Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 531: : I don’t lack spiritual source, I would rather die than surrender.

The latest website: Qixian City.

The Madman Chu, who had returned from Yecheng, returned to the inn, and his eyes were in ruins.

As for Murong Xuan, Shang Qingxue and the two have disappeared.

As soon as Madden Chu wanted to contact these two people, the innkeeper next to him rushed up and demanded compensation.

"I don't care. My inn has been open for hundreds of years and has been well received in Qixian City. Now you have ruined it for me. Don't even want to run without losing tens of kilograms of spiritual source."

The innkeeper caught Madman Chu and prevented him from leaving.

Not far away, Yang Xiyun, who was worried about Murong Xuan's safety, walked up, "What they destroyed, count mine."

"Xiyun, don't push your head forward, it doesn't matter to us."

Next to him, the Master Xiyin said lightly, seeing a trace of gloat in the eyes of Madman Chu.

See you pretending to be noble, now it depends on what you do.

"Master, Brother Murong is kind to me after all."

Yang Xiyun frowned, feeling a little disappointed in the master of Xiyin Sect.

"What if you are kind? We Xiyinmen has been entertaining him for a long time, and we have also given him a spiritual source. Unfortunately, he doesn't want it. Of course, if Fellow Chu wants to take it back now, it's not impossible. "The Master Xiyin said, watching Madman Chu playfully.

"No, I can still give this spiritual source."

Madman Chu threw out a Universe Ring, which contained a hundred jin of spiritual source.

This is nothing but a drop in the bucket for the madman of Chu with rich wealth.

And the innkeeper took the Qiankun Ring, glanced at it, and he was immediately overjoyed, "Then let this matter for today, see you by the head of Chu."

The innkeeper left with Lingyuan Pidian Pidian.

With these spiritual sources, he can build several such inns.

Next to him, seeing Madman Chu took out a few jin of Lingyuan, his face was a little unsightly.

However, Madman Chu ignored him and directly contacted Murongxuan and the two, and learned that they were now in a forest in Qixian City.

He left the scene and came to the place where Murongxuan and the two were.

In addition to them, there are Magic Sword Guards.

At this time, the Charm Sword Guard was lying on the ground, her chest was penetrated by sword energy, and the thin sword energy wrapped around the wound, blocking her spiritual power.

With a pale color on her soft face and a weak and helpless appearance, she couldn't help but feel pity.

It's just that Madman Chu looked at each other with a calm expression, his eyes of insight moving.

"Magic Sword Guard, one of the members of the Sword Clan Shadow Sword Guard, a dark fallen body, good at dark ways..."

The dark and fallen body, one of the three thousand Taoist bodies, and it is also a kind of supreme Taoist body, going hand in hand with Lan Yu's sacred body of light.

Such a Dao body, even if it is placed in the sword clan, is considered to be the top talent.

"It is surprising that such a Tianjiao will become a member of the Shadow Sword Guard." Chu Madman said in surprise.

"Huh, for the sake of Master Daozi, what does it matter even if you are in the boundless darkness?"

Mei Jianwei coldly snorted.

"Oh, Master Daozi, you mean Daozi of the Sword Clan, right."

"Since it falls into your hands, then you will kill me. Don't want to get the slightest information about the sword clan and Daozi from me."

Meijianwei looked reluctant to follow.

"It would be a shame to kill you, this fallen dark body is also a supreme Taoist body."

"Then what do you want?"

"Soon, you will know."

Madman Chu's mouth curled slightly, revealing a cold arc.

The sword fingers condensed, and a ray of light shot out from his fingertips, piercing the mind of the unresisting Meijianwei.

It is Yuhun Slave Seal!

The Meijian guard sensed the abnormality and frantically resisted the invasion of the slave mark.

It's just that her strength is far inferior to Madman Chu, and with her severely wounded body, all resistance is just useless.

In a short while, the Yuhun Slave Seal was deeply engraved in her soul.

"Bastard!! You want to enslave me!!"

Mei Jianwei's pretty face looked at Madman Chu with a stern look.

"Whether it is a delusion, I will know soon."

Madman Chu said lightly, his thoughts moved, he dispelled the sword energy from the charm sword guard, and restored his spiritual power.

When Meijian Guard saw this, his spiritual power was running, dragging his wounded body and attacking the madman of Chu.

When Shang Qingxue and Murongxuan saw this, they sneered.

In his heyday, even a lunatic clone of Chu Madman could not be defeated. Now that he is seriously injured, he still wants to fight against his deity? !

But Madman Chu had no plans to do it.

Just as the sword of the Meijian Guard was getting closer and closer to Madman Chu, there was a sudden burst of intense pain in her mind.

That is from the pain of the soul!

That was the punishment of slave imprints for her following crimes!

The intense soul pain caused Meijian Guard's body to tremble, and he couldn't help but knelt to the ground, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground too much.

"Since you can't kill you, but you don't want to use me to deal with Master Daozi!!"

Meijianwei's temperament is not as weak as it looks, on the contrary, it is very strong.

Seeing that she couldn't kill Madman Chu, in order to prevent herself from causing any harm to the sword clan and Jiandaozi, she endured the severe pain and took the long sword on the ground again and wiped it off her neck. The blade cut through the smooth neck, a lot of Blood splattered.

Madman Chu looked at the Meijian guard who committed suicide in front of him, slightly surprised, "Oh, you are loyal to the sword clan and Jian Daozi."

He raised his hand to urge the Spring Wind and Rain.

The surrounding vitality gathered, constantly pouring into the body of Meijian Guard.

With the help of this powerful recovery technique, the wound on the neck of the Charm Sword Guard was quickly healed and healed.

Soon, the Magic Sword Guard returned to its original condition.

She touched her neck, she didn't even have any scars. If it weren't for the blood splashing around, she would think that what happened just now was just a dream.

Madman Chu, saved her.

However, she would not think that the other party was kind.

A sorrow suddenly surged in her heart.

Unexpectedly, in front of Madman Chu, she couldn't even die.

"What do you want to use me to do to the sword clan?" Mei Jianwei asked coldly.

"This is not in a hurry."

With a movement of the madman's mind, a rune condensed around him, turning into a collar and locked on the neck of the Meijian Guard.

In an instant, Meijian Guard only felt that all his spiritual power was locked into the Lingxu!

"Qingxue, she will leave her to your care, temporarily take her with don't let her run away." Chu Kuangren said lightly.

"Okay." Shang Qingxue nodded.

Beside, Murong Xuan was a little puzzled, "Head, this woman is stout, she would rather die than surrender, I am afraid it will be difficult to surrender."

"Heh, I'll find out in a while."

Madman Chu chuckled, the true power of Yuhun Slave Seal had not yet been fully revealed.

When Murong Xuan heard this, he stopped asking more.

The three of them continued to walk towards the end of Emperor Road with Meijian Guard.

It's just that there is no big chance on the way.

After all, this emperor's road is very big, although many opportunities have begun to appear one by one, but it still takes a certain amount of luck to encounter it.

And there are many opportunities that are occupied by major forces, and it is impossible for ordinary monks to get a share.

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