Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 379: : Come again when you have time, his fate, I'll eat it

"Madman Chu!!"

Taoist Yuntao gritted his teeth a bit.

Misty sky has lost a lot this time! !

Among other things, the Qianjin Heavenly Crystal Source alone is worthy of all the Heavenly Crystal Chalcedony that has been mined for tens of thousands of years.

Not to mention the four thousand catties of superb chalcedony!

Madman Chu is knocking on the ethereal sky!

"In the billions of kilograms of rough stones and even the entire vein of celestial chalcedony, how did he find these celestial chalcedony?"

"Oh my God..."

"I have been here for so long, and I have never seen such a sight, Qianjin Tianjingyuan? Did he find out the whole Tianjing chalcedony vein? Unbelievable..."

Those present could not believe it.

Even if Madman Chu had the ability to distinguish rough stones, it would take months or even a year or a half to find these heavenly crystal sources in so many rough stones or even a whole vein.

But how long has it been for Madman Chu?

I found it out in less than half a day.

This could not be explained by the ability to distinguish rough stones, it was as if these Tian Jingyuan ran in front of Madman Chu.

"How did he do it?"

This doubt popped up in everyone's heads.

Madman Chu didn't care about everyone's thoughts. He waved his hand to collect all these Heaven Crystal Chalcedony into the Universe Ring, smiling with satisfaction.

What everyone didn't know was that he had a treasure hunt, and he knew exactly which rough stone contained good celestial chalcedony.

"Now that the transaction is complete, I should leave."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.


"Don't go."

Several elders suddenly rushed up, blocking Madman Chu.

Several powerful sage Daoyun immediately locked Madman Chu, and several people stared at Madman Chu with a cold look in their eyes.

Madman Chu put his hand on the hilt of the Kunwu sword, his expression was unwavering, but the coldness in his eyes made people shudder.

"A few saints, are you going to play rogues here?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The rhyme of the sword spread, and the surrounding air seemed to transform into a biting sword aura, which made people feel tingling.

"You have taken away so many Heavenly Crystal Sources and Peerless Chalcedony, is it impossible for us to just let you leave?"

"It's okay to say the superb chalcedony, but the sky source must stay."

Several saints said.

For monks in the misty sky, the high-quality celestial chalcedony is too important, let alone the crystal source that day, it is also of great use to the saints, how can it be easily handed over.

"Daoist Yuntao, we have already said, ten thousand catties of rough stone, what kind of celestial chalcedony is drawn out belongs to me."

"Why, now I want to regret it?"

Madman Chu ignored the elders, and looked straight at Taoist Yun Tao, waiting for the other party's response.

It's just that the sword's Tao Yun that is gradually rising on his body is saying that if the other party really dares to regret it, he doesn't mind blazing a trail.

Taoist Yuntao naturally saw the other's attitude, his face changed and he finally took a deep breath, "Let him go!"


"That Qianjin Tianjingyuan must not be lost!"

The expressions of several elders changed.

"Let him go, this matter has already been said, if I go back, where do I put my ethereal face?!"

Taoist Yun Tao said.

Hearing what he said, the elders looked at each other.

In the end, they had no choice but to restrain their breath.

"A wise move."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He stepped with his head up, and slowly left under the gaze of everyone.

"Xue Zheng, send friend Chu Daoist."

Taoist Yuntao said to Xue Zheng in the crowd.


Xue Zheng hurriedly followed, watching Chu Madman want to cry without tears.

He now finally knows that the rumors from the outside world are true, and there is nothing good to let the Madman Chu visit him!

The first few Taoist traditions were beheaded by saints. This time, the ethereal sky lost so many celestial crystal sources and celestial chalcedony. This loss is not at all smaller than the death of a few saints.

"Just send it here." Madman Chu came to the mysterious exit of the ethereal sky, and said lightly to Xue Zheng and the Caiyun he encountered on the way.

"Friend Chu, remember to come back when you have time."

Caiyun said with some dismay.

Alas, it's a shame that such a nice little brother will leave after only staying for less than a day.

"Well, I'll visit if I have time."

Madman Chu said politely.

When he heard what he said, Xue Zheng's expression changed in fright, "The vague sky is uncertain, and he is in a state of movement at any time. Fellow Daoist Chu doesn't know the way to pursue it. I'm afraid I can't find it, or don't trouble.

Madman Chu's visit this time left the ethereal to the bones and bones. If he came to visit again, would it be worth it? !

"Heh, I'm leaving now." Madman Chu smiled faintly.

He turned and left the ethereal sky.


"This time I can get Qianjin Tianjingyuan. With this Qianjin Tianjingyuan, the power of Yunhai Surprise Array will be able to exert its power to the extreme. I just don't know what happened to Boss Qian."

On the way back to Xuan Tianzong, Madman Chu thought to himself.

Two major elements are required for the arrangement of the Yunhai Surprise Array, one is the Celestial Chalcedony, and the two are the Liuyun Mine. Now they have one of them.

After returning to Xuan Tianzong, the Madman Chu contacted Sihai Commercial Bank.

I learned that Qianfugui had prepared enough Liuyun Mine, and it was now shipping by sea and sent to Xuantianzong.

"Now I can set up the Yunhai surprise formation as soon as Liuyun Mine arrives." Madman Chu thought to himself.

But before that, another person came to the door first, and this person was actually from Huangquan Mansion in an unknown place!

Xuan Tianzong, in the Hall of Longevity.

A black-clothed monk had a grim complexion, standing with his hands holding hands, with a trace of cold Taoism flowing on his body.

Seeing this person, Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The familiar breath is a monk of the magic road.

And he is also a sage-level demon monk.

"Elder in Xiahuangquan Mansion, Black Willow."

Saint Hei Liu bowed his hands after seeing Madman Chu.

"Sage Black Willow came to my Xuan Tianzong, why?"

"Shortly before I learned about it, I had some conflicts with fellow Chu Daoist in the World Travel of Huangquan Mansion. This time I came here specifically to resolve this matter." Sage Hei Liu smiled lightly.

He took out a Qiankun ring and said, "There are one billion catties of high-grade spirit stones here. Please Chu Taoist friends to accept it. Let's turn the fighting into a jade silk."

"Heh, one billion catties of high-grade spirit stones, Huangquan Mansion can do madman is amazed.

It doesn't matter if he used 1 billion catties of high-grade spirit stones to trade Celestial Chalcedony with Misty Sky, he didn't care, but for a saint, one billion catties of high-grade spirit stones was already a very large number.

The Madman Chu had won the billions of spiritual stones in City One, and they had already caused some sages to scream in distress.

"Since the battle has been turned into a jade silk, then I hope that fellow Taoist Chu can return the innocent Qiankun ring." Hei Liu Sheng continued.

"Who said we agreed?"

Madman Chu said indifferently, making Saint Hei Liu's face stiff, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Does Fellow Taoist Chu think that these spirit stones are not enough?"

"It's useless to take more spirit stones. Yuan Wudao instructed the underground palace to poison my Xuantianzong secretly. This matter has not been resolved. Go back and tell him that I will eat his life! No one can keep him. !"

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