Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 400: : The inheritance of the emperor, the future trend, the mind of the saints

"You pass the test and you are eligible to get my inheritance."

Emperor Qian smiled faintly.

Then, he waved his hand and took out three things.

They were a wooden box, a pale yellow booklet, and the last piece of armor that was completely black and filled with killing.

Aside from other things, the armor alone has already made Madman Chu's eyes bright. Through the perception of treasure hunting, he can clearly feel that this armor is a very powerful...Emperor soldier! !

"What I put in the wooden box is a scroll. This booklet is an emperor scripture compiled by me. It records some of my practice experience. As for this armor, it is an imperial soldier I acquired in my early years. The imperial soldiers of the same type, so they stay here."

"These three things are my chance to stay here."

"Tianjiao of future generations, before this ray of spiritual thought dissipates, I will tell you one more thing. This is a world of great controversy. After hundreds of thousands of years of the doomsday age, it has gone from extreme decline to extreme prosperity. , Not only the sky star, there are also people in Jiutian who want to compete for the opportunity to become an emperor!

"And this opportunity to become an emperor falls on the sky star!"

"So there will be more Tianjiao in the future, and the Taoist traditions of Nine Heavens will not wait to die. Many of these Taoisms are inherited from the ancients and even the ancients, leaving a complete inheritance of the emperor. They are not easy opponents to deal with, you Do it for yourself..."

Emperor Qian smiled faintly.

After all, he had obtained the Tianjiao of his own inheritance, so Emperor Qian didn't want to see the Madman Chu lost in the battle for the emperor's way so early.

"Nine days person? I look forward to it."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"Perhaps, there is something else besides nine days."

"Oh? Emperor Qian meant..."

Emperor Qian pointed to the ground.

Seeing this, Madman Chu's heart moved, "Hell Demon Realm?"

Emperor Qian nodded slightly.

Kuangren Chu groaned for a while, and the smile on his face couldn't help but increase, "It seems that it is getting more and more lively."

After finishing speaking, he put away the opportunity left by Emperor Qian, and then got up and bowed to the other party, "Thank you for the opportunity, Emperor Qian."

"It's okay. Except for me, the chances of the other emperors are also expected to emerge. How much you can get from it depends on your good fortune." Emperor Gan said with a faint smile, and his figure began to fall apart.

"I see, Gongshang Qiandi."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, and then saluted again.

Emperor Qian took a deep look at Madman Chu, and then disappeared completely.

As soon as the incarnation of Qiandi Lingnian dissipated, the entire Qiandi Palace was shaken, and the sky auspicious vision gradually disappeared.

With a bang, Qiandi Palace fell from the sky to the ground, becoming no different from the rest of the surrounding palaces, without any magic.

The sudden change attracted the attention of many people, and many people knew that it must have something to do with the Mad Chu who entered the imperial palace.

"What's the matter, did Madman Chu get the chance of the emperor?"

"It must be so, otherwise, how could this happen?"


Xiao Lintian, Ling Xiao and others ran to the imperial palace where they landed.

Madman Chu slowly walked out.

"King Chu, have you already got that chance for the emperor?" Xiao Lintian couldn't help but asked.

Madman Chu did not answer, turned and walked outside the imperial palace.

For him, this place has no value worth exploring, after all, he has given him the greatest opportunity.

Before leaving, he took out a few pieces of jade and threw them back to Xiao Lintian and the others, saying, "No, I'll give this back to you."

Seeing this, Xiao Lintian waited until his face turned blue, and the emperor's chance was taken by you. We want this jade to have a fart!

Xiao Lintian looked at Madman Chu's back, and the Yu Jue in his hand clicked and was directly crushed to pieces by him and thrown to the ground.

His figure flashed and rushed towards the imperial palace.

But in the imperial palace, it was deserted and there was no half of a person.

They searched the entire imperial palace and found no chance.

Obviously, the chance has been obtained by the Mad Chu, although they had expected this result a long time ago, they are still very unwilling.

Outside the imperial palace, all the saints noticed that the imperial Dao pressure surrounding the imperial palace had completely dissipated.

They rushed in one after another and swept towards Qiandi Palace.

Here, they saw Xiao Lintian and others, and the sage Zixu asked quickly: "Lintian, who gave the chance to the emperor."

He noticed that Xiao Lintian's face was not very good-looking, and he had some guesses in his heart, but he still asked with a glimmer of hope.

"Madman Chu!" Xiao Lintian gritted his teeth and said.

Upon hearing this, the saints smiled helplessly.

"Sure enough it is him!"

"This guy, there is really no room left."

"He was already a wicked evildoer, and now with this emperor heritage, I really don't know where he will reach!"

The saints talked a lot, and their hearts trembled.

"Not only that, he also seized the jade jue in our hands, so that we won't have any chance to compete with him!"

Xiao Lintian said again.

The saints were furious upon hearing this.

"This Madman of Chu is so frantic?!"

"Damn it, he did it this way!"

"I walked in the world of Huangquan Mansion, but Chu Madman killed him?"

At this time, Saint Hei Liu asked.


Xiao Lintian nodded.

"Sure enough, it is him!" The Black Willow sage gritted his teeth. He looked around and said to the sages: "Everyone, we must not wait and die like this anymore. The existence of the madman Chu has completely hindered the progress of our great arrogances. "

"Imagine if there is an opportunity for the emperor to emerge in the future, and only Tianjiao is allowed to fight, then who can resist the Madman Chu? Is it really necessary to give all the opportunities for the emperor to the Madman Chu? We, Something must be done."

The words of Saint Black Willow made all the Saints fall into deep thought.

The sage Zixu took a deep breath and said, "The Daoist Fellow Heiliu is reasonable. I will go back and tell the palace owner about this matter. In short, if we can't stop the momentum of the Mad Man of Chu, our Taoist Tianjiao can only live Under his shadow."

Hearing this, the saints trembled in their hearts.

Tianjiao is the future of all Taoist traditions. If these Tianjiao were hit too badly by the madman of Chu, leaving a psychological shadow, it would definitely hinder the practice. If it is a little more serious, it will probably be abolished.

Thinking of this, all the saints felt a chill in their hearts.

Madman Chu is not only hindering their chance to become emperor, but also destroying the future of their orthodoxy! !

It is which is intolerable! !

"Mad Chu, you must never stay!"

Some saints have this idea in their hearts.

"No, you must find the head to discuss the matter after you go back."

"The threat of Madman Chu is too great, far beyond our previous estimates. If we don't get rid of it as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles!"


At this time, Madman Chu did not know that the saints were about to launch some action against him. At this time, he was on his way back to Xuantianzong.

He gained a lot from this trip to the imperial palace.

And what satisfied him most was the imperial soldier. He had seen the power of the Sea God's Halberd, and he looked forward to the imperial soldier more and more.

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