered, looking at Ling Xiao on the top of the peak, they couldn't help talking.

At this time, a cyan sword light flew from the sea of ​​clouds, came to Ling Xiao, and turned into a young man dressed in Qingyi surrounded by thin sword air.

The man stared at Ling Xiao and said indifferently: "You set up a ring here to challenge all walks of life?!"

"Yes, it's me."

Ling Xiao looked at the man in Tsing Yi in front of him with a grin, and then said: "Such a sword aura, if I didn't guess wrong, you are walking in the world of Xuanyue Tower Li Fuping, don't you know I'm right?"

"Some eyesight."

Li Fuping said lightly, admitting that the other party was right.

The half-length sword on his waist came out with a clanging clang, a ray of sword aura swept across Ling Xiao's side, and said, "Then, let's fight."

"Don't worry, you and me are not enough for fun."

Ling Xiao smiled.

As soon as his voice fell, there was a burst of laughter from the sky in the distance. A woman in a red dress came into the air. The beautiful and charming appearance made many men present in the room.

"It's her, the wind is enchanting."

"This person is walking in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, and she is here too."

"It's not just the enchanting wind."

I saw that after the enchanting wind appeared, there seemed to be a twinkle of stars in the sky, and a sword of light swept across, turning into a young man in black.

His sword energy is extremely mysterious, not much worse than Li Fuping's.

The earth quaked.

A big man walked up to Tianyu Peak, and every step he took would shake the ground, majestic and majestic.

"Oh, Ye Xin from Seven Star Palace, Guo Shan from Fudo Mansion."

Ling Xiao said the names of the people one by one.

Another figure leaped into the air, filled with domineering and scorching warfare, and looked directly at Ling Xiao.

"The battle dragon in the Clouds of War, don't come here unharmed."

Ling Xiao said lightly.

This time, four more world walks came, which immediately made the surrounding audience extremely excited and excited to discuss.

"Six. There are six full walks in the world now. If this fights, I don't know how intense it is."

"According to my observation, walking in this world has at least a saint-level combat power, which is very scary."

"Who else, who else will come?!"

Although many of them are not saints, they have combat power comparable to those of saints. In addition, during the recent period of time, walking under the sky has repeatedly become the biggest topic of the sky star.

So the scene before us is the most mighty event in the world.


Ripples appeared in the void.

I saw a white-clothed young man walking out of the void. The breath of this young man was like a cloud from the sky, unpredictable and unpredictable.

"Oh, here's another hard stubble."

Ling Xiao looked at each other, "Your name, please."

"Essential, Xue Zheng."

Xue Zheng, the young man in white, smiled lightly.

"Oh, it turned out to be walking in the ethereal world."

Ling Xiao nodded slightly.

At this moment, a vast golden light flickered in the distant sky, and I saw a carriage galloping from among the golden, wherever it went, a road like gold bricks condensed in the sky, brilliant atmosphere.

"Paving the road with gold bricks, this is the coming of the golden family."

Ling Xiao looked at the carriage and said.

"It is the family of gold that walks the world, and there is no end to gold!"

A deep voice came from inside the carriage. A man wearing a robe made of gold silk, wrapped in a gold belt, wearing a gold crown, pointing to a gold ring, and a gold sword hanging from his waist, walked out.

Everyone only felt that the golden light in front of them was dazzling.

"The world is walking in the ring, how can you lose me?"

A gray-clothed young man rushed over, and a peculiar gray air escaped from his body. Wherever he went, the vegetation withered and there was no vitality.

Looking at him, everyone frowned, instinctively feeling repelled.

"Which world walks this again?"

"Tsk, this breath is definitely a guy from the Death Temple."

All walks of the world, appear in turns.

All of them are impressive.

The audience around was extremely excited to see this.

"Haha, people are almost here, then let us compare, who is the number one arrogant in this world!!"

Ling Xiao laughed, holding a black spear, piercing Changhong!

And the words just fell.

"Number one in the world? Who else can anyone besides me?!"

In the clouds, an indifferent voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a rumbling sound resounded, as if something was breaking through the air!

I saw a gorgeous ancient sword descending from the sky, inserted impartially among the people, and the majestic sword energy swept out from the sword body, and the surrounding world was swept hundreds of feet away by this sword energy!

A figure in white clothes landed lightly and landed in front of everyone.

And the mood of all the audience reached its peak at this moment.

"Here is here, Madman Chu is here!!"

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