Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 375: : Guixu was hit hard, go to the ethereal sky, they dare

"Damn, damn!"

"Chu Madman, you dare to cut my spiritual incarnation, you wait for me, I must step down on Xuan Tianzong!" Chang Guang Sheng Wang roared.

But at this moment, a voice sounded in the hall.


This is an old voice.

After hearing this voice, the originally furious Saint King Changguang temporarily reduced his anger, "Ancestor, why did you suddenly wake up?"

He had some doubts. You must know that the ancestors of the Unknowable Land have survived for many years. In order to delay the time to enter the five decays of heaven and man, most of them are in deep sleep and will not easily show up.

But now, the ancestor actually woke up to stop him.

What exactly is going on?

"A few days ago, I was awakened by a powerful aura from overseas. Not only me, but also some other old guys might have sensed it. That aura...too terrifying."

Hearing this, Saint King Changguang couldn't help feeling palpitations, which made the ancestors feel terrible. What kind of existence would it be? !

Suddenly, he thought of something, "It's the headless woman!"

"Not bad," said the old voice.

"But what does this have to do with the ancestor preventing me from seeking revenge from Xuantianzong?" Saint King Changguang asked suspiciously.

"While my spiritual mind was traveling in the sky, I learned a lot about the Madman Chu. One of them was that this person had been to the Deep Sea Lin Clan to make a big fuss a while ago, and even fought against people returning to the market. In addition, after your Lingnian was killed, he once said, let you see the fate of Guixu, this is my reason to stop you!"

"Please tell me the ancestors."

"A few days ago, I got news that the headless woman made a fuss and returned to the market, and returned to the seven major market owners. Four of them died. In the end, the headless woman left, leaving only the devastated return to the market, and that day was When Madman Chu made a big disturbance in the scale clan." said the old voice.

Hearing this, the ancestor Changguang didn’t know what his ancestor meant. He couldn’t help but shrank his pupils and said in shock: "The ancestor’s meaning is that Madman Chu has a connection with the headless woman, the headless woman Helping Madman Chu to deal with Guixu?!!!"

"How is this possible! It is recorded in the ancient books that the origin of the headless woman is a mystery, and she has never heard of who she has a relationship with. How could she help Madman Chu deal with Guixu?!"

The old voice said: "No matter what is going on, it is really unwise to provoke a madman of Chu for a spiritual incarnation."

"Ancestor, is it a coincidence, that Madman Chu is using this to bluff us?" Sage King Changguang guessed.

"As long as there is a slight possibility, you can't let the matter of returning to the ruins take place in the Xuanhuang Shrine, otherwise, you will be the sinner of the shrine forever!"

The old voice said harshly.

"Yes." Saint King Changguang nodded unwillingly.

The old voice stopped moving, as if he had already left.

Saint King Changguang stayed there for a while, and then took out a communication compass, "Three Elders, find me all the records about the headless woman in the library, and send it to my room."

There was an obscure light in his eyes.

"If you don't get rid of the madman of Chu, the rest will have no time to make their heads. The chance of becoming emperor is even harder to fall on the head of my Xuanhuang Temple.

"Whether it is for revenge for my incarnation, or for the opportunity to become an emperor, Madman Chu can't stay anyway!!"

"But first we must find a way to solve this headless female corpse..."


Xuanwu domain, Tianyufeng.

The world walk in the ring has come to an end, and the madman of Chu has won a complete victory. Even the peerless physique of the Xuanhuang Tianzun body has been defeated by the opponent with one move. The combat power is so strong that it is frightening.

This battle completely determined the position of the Mad Man Chu among the younger generation, and no one could compare it even if he walked around the world.

After finishing the ring, the madman Chu found Xue Zheng in the ethereal world, and the other party was about to leave Tianyu Peak.

It is not difficult to see from the other party's sullen face that today's battle has hit him too much.

As a world walker, he has always been very confident in his own strength, but today's battle has allowed him to see what is called a gap, what is called a difference between clouds and mud!

Compared with Madman Chu, his so-called walking under heaven is nothing to mention.

"Friend Xue Dao, please stay!" At this moment, Madman Chu's voice came from behind Xue Zheng.

He turned around and looked at each other curiously, "Why, fellow Daoist Chu, do you have anything else to do?"

"I want to visit the ethereal sky, please ask Daoyou Xue to lead the way."

"Go visit the ethereal?"

Xue Zheng was taken aback, and then recalled some rumors about the madman of Chu, his expression suddenly condensed, and said: "Friend Chu, I am not as skilled as others and lose to you. I am convinced, but why do you want to kill them all, let's talk about it, ethereal It’s not a place where you can do whatever you want!"

Madman Chu was stunned.

Why is Xue Zheng so excited so suddenly? Am I just going to visit? Is this ethereal sky still out of sight?

Also, what does it mean to rush to kill?

It sounds like he wants to find fault.

"Xue Daoyou, I'm just going to visit, don't you?"

"Of course, don't think I can't hear what your Excellency said, Murong's family, Shang clan, Tianwang Palace, none of the holy places that you have visited will end well."

Hearing this, Madman Chu suddenly realized, but he felt a little innocent. In other words, can he be blamed for these things? ?

If it weren't for those people to find the fault first, would he kill it?

"Xue Daoyou, please rest assured, I am going to visit Misty Sky this time just to exchange Celestial Crystal Chalcedony. I definitely don't have any intention to find fault." Chu Madman solemnly said.

In addition to defeating Xue Zheng today, he didn't have any grudges or complaints with Misty Tian, ​​he didn't believe it, and what else could happen this time.

Xue Zheng looked at Madman Chu suspiciously, and then said: "This matter is of great importance. I need to report back to the head."

"This is natural." Madman Chu said.

After a while.

Xue Zheng had finished communicating with the head of Misty Sky. He looked at Madman Chu and said: "The master said that I can take you to Misty Sky."

"Thank you."

Madman Chu heaved a sigh of relief. If the ethereal and life wouldn't let him go, he still didn't know where to find Celestial Chalcedony.

If you use some low-grade celestial chalcedony, although you can also set up a sea of ​​wonder formation, but the power will definitely drop a lot.

To do it, we must do our best.

Xue Zheng took Chu Madman to the ethereal sky.

"I don't know what Daoist Chu wants this Heavenly Crystal Chalcedony for?"

On the way, Xue Zheng asked curiously Except for some monks who practice special exercises, Tianjing Chalcedony is no different from ordinary Lingshi spirits.

"Tianjing Chalcedony is an excellent formation, this, Xue Daoyou should know." Chu Madman said lightly.

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Chu needs to be used for formation."


Madman Chu nodded slightly, of course, what kind of formation he was going to deploy, such secrets, he naturally wouldn't say casually.

And Xue Zheng didn't ask much.

"Friend Chu Daoist threatened Xuanhuang Divine Palace, is it true that they are not afraid that they will trouble Xuantianzong?" Xue Zheng changed the subject.

"Dare they?!"

Madman Chu gave a cold cry, his eyes flashing with chill.

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