Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 574: : The way of the sword emperor, you are not the sword emperor after all, I laughed at

Withered sword guard used his example as a sword, but he was still cut in half by the madman Chu.

The incomparable strength made every sword clan monk present feel shocked and fearful, looking at him like a Shura evil spirit.

"Withered Sword Guard!"

Not far away, when Yin Jianwei saw that Dry Jianwei died in the hands of Madman Chu so easily, his eyes were broken.

He forced the Meijian Guard back with a sword, and then turned into a stream of light and swiftly headed towards Madman Chu.

The streamer disappeared and appeared from time to time in the void, flickering, unpredictable, very strange.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Guang had already arrived in front of Madman Chu.

"What's the use of changing things?"

Madman Chu said lightly, and Kun Wu cut out with a sword in his hand, just in front of Yin Jianwei.

This sword seemed to be random, but it blocked all the actions of Hidden Sword Guard in it, making it impossible to use his Shen Fa.

With the sword out, Yin Jianwei was torn apart by Jian Qi on the spot!

It looked like Yin Jianwei rushed up and was beheaded by the madman of Chu.


Everyone swallowed wildly, feeling unbelievable.

The strongest among them was the Withered Sword Guard and the Hidden Sword Guard, but both of these sword guards were now easily beheaded by the Chu Madman with a single sword, and they did not pose any threat at all.

Madman Chu is unstoppable.

"We are not his opponent at all, he is too strong."

"Damn, this kind of combat power is simply the emperor, this guy, it's terrible!"

Madman Chu walked towards the palace step by step in the fearful eyes of the sword clan.

But at this moment, Madman Chu suddenly felt a strange movement around him.

The sword marks scattered all around gradually revealed an extremely powerful and sharp sword pressure, and this sword pressure also locked the Madman Chu.

"Such power, Ken Daozi, what surprise can you bring to me?"

Madman Chu looked at the palace, his eyes gleaming with interest.

I saw a bright sword light burst out suddenly in the palace, forming a mighty pillar of sword energy.

In the palace, a golden figure walked out slowly.

This man has an impenetrable sword aura, like a high sword **** king, filled with monstrous sword aura coercion, in his hand he also holds a pale blue simple long sword, that is an imperial soldier, Qingxuan The Emperor Sword Emperor Qingxuan used in the past!

This person is exactly the swordsman who has refined most of the sword emperor's inheritance.

"Chu Madman, I don't care how you found this place, but today, you will lose me here!"

Ken Daozi said vigorously.

With a light movement of the divine sword in his hand, the sword rhyme contained in the sword marks around him all exploded, rising to the sky!

This is the way of the sword emperor!

Jian Daozi, after refining the inheritance of the sword emperor, can now manipulate the sword emperor's Tao contained in these sword marks!

"Sword Emperor Qingxuan is unwilling, so you can experience it!"

Ken Daozi held up the Azure Profound Divine Sword, the surrounding sword emperor's way rushed towards him frantically, condensed into a huge cyan sword shadow, the vigorous imperial way pressure diffused out, and there was a strong force in it. Unwillingness and hatred, that is the unwillingness of the Sword Emperor's inability to live out the second life!

Jian Daozi drank in a long body, and his spiritual power poured out frantically, and merged with the way of the sword emperor, making the sword shadow even more substantive, crashing towards the Madman Chu!

Before the sword shadow fell completely, a gust of wind had already started.

The hand-manufactured sword Changfeng couldn't help holding onto the corners of Madman Chu's clothes and swaying in the air. The Meijian Guard had to use spiritual power to resist it.

But Madman Chu didn't take a step back, the ink was flying, and Jun Yi's face didn't show the slightest timidity.

"Sword Emperor's Dao? Then let me experience it."

The Kunwu sword in the hand of Madman Chu deflected and cut out with a single sword, and the dazzling purple sword light swept out mightily.

This sword contains the invincible way of Madman Chu!

This sword is the sword of slashing the sky and drawing swordsmanship, and it is the invincible sword!

The purple sword light and the cyan sword shadow collided in the void, and the terrifying impact on the spot caused the surrounding buildings to burst into pieces!

A group of sword clan cultivators couldn't help going backwards crazy under the impact.

Madman Chu and Jian Daozi were the first to bear the brunt and received the most violent impact.

Madman Chu has the body of a supreme saint, his body is extremely powerful, and he is not afraid of impact, but Ken Daozi couldn't help his mouth spilling blood and regressed dozens of feet.

After the sword gas dissipated, everyone saw Madman Chu standing still, his white clothes as old.

However, the cultivators of the Sword Clan had fallen a large part, and even the Ken Daozi himself had bleeding from the corners of his mouth, half kneeling on the ground.

"No, even the way of the sword emperor can't help this person?"

"How can he be so strong?!"

The Sword Clan monks looked at Madman Chu with shock in their eyes.

Jian Changfeng and Meijianwei were behind the Madman Chu and saw the slender figure in white clothes, their eyes were full of admiration and awe.

"The way of the sword emperor is indeed extraordinary, but the time has passed. How many points can be left in the sword mark? And you are not the sword emperor!"

Madman Chu looked at Ken Daozi and said calmly.

The Dao left by the sword emperor himself is indeed extraordinary, but the Dao contained in the sword mark has already weakened a lot with the passage of time, and the Daozi can only be moved with the help of the Qingxuan divine sword and the exquisite sword heart. These ways, he is not the sword emperor after all, the two sides are far apart.


Jian Daozi saw that he couldn't kill the Madman Chu even if he inspired the sword emperor's way, so he decisively left.

Although he now has the inheritance of the Sword Emperor, he has not yet been thoroughly refined, and he is not yet an opponent of Madman Chu.

He is now looking for a place to digest the sword emperor's inheritance, refining the two sword essences, and he will definitely be able to compete with Madman Chu!

"Where can you go?"

Madman Chu's figure flashed, the space transportation technique was used, and he immediately came to Jian Daozi.

"The wind of the sword, the sword of the earth!"

Ken Daozi gave a long shout, and suddenly two dazzling rays of light burst out of his body.

Two beads, one green and one yellow, flew out of him, turning into two sword lights and rolling towards Madman Chu.

One contains the power of the storm, and the other is extremely thick, as if it contains boundless mountains and rivers.

This is Feng Jian Yuan, Earth Jian Yuan.

"Oh, is this your chance?"

Madman Chu said lightly, raising his hand and cutting out a sword, knocking out the two sword lights, but he did not take a step back.

"Damn it, if this goes on, I can't go at all."

Ken Daozi's face was a little gloomy.

He once again took out the water and fire sword yuan he had just obtained from the corpse of the Qingxuan Sword Emperor.

Although he hasn't refined these two sword essences yet, with the characteristics of the nine-aperture exquisite sword heart, he can barely urge them.

Jian Daozi gave a cold cry, the Taoist vision unfolded, and the sword of heaven on his head threw out the sword of water and fire, echoing the two swords of wind and earth, hovering around the sword of heaven, and finally wrapped a strand The incomparably majestic earth, wind, water, fire and the four elephants' power swept towards Madman Chu.

"In that case, I will laugh at your four swords."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up, he took out the Green Spirit sword case, and flew out of it twenty-four long swords to form the Four Seasons Sword Formation.

The sword array collided with Jian Yuan violently, and the entanglement of the power of the four seasons and the power of the four elephants made the surroundings shine brightly and brilliantly.

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