Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 512: : The emperor surrendered, and successively beheaded the quasi emperor

Latest website: Above the sky, Patriarch Sima suddenly took out a golden long sword.

On the body of the sword, various runes were engraved, and a majestic coercion permeated from it.

"This is the coercion of the imperial Dao, the imperial soldier." The Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Boy, let you see how our Sima Family Emperor's soldiers are!" Sima Family Master said loudly, and the long sword in his hand suddenly slashed, and a golden sword aura burst out like a golden dragon. From top to bottom, swooping down towards the Madman Chu.

Wherever he went, the void shattered like a mirror, spreading white lines.

"It's like someone doesn't have an emperor." Madman Chu said lightly, then raised his hand and shook it, and a golden halberd appeared.

It is the Emperor Sea God's Halberd.

The Madman Chu hit with a halberd, surging like a whole ocean, shaking the sky and the earth.

The golden sword light slammed into the majestic water force.

The force of the two imperial soldiers collided like a smashing one hundred thousand mountains, and the terrifying impact caused the entire Tianchi Mountain to become fragmented.

The saints onlookers outside were all shocked by this terrifying impact and retreated for dozens of miles, looking at the direction of Tianchi in horror.

"This force is the imperial soldier colliding, I rely on, that guy actually has an imperial soldier in his hands!"

"Even if it is the ancient Taoism, there are not many emperor soldiers in the ancient Taoism, and they are all the roots of the Taoism. This guy actually has the emperor soldiers in his hands. How rich and wealthy is the Taoism behind him, actually let Tianjiao take At the emperor soldiers?!"

"The force of imperial soldiers colliding is too strong, don't get too close."

The force of the collision of the two imperial soldiers is very powerful.

However, Madman Chu's strength is obviously stronger than that of Patriarch Sima, and the emperor's power he can exert is even stronger.

I saw the sea god's halberd's water flow force abruptly smashing the golden sword light, and fiercely banging on Patriarch Sima's body.

Patriarch Sima's face changed drastically, even if he was a quasi-emperor, but under the might of the emperor's army, he was still hit hard in an instant, vomiting blood and flying out.

And the golden imperial soldier long sword in his hand was even more directly released.

"not good!"

Patriarch Sima's face changed slightly, and he wanted to summon this emperor soldier back.

But at this moment, an invisible power of thought suddenly enveloped the Emperor Soldier, and Patriarch Sima's call was simply useless.

But seeing Madman Chu's figure flashed, he came to the emperor's long sword and stretched out his hand to hold it.

As if rebelling against Madman Chu, the emperor soldier burst out with golden sword light, buzzing and trembling in Madman Chu's hands.

"Oh, kind of stubborn, give me surrender!"

Madman Chu shouted, the breath of the Nine Orifices Exquisite Sword Heart exploded, and the supreme saint's spiritual power exploded!

Soon, this imperial soldier gradually ceased and stopped resisting.

"How come!" Patriarch Sima's face changed after a brush.

He felt that his connection with Emperor Bing was cut off instantly.

"It seems that you didn't get the approval of this imperial soldier. You just refined it briefly." Madman Chu said.


If Patriarch Sima really refines this imperial soldier, even if the Madman Chu possesses the exquisite sword heart of the nine orifices, it is impossible for this imperial soldier to surrender.

The only explanation is that Patriarch Sima did not really refine this emperor soldier.

However, it is no wonder that the emperor soldiers are rebellious and can easily be refined by others. A monk who has not been recognized by the emperor soldiers cannot become the true master of the emperor soldiers.

At most it just has the right to use the imperial soldiers.

"Damn it!" Patriarch Sima looked at Madman Chu, with envy in his eyes.

The advantage of Jiuqiao Linglong Jianxin in Kendo is too great.

In particular, Madman Chu used this Dao body to the fullest, and in such a short period of time, he was able to surrender an emperor soldier.

At this moment, even the emperor of the Sima family was lost, and the loss was huge!


The Patriarch of the Gu family made a decisive decision and turned around to leave.

Madman Chu was really too strong, and the four of them could not have the upper hand in a combined attack, and even the patriarch of Snow Lion was hit hard.

Now, there is still an imperial soldier in the opponent's hand, so there is no way to gain an advantage.

If you don't leave, it is estimated that even Xiaoming will have to explain here.

Thinking of this, in addition to the Patriarch of the Ancient Family, the Snow Spider Patriarch was also eclipsed and frightened to turn around and ran away.

As for the patriarch of Snow Lion, he was still very aggrieved by the madman Chu character on the ground, unable to move.

I rely on!

This group of guys escaped without taking him.

"I want to go now, it's a bit whimsical."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

When he raised his hand, an incomparably mysterious sword rhyme spread out.

This rhyme of Taoism enveloped all directions, and suddenly there were twelve long pillars of sword energy condensing between the heaven and the earth!

A terrifying sword aura immediately blocked this space.

"This is the dao body vision of the Nine Orifices Exquisite Sword Heart, the Nine Heavens Sword Prison!" Sima Patriarch said solemnly.

"Damn it, break it!"

The Patriarch of the Gu family held a spear in his hand and slammed it into the void.

The horrible guns bite like a dragon.

In a bang, that spear power fell on the void, instantly impacting the blockade of sword energy.

He saw a gap in the sky full of sword energy.

"Successful!" The Patriarch of the Gu family beamed with joy.

But at this time.

Suddenly a silver-white rune suddenly fell in the sky.

A more powerful banning force broke out, locking this space, and the body of the ancient Patriarch couldn't help being fixed in mid-air.

And just in this gap, the gap in the Nine Heavens Sword Prison was re-blocked by Jian Qi.

"I said, you want to leave now, it's too late."

Madman Chu's voice sounded in the ears of the head of the ancient family.

Immediately afterwards, a purple sword light suddenly erupted, swallowing him completely.

In a short while, everyone saw the body of the Gu Patriarch's body in the air turning into a cloud of blood and exploding!

A master of the ancient Taoism, fallen!

This scene deeply shocked all the monks present.

"Escape, escape!"

After breaking through the blockade of the spatial condensed characters, the snow spider ran away desperately into the distance.

But like the Patriarch of the Gu family, she could not escape at all.

Madman Chu's thought power spread, and a series of rune swords condensed in the void, blocking the path of the snow spider patriarch.

At this moment, Madman Chu had already swept behind her.

"Don't come here!"

Perceiving the horrifying chill behind him, Patriarch Snow Spider screamed in horror, and then he transformed into his body.

The skin that was originally extremely beautiful was instantly shattered and turned into an extremely huge eight-armed spider with white hairs all over it.

The spider roared, and the two forelimbs kept waving towards Madman Chu.


The madman of Chu held the Kunwu Sword and activated his sword-cutting skills.

A brilliant sword light descended from the sky after cutting off the forelimbs of the snow spider patriarch, it landed on the opponent.

I saw that huge body was instantly divided into two by the sword qi, and a large amount of thick blood spewed out, dyeing the large areas of snow red.

Patriarch Snow Spider, die!

"There are the last two."

Madman Chu looked at the snow lion patriarch who was crushed on the ground, and with a thought, a huge rune sword suddenly formed over the opponent.

The rune sword fell to the ground like a meteor, piercing the snow lion patriarch fiercely.

He had been hit hard and was unable to resist, and he fell on the spot!

The Lord of the Four Great Ways had already fallen three before everyone responded.

At this moment, all the monks onlookers near Tianchi Mountain looked at Madman Chu with incredible and deep awe in their eyes.

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