Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 576: : Li Celong’s abacus in the distress of Master Yu

The Sixiangyuan Magic Sword is released, and the black mist is broken!

Madman Chu took the Meijian Guard and Jian Changfeng left here.

"Is there a way to recover your body?"

Madman Chu glanced at the sword Changfeng that had become a figure, and asked casually.

Hearing this, Jian Changfeng couldn’t help but smile, “I use the Soul Transfer Technique to transfer my soul to this puppet. If I want to recover, I must find an inanimate body that hasn’t suffered any damage, and then remove myself. The soul of you can only be transferred in."

This is very difficult.

Jian Changfeng's soul power is not strong. If he wants to take away other people, he will inevitably encounter resistance from other people's souls. Others are the unity of soul and body. How can his single soul beat others?

As for finding a corpse to steal a house, the broken body cannot completely contain his soul.

There is another way, and that is to recreate a body.

However, this method is even more fantastic than the above one.

The method of body reconstruction is not without, but it is extremely rare, the materials are even harder to find, and everything is a stunning treasure.

Even if there is, Madman Chu still has to consider whether it is worth wasting to recreate the body of Jian Changfeng with such treasures.

After all, Jian Changfeng was just forcibly enslaved by the madman of Chu.

"Is it an inanimate body without any damage? Maybe, it's not difficult to do."

Madman Chu whispered.

Hearing what he said, Jian Changfeng was extremely surprised, "Does the master have any way?"

"At that time you will know."

Madman Chu didn't say much.

In the barren forbidden land, many tianjiao came to explore, each with its own fate.

At the same time, those restrictions that have not been completely dissipated are also in great danger, and therefore, there are not a few monks who have lost their lives.

Even Tianjiao fights against each other often.


A group of dark red flames flew across the air, hitting Yu's body severely.

The power of this flame is very terrifying, even if it is condensed jade, he can't help but vomit blood directly, and the snow-white skin on his body is scorched. Not only that, the flame is constantly eroding into the body through the wound, hiding in the depths of the body, hard to detect.

Condensing Jade's instinct was wrong, but there was no time to study the injury, because the enemy in front of him was staring at him.

It was an extremely charming woman, wearing a dark red dress, wrapped in a hot and concave figure, and a pair of autumn-like eyes was even more charming.

"Senior Sister."

Not far away, Chiyue's complexion suddenly changed after seeing Condensed Jade's injury, and she rushed up and stood in front of her, staring solemnly at the charming woman in front of her.

"Prince Chilian, for no reason, why are you chasing us?" Chi Yue asked coldly.

The Queen of Chilian is the righteous daughter of the king in the line of the evil beast of the Emperor Road, the Heavenly Snake. According to rumors, her body is the ancient beast, the Chilian Kingsnake, which is extremely powerful.

It's just that the Qiqingmen and the Heavenly Snake have never crossed the same line, Chiyue didn't understand why the Chilian Princess wanted to target them.

"Oh, for no reason?"

"Back when your master killed my father, you thought about today!"

There was an icy color in the eyes of Princess Chilian.

Hearing this, the two of Condensed Yu suddenly thought of something, "Is the red snake king snake that master killed your father?!"


"Really, I have long heard that your body is the red-trained king snake. I didn't expect that you were really related to the king snake that the master killed back then."

Chi Yue cursed secretly, unexpectedly there was such a reason.

"Back when your father was a disaster for the common people, my master shot him to kill him, what's wrong?!" Chiyue said.

"Hmph, my father got into a frenzy when he was practicing kung fu, but he just killed some people. After he finished venting, he would naturally return to normal, but your master wanted to be some kind of justice. Killed my father."

"Now, if I take revenge on my father, kill you, and ask for some interest from that **** Leng Yue, what's wrong."

Princess Chilian said lightly, raising her hand, a large amount of scarlet flames tumbling in her palm.

That's the supernatural power of the Queen of Chi Lian, Chi Lian Poison Fire!

This kind of flame is very powerful, and there are few supernatural fires that can match it.

"Trouble now."

Chiyue's expression was a bit ugly, and the other party wanted to avenge his father, and they had nothing to say.

But this doesn't mean they just want to die.

"Chiyue, you go, you are not her opponent."

There was a cold air on Condensed Jade's body, temporarily frozen his injuries, and looked at the Chilian Princess solemnly.


Queen Chilian snorted coldly, and raised her hand to throw out the dark red flame.

The flame turned into a hideous giant python phantom, biting away.

"Too great forgiveness!"

Condensed Jade raised his hand to condense Dao Yun, and pointed out, a huge white jade finger shadow pointed out, almost piercing the void.

The power of this blow is very powerful.

As soon as he pointed it out, the ferocious flame python suddenly shattered.

Zhijin flew away the Chilien Princess on the spot, and she was surprised: "I didn't expect you to have this kind of combat power. You are indeed a Taboo Tianjiao."

Condensing Jade was attacked by her and was already seriously injured. Just now, he was hit by her and was corroded by the poisonous fire, which could actually knock her back.

However, Chiyue on the side saw that the condensed jade was at the end of the battle.

After the prince of Chilian was forced to retreat, she quickly hugged the condensed jade, and then turned into a group and swept towards the distance.

"Oh, run away. No matter how you run away, you can't escape from my palm."

Princess Chilian stretched out a forked dark red tongue and licked her tongue, her eyes flashing with playfulness.

In her opinion, Condensed Jade is already the prey in her palm, no matter how hard she struggles, she can't escape. She is enjoying the feeling of teasing her prey.


A figure appeared beside the Princess Chilian.

That was a handsome young man. If Ningyu were here, he would definitely recognize this person, but it was Li Longce, Li Daoren's apprentice.

"The condensed jade has been poisoned by my fire desire. This poisonous fire is completely opposite to that in Lengyue. The one in Lengyue will suffer the pain of the poisonous fire when it is emotional, but this poisonous fire of mine will go wrong The most primitive **** in the condensed jade body, no matter how pure and clean she is, she will not be able to resist the loss of love."

"Your chance is here, take it well."

The Queen of Chilian smiled faintly.

Li Longce was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Thank you for practicing Taoism."

"After it's done, don't forget what you promised me."

"Friends of the Red Lian, don't After this is done, we will definitely inform you of the whereabouts of the red lotus fire."

Li Longce laughed, and then untied a kit from his waist and released a snow-white beetle from it.

After the beetle hovered twice in the air, it swept away in the direction where the two of Ning Yu left.

"Xueyu child and mother insects, even if they are thousands of miles apart, they can easily find each other. The insect powder ground by the child insects has entered your body with the poisonous fire. Condensing jade, you can't escape."

Li Longce showed a look of inevitable gain, and then, according to the guidance of the Xueyu mother insect, led the Chilian Queen to catch up.

"Friends of Chi Lian, after finding those two, I hope you can cooperate with me in a play."

Li Longce said suddenly, "I hope that I will show up and save them."

"Oh, do you want to come out with a hero to save the United States? You have done this. Are you still trying to get the heart of Condensed Jade? Human beings are really contradictory and hypocritical."

Princess Chilian smiled, but did not refuse.

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