Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 389: : The owner of 36 islands decides himself, this is the saint

"Do it yourself."

"Do it yourself..."

In the void, one after another voice sounded.

These are all the sages of the 36 islands overseas. They have ascertained the truth of the matter and are afraid of the power of the Mad Chu. In order to preserve their own ethics, they can only let these island owners decide themselves.

The island owners of Thirty-Six Islands were pale and bloodless.

Mad Chu wanted them to die, they would only feel resentful.

But now, their saints want them to die, but they feel a sorrow that flows from the depths of their souls!

It turns out that the greatest pain does not come from the enemy.

Rather, his own betrayal!

"Haha, Madman Chu, this time I admit it. If Qingyu Island is damaged, I will not let you go as a ghost."

The Green Jade Island Master laughed, and a deep sorrow was revealed on his body. Then, his body swelled fiercely.

With a sudden explosion, the green jade island master turned into a **** mist.

When the rest of the island owners saw this, their eyes were struggling, but in this case, resistance was no longer useful.

Madman Chu wants them to die.

The saint wants them to die.

How can they resist?

It would be better to have fun.

"Chu madman, if you dare to hurt a vellus hair on my Peony Island, I will not let you go." The island owner of Mudan Island gave a cold cry, followed by a soft drink. Following the owner of Qingyu Island, he also blew himself up.

"Madman Chu, I will seek revenge from you in the next life!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would end up like this!"

"Ridiculous, ridiculous!"

One by one the island owners blew themselves up.

There are also those who are unwilling and want to escape.

One of the island owners turned into a streamer and swept away, but was slapped back by a grand palm.

This palm is not from a madman of Chu, but a saint.

"Self-decision, don't force me to take action."

The saint's indifferent voice came from the void.

The island owner's heart was ashamed, and in the end, he could only grit his teeth and explode.

Soon, the owners of the 36 islands were all dead!

Kuangren Chu watched this scene happen, and also endured some of the curses of the island owner before his death, but his expression remained unchanged from beginning to end.

"Mad Chu, this matter can end here, right!"

A saint's voice came from the void.


But when he saw Madman Chu suddenly supporting his forehead, he let out a burst of laughter.

The saints don't know what he means.

"Sage, this is the saint?!"

"Everyone says that a saint is a pillar of the orthodoxy. For the first time today, I saw a saint forcing his own to die. This is the so-called saint, the so-called Optimus Prime?! Haha..."

"It's really funny."

The saints were silent.

In other words, they are too angry to speak.

On the sea, only the laughter of Madman Chu was reverberating, and the hundreds of thousands of cultivators who had been stunned on the mirage.

Madman Chu laughed so much that tears were coming out.


In the void, an angry voice came from a saint.

The madman Chu's laughter sounded extremely harsh to them, and every word he said pierced their hearts.

Obviously everything was forced by the madman of Chu.

In the end, the other party is still making fun of them here.

The so-called murder and condemnation is nothing more than this!

Madman Chu's laughter gradually subsided, and the sea gradually calmed down. He put away the sea god's halberd, turned and swept towards the mirage.

Before leaving, something was still muttering in his mouth.

A voice floated in the air.

"Sage?! Go to the sage of TM!"

This word drifted into the ears of the saints on the 36 islands overseas.

Many saints, Daoxin almost collapsed on the spot.

On a certain island, a horrible aura broke out, a mountain range was abruptly shattered, and an old man came out, his eyes red and staring into the distance, his face was as hideous as a ghost.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu..."

He gritted his teeth with great resentment.

But when he thought of Madman Chu's terrifying strength, a feeling of helplessness surged into his heart, mixed with anger and blocked his chest.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, the more angry and helpless he became.

Finally, he vomited blood on his back and almost fainted.

"How can there be such a person in this world!"

On the 36 islands overseas, there was not only one saint who was so angry that he vomited blood like the old man, and even some saints had a broken heart.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu, God slain Madman Chu!!"

"Ahhh, Madman Chu, you must die!"

"I hate it!!"

"Oh heaven, why can you allow someone like Madman Chu to exist in this world? This is simply a strange number intolerable!"

"The snake gods were killed by him, helpless, helpless!"

The disciples on the 36 islands overseas were extremely puzzled.

The saints who had been rare to see now suddenly burst into such intense energy fluctuations one by one.

And this wave of volatility also contains a wave of helpless anger, who is it? What can I do to make the saints so angry?

On this day, the whole sea is not calm.


Madman Chu returned to the mirage.

The hundreds of thousands of monks were excited and looked at him admiringly.

But he ignored the people, went straight to a room, and opened the restriction that was previously set in this room.

After all this was done, Madman Chu's face turned pale, his body softened and he slumped directly on the bed.

"Damn, the emperor can't use it casually."

Madman Chu took a deep breath.

Although the might of the emperor soldier is strong, the burden of forcibly urging the emperor soldier with his cultivation base is not to be underestimated.

This time alone, his spiritual power was almost exhausted.

But spiritual power is still second.

After all, his gluttonous method can transform the essence of flesh and blood to recover quickly, and more, it is a burden to the spirit!

To mobilize the imperial soldiers is to urge the coercion of the imperial Dao. This is a huge test for the monks' Dao rhyme, Dao heart and even spiritual will!

"It's not bad luck to be fooled this time."

Madman Chu took a deep breath and murmured.

He took out a few pills and took them, and began to recover spiritual power.

As for the spiritual aspect.

Both the spirit and the spiritual thoughts originate from the soul, and the law of the soul is very rare on the sky stars, and the soul power can only be improved through the improvement of the realm. Even the Madman of Chu can only wait for him to slowly recover.

There are some treasures of heaven and earth that can improve soul power, but those are extremely rare things, and Madman Chu does not have them now.

This recovery took three days, and it took less than half a day for spiritual power recovery The rest of the time was used to recover the spirit.

It was not until three days later that Chu Kuang walked out of the room.

This time, I met hundreds of thousands of people. The monks stood in front of him, and after seeing him, they knelt to the ground.

"Thank you, the head of Chu, for your life-saving grace!"

"Learn more about the life-saving grace of the head of Chu..."

Hundreds of thousands of people knelt in front of Madman Chu, looking at him excitedly.

The three thousand boys and girls didn't cry much, and they knelt on the ground with the adults around them, looking at Madman Chu, their clear eyes were full of curiosity.

"Get up all," Madman Chu said lightly, seeing someone with injuries on his body, he casually released a spring wind transforming rain technique.

The spring breeze passed, and some injured people recovered.

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