Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 534: : Murong Xuan's chance, Murong Xuan and Xiao Jingchen

Tianxuan Daozhou, where Wanqi Cave is located.

According to the information given by Mei Jianwei, Madman Chu, Shang Qingxue, and Murong Xuan came to the mountain range where Wanqi Dongtian was located.

Although Wanqi Dongtian hasn't completely appeared yet, many people have already arrived, and there are countless Tianjiaos hovering in the entire mountain range.

The weaker ones of these Tianjiao have the strength comparable to the supreme supreme and even the saints, and some top Tianjiao even the strong ones of the older generation.

As for the taboo Tianjiao, which is at the apex of Tianjiao, Madman Chu has not seen it yet.

"There are many people, and the strength of each one cannot be underestimated."

Murong Xuan looked at Tianjiao around him, and said solemnly.

In the outside world, he Murong Xuan is the top arrogant, even those who walked in the past are not his opponents, but in the endless emperor road, he is considered excellent, but not the top one. Batch people.

"Only by practicing the Burning God Technique to the highest level can I contend with the top taboo Tianjiao!"

Murong Xuan whispered.

Beside, Madman Chu seemed to hear his words, smiled slightly, and didn't ask much.

He knew that Murong Xuan had his own chance.

"Master, when will this Wonderful Cavern open?" Shang Qingxue asked curiously.

"It should be another two days, when the Wanqi Cavern opens, there will be a vision."

Madman Chu said, he was not in a hurry.

Then, he launched a treasure hunt.

The fluctuations of various treasures within a radius of tens of thousands of miles were immediately and clearly reflected in his mind.

"There are some good treasures in this mountain range, which will help you two."

Madman Chu took out a jade slip, loaded some treasure information into it, and gave it to the two of them, "Here, you can find it."

"it is good."

The two of Murongxuan had already known that Madman Chu had some means to perceive treasures, and it was not surprising.

Before the opening of Wanqi Cave, the two took one step ahead of others and searched for treasures.

With the treasure hunt of Madman Chu, the two of them searched for a lot of good things within two days.

On this day, Murongxuan discovered a treasure medicine.

That treasure medicine grows in a volcanic crater, filled with extremely strong fire attribute Dao Yun fluctuations, at least it is a quasi-emperor grade treasure medicine.

"With this treasure medicine, my Burning Heaven Divine Art can almost enter the fifth stage, one step further from the seventh stage."

Murongxuan's eyes lit up and he quickly leaned toward the crater.

As for the strong volcanic breath to him, it was like a burst of heating, and it had no effect on him.

However, just when he was about to pick the treasured medicine, a gun power suddenly swept toward him with a domineering aura.

When Murongxuan saw this, the Equatorial Dao Body was activated, and a scarlet long sword in his hand was suddenly cut out!

That was a weapon he got after entering Dilu, called Burning Sun!

Fen Ri collided with Qiang Jin, and the terrifying force suddenly exploded. Murong Xuan was forced to retreat by several dozen feet.

He looked not far away and saw a young man wearing a golden robe, holding a spear, and a domineering young man standing in the air.

"That precious medicine belongs to me, you, get out!"

The young man said indifferently towards Murong Xuan.

Hearing this, Murong Xuan's face showed a jealous look, "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be you, Xiao Jingchen."

Xiao Jingchen, the former Tianjiao of Qianlong Ranking, ranked third.

He is also the owner of Xuanhuang Tianzun body.

This physique is very powerful, even above the nine-aperture exquisite sword heart in the 3,000 physique ranking.

It's just that Murong Xuan faced each other without fear.

"Oh, you know the Qianlong Ranking. It seems that you are from the Sky Star. With such strength, which arrogant are you in the Qianlong Ranking?"

Xiao Jingchen looked at Murong Xuan and said in surprise.

"Xuan Tianzong, Murong Xuan!"

As soon as Xuan Tianzong's three words came out, Xiao Jingchen seemed to have thought of something, a touch of horror appeared in his eyes, and he looked around.

"People from Xuan Tianzong, is Madman Chu also there?"

"Don't worry about whether the master is or not, if you want this precious medicine, you can beat me first."

Murongxuan held Burning Sun in his hand, and there was a sense of war in his eyes.

He wanted to see how far he was from such an invaluable arrogant as Xiao Jingchen.

Is it possible to defeat it!

"Huh, just rely on you?"

Xiao Jingchen looked around, but after not seeing Madman Chu, he felt calm.

In the entire sky star, apart from Madman Chu, he is not afraid of anyone!

"Just rely on me!!"

Murong Xuan stepped out one step, an extremely hot air wave burst out of his body, as if he was about to burn the entire sky.

"Hmph, let you see the power of Xuanhuang Tianzun's body!!"

Xiao Jingchen snorted coldly, and between raising his hands, punched out, the majestic spiritual power gathered to form a huge yellow fist mark.

The fist marks were punched out, as if the sky was going to collapse.

When Murong Xuan saw this, he cut out the Burning Sun Sword in his hand, and a crimson sword aura engulfed the majestic fire wave surging out.

The two forces collided and a loud roar broke out.

The whole volcano raised a lot of dust.

And this movement naturally attracted the attention of many people.

"What a powerful energy fluctuation, who is fighting against."

"Such aura, at least the top saint king, may be close to the quasi emperor."

"In the past, if it was the battle of Tianjiao, then such Tianjiao would have to pay attention."

Everyone rushed to the direction of the crater.

And in the distance. Madman Chu, who closed his eyes and meditated, opened his eyes suddenly, "Oh, Murong fought against someone, this kind of breath is him."

At the crater.

The duel between Murong Xuan and Xiao Jingchen was in full swing.

Both of them are the top talents, and their combat power is good, especially Xiao Jingchen, Xuanhuang Tianzun's body ranks second among 3,000 physiques. It is so powerful that few constitutions in ancient and modern times can match. The Saint King's cultivation base, the erupted strength is close to the quasi emperor.

But what shocked Xiao Jingchen was that he could not defeat Murong Xuan quickly.

The opponent's physique is obviously only the Red Sun Dao body. Although this physique is the top Dao body, it can only be ranked at the bottom of the top Dao body. There is no way to compare with his Xuanhuang Tianzun body, but Murong Xuan's battle broke out. Power is not worse than him.

This discovery shocked him.

"What the **** is this guy, where does he have such terrifying power?"

" it's not Taoism, it's... Gongfa!"

"This person's cultivation method is too clever, and it complements his Taoism to have this kind of combat power."

Xiao Jingchen had good eyesight, and soon saw a little bit tricky.

His heart was shocked, because his own practice is also extremely good, it is an emperor scripture, and Murong Xuan can beat him even when the Taoist body is at a disadvantage, which shows that the other party is practicing His skill level is still above him!

The other party's practice is definitely an emperor scripture, and even in the emperor scripture, it should be of the first-class kind.

As more and more people watched the game, Xiao Jingchen couldn't fight for a long time, and his heart was a little worried.

The dignified Xuan Huang Tianzun body beats a Red Sun Dao body far inferior to him to such a degree, wouldn't it be said that he is incompetent? !

"It seems that this can only be done!"

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