Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 508: : Kitty is too noisy, kill Zhundi in seconds, go

Latest website: "Who dares to hurt my disciple of Xuan Tianzong!!!"

Accompanied by an arrogant speech, I saw a palm suddenly swept from a distance.

After the violent palm smashed the white lion phantom, he still swept forward to the white lion heart and others.

The few people who were locked in by the palm energy could not evade at all, and could only urge their spiritual power to resist the palm.

But the power of this palm was too terrifying, even if it was shared by a few people, it was still shot back hundreds of feet in an instant, vomiting blood directly, and his face became extremely pale after a brush.

Only Wang Tianteng who defended with the Hunyuan Five Elements Bell was better.

He looked not far away at this time, his eyes were horrified, "He is here, that guy is really here!!"

Wang Tianteng, as a top-notch arrogant, in Jiutian, apart from those taboo arrogant, among the young generation, there was no fear of anyone.

But a year ago, he fought for the emperor's chance in the lower realm and met someone.

The man had never fought him before, even said nothing.

But that person gave him a great shock and left an indelible impression in his heart.

Now, he felt the breath of that person again.

I saw a stream of light falling on the water of Tianchi.

The man in white clothes and black hair, handsome and beautiful, extraordinary, and the appearance of heaven and humanity made everyone present can not help but shine.

"It really is him!" Wang Tianteng swallowed.

Madman Chu was standing on the surface of the Tianchi Lake, and the cold air eroding from all around did not affect him at all.

He glanced at Shang Qingxue on the snow lotus, the eye of insight revolving.

"Shang Qingxue, his cultivation as a saint, the Frost Dao Body is being upgraded, and his progress is 90%..."

The madman of Chu was amazed.

The Frost Dao Body is already a top-notch Dao Body, if it is improving, I am afraid it will become a Supreme Dao Body.

I didn't expect Shang Qingxue to have such an opportunity.


After seeing Madman Chu arrived, Shang Qingxue's face was happy, and her heart settled down.

She knew that as long as the man in front of her arrived, no matter what the difficulty was, she could be easily solved.

This is almost blind worship.

In fact, the three characters of Chu Kuangren already existed like belief in the hearts of the people of Xuan Tianzong.

"Well, you are here to improve the Taoist body, leave the rest to me."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He looked at the Bai Shixin and others in front of him, and said indifferently: "Those who want to hurt my Xuantian Sect, you are very courageous."

"Xuan Tianzong? Which orthodoxy is this?!"

"I haven't heard of it. I guess it's an external tradition."

"I know about the forces of Nine Heavens, but this is the first time I have heard the name Xuantianzong."

Bai Shixin and others were a little surprised.

They have never heard of Xuantianzong, and logically speaking, it should not be an ancient or ancient tradition.

It's just that the strength displayed by Madman Chu is too strong.

The three top arrogances were hit hard by just one palm, and who knows how much force the opponent used with this palm.

"Madman Chu, if you want this Bingxin Xuelian, I can give it to you."

Wang Tianteng said loudly, which made people extremely surprised.

Unexpectedly, the dignified top Tianjiao would not even dare to compete in front of Madman Chu.

"What did you just say? Let me?"

Madman Chu laughed, and his tone suddenly became extremely cold, "Let, if I want it, do I need you to let it?"

Hearing his words, Wang Tianteng's face suddenly turned pale.

He felt that he seemed to have said something stupid.

"No matter who you are, this place has been sealed off by my avenues. You'd better hand over Bingxin Snow Lotus and leave here for me."

White Lion Heart took out a pill and took it, and said loudly.

Although the madman Chu's strength is amazing, now Tianchi is surrounded by powerful people sent by the great ancient Taoism, and there is even the existence of Zhun emperor. He believes that even if a taboo Tianjiao comes, he should not even think about taking it away safely. Bingxin Snow Lotus.

"Kitten, you are too noisy."

Madman Chu said lightly, and then he pointed a finger at the white lion heart.

A finger burst out.

The white lion's pupils shrank sharply, as if locked in by some terrifying force.

Before he could react, his mind was shaken and he lost consciousness for a moment.

Then, his head burst like a watermelon.

Red and white splashed out.

Princess Spider, Sima Ren and the others were the closest, and they were splashed with blood before they could react.

They froze in place, trembling all over, with horror in their eyes.

too terrifying.

Before they even had time to react to what had happened, a top arrogant smashed his head in front of them.

Such power is really terrifying!

"Lion Heart!"

A roar came from a distance.

I saw a figure swept over, looking at the headless corpse on the ground with a full face of grief.

This person was the quasi-di Bai Lei sent by Madman Chu beforehand.


"Don't you guys still take action?"

Bai Lei let out a loud roar, and several figures swept out from everywhere.

All these people were filled with extremely tyrannical auras, and it was just a few quasi-emperor masters sent by the ancient Taoist lineage to monitor the chances of Tianchi.

Several people looked at Madman Chu with great fear.

"This person is not easy to deal with."

"Indeed, his combat power is not weaker than that of Zhun Emperor, there is such a terrifying Tianjiao in the outside world!"

"This person is definitely a taboo!"

Kuangren Chu looked at the few people in front of him, and said lightly: "When I hit the young ones, the old ones came. You also do this in the ancient orthodoxy. The co-authoring is to bully me and I have no background."

"Boy, what on earth are you from?"

Several quasi-emperors did not dare to rush into action.

"Do you want to do it? If you don't do it, just turn around and **** off."

"You... asshole!"

The quasi emperor's face in the line of Snow Spider sank, and he didn't say much, and immediately shot, "The sky is net!"

With a palm shot, a large group of spider silk surging and turned into a big net to cover the Madman Chu.

"Disappointing strength."

Madman Chu said lightly, with a clanging sound of Kunwu's long sword on his waist, revealing half of his sword light.

The sword light poured out, sharp and unmatched!

I saw that giant web of spider silk was directly torn in half by Jianguang.

But Jian Guang was like a broken bamboo, rushing forward to the Snow Spider Quasi Emperor.

With a tear, the blood mist gushed out.

Dignified Zhundi was easily torn in half by Jianguang like a thin piece of paper.

With such power, everyone present couldn't help but shrink their pupils, and their scalp numb for a while.

"One sword, no, maybe just half a sword killed a quasi emperor in seconds, my goodness, what kind of combat power is this?"

"Who is this guy?"

"How can there be such a terrifying Tianjiao!!"

The remaining three quasi emperors staggered two steps backwards in fright.

Wang Tianteng's eyes were even more shocked, "It's only a year, and this guy's strength is even more unfathomable."


Bai Lei swallowed without taking revenge, turning around and quickly leaving with someone.

In the face of Madman Chu's horrible combat power to kill Zhun Emperor in a flash, they really didn't have any thoughts of resistance.

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