Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 599: : Gudao Lake, preparations of Tianjiao, Yuanshi Taoyuan

Gudao Lake, this is one of the great opportunities of the barren forbidden land.

Recently, it was the time when Daohu's chance appeared.

Logically speaking, at this time, Dao Lake should be full of excitement, and the gathering of Tianjiao is the only place.

But now, there are very few people around this lake.

But on a mountain not far from Gudao Lake, there are a large number of Tianjiao gathered together, looking at the direction of Dao Lake.

Each of these people is Tianjiao.

Among them, there are even many Taboo Tianjiao, they are gathered together, it seems that they are talking about something.

If this scene were recorded with a photo-taking stone, once it was released, it would definitely cause a sensation.

You know, these taboo Tianjiao are all arrogant people, and they are often compared by others, so if they encounter each other on weekdays, they will definitely fight over and over.

Except for a few really good friends, where can you gather together and communicate so peacefully?

Not to mention, this also includes human races and fierce orcs.

This is really unimaginable.

But now, this scene actually happened in front of everyone.

And it was Madman Chu that made this scene happen invisibly!

The pressure he caused to everyone is really too great, making these taboo geniuses have to unite to deal with him.

When facing a common enemy, even enemies who usually face each other will temporarily let go of their prejudices and join forces against the enemy.

"You said, will Madman Chu really come?"

Jiu Yan of the ancient beast Nine Infants tribe said lightly.

"Yes." Wang Quan said with a serious look in his eyes.


Jiu Yan snorted and said: "We are so loud, that Madman Chu can't be aware of it. The Tianjiao in the barren forbidden area has gathered to deal with him. Do you think he will really come?"


Wang Quan continued to repeat, "He is a Tianjiao, the most peerless Tianjiao in the ages, and his arrogance does not allow him to retreat, so he will definitely come!"

Not only did the king think so, worship Hongyu, Zi Wuji and other taboo Tianjiao did not say it, but also thought so in his heart.

It is said that the person who knows you best may be your enemy.

This is true.

Wang Quan and others have fought against Chu Kuangren several times, and although each was a miserable defeat, they could feel the arrogance of each other.

The arrogance that sees the world as nothing.

"For Madman Chu, we are just his defeated generals. A group of defeated generals gathered together. What kind of threat can he pose? How could he give up the opportunity in front of us because of us?" Wang Quan sneered and had insight into it. The psychology of the madman of Chu.

Hearing what he said, none of the Tianjiao who had a confrontation with Madman Chu had a good-looking face, but there was no rebuttal.

Because they are indeed defeated by the Mad Man Chu.

"Hmph, because of his psychology, he will fail this time!" At this time, a young man in a yin and yang robe said in a cold voice, this person is the taboo Tianjiao Yunluozi of the **** of Yin and Yang.

"Yes, this time we have set up a heavy killing array near Gudao Lake. Even if Madman Chu has three heads and six arms, no matter how powerful he is, he can't escape!" said another taboo Tianjiao.

This person, dressed in a white robe, holds an array in his hand.

He is the master of ten thousand formations.

Wan Zhenzong is best at arranging formations, with few enemies and weak attacks. According to legend, if the formation Daozi is given enough time to arrange formations, this person can even kill the emperor!

Although this rumor is not true or false, there will be such a rumor spread around the world, which shows how strong this person is.

"In addition, my brother will also come."

A young man said lightly.

He was not a taboo Tianjiao, but a supreme Tianjiao from the Qin family, but his words made everyone's eyes bright.

"Will that person come too?"

"Of all the arrogances, it is estimated that only this person has the ability to compete with the madman of Chu. If he comes, we will be more confident."

When it comes to that person, even Taboo Tianjiao can't help being solemn.

That person is the brightest existence in Dilu Tianjiao.

The Qin family taboo known as the reincarnation of the great!

"Continue to pay attention, count the time, the chance of Gudao Lake is about to appear, if Madman Chu is going to come, it will be almost the same."

Everyone looked in the direction of Gudao Lake.

Some have fiery eyes, some look forward to...

"It is rumored that the Yuanshi Daoyuan produced by Gudao Lake is one of the top treasures in the world. In addition to improving the cultivation base, it can also make people quickly understand the Tao, which is very rare."

"Not only that, it is said that this Yuanshi Daoyuan can also increase physical strength, even to the point where it can be compared with ancient fierce beasts."

If it were in the past, this Yuanshi Daoyuan must be the focus of everyone's attention, but now, this Daoyuan can only become a foil.

All the Tianjiao are more concerned about the future battle, and it is the world-famous evildoer who will contend against all the Tianjiao with his own power.


Gudao Lake is located on the top of Wanzhang Mountain.

The lake is as clear as a mirror, and both sides are full of greenery and vibrant.

It's like a fairyland on earth.

But today, the Gudao Lake suddenly has ripples, and the ripples are getting bigger and bigger, gradually turning into a wave, sweeping across all directions.

In the middle of Gudao Lake, the lake was rolling and white waves were surging, as if something was about to wash out of the water.

Under the lake water, a cloud of white light became more and more flaming, and along with a jet of water soaring, the cloud of white light also appeared on the surface of the water.

It was a baby-sized white ball of light with countless mysterious light patterns flowing around ~ as if reflecting the heaven and the earth.

That is Dao Wen!

It is the texture of the Tao, the mystery of the Tao, and it is a vision that will manifest only when the rhyme of Tao is rich to a certain degree.

On the mountain peaks dozens of miles away, many Tianjiao saw the Yuanshi Daoyuan group rushing out of the Gudao Lake.

Everyone looked at that Dao Yuan intently, breathing heavily, and wanted to rush out to fight.

"That's Yuanshi Daoyuan, so rich energy fluctuations, and the Dao rhyme contained on it, all of which have formed Dao lines."

"It's too mysterious. If this group of Yuanshi Daoyuan can be refined, then my Dao will definitely reach the point of completion."

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't compete with Madman Chu then?"

Many Tianjiao's eyes were fiery, and even Taboo Tianjiao was a little moved. They didn't expect Yuanshi Daoyuan who appeared this time to be so seductive, and this opportunity was too great.

"Calm down for me, don't forget, what is the purpose of our trip." At this time, Wang Quan snorted coldly.

Hearing his words, everyone gradually calmed down.

Can't be impulsive.

What can they do even if they rush to **** it?

They couldn't compete with Madman Chu at all.


At this moment, worship Hongyu's eyes condensed.

Everyone's minds shook in an instant, and they looked at the mountain road leading to Gudao Lake.

Just listen to the sound of steady and powerful footsteps echoing in the mountain road, and a figure slowly walks towards Gudao Lake.

The man was tall and slender, his white clothes were slender and clean, his handsome face was flawless, and his mouth was smiling like a sneer.

"Sure enough, he will never miss the Yuanshi Taoyuan of this Gudao Lake." Wang Quan took a deep breath.

At this moment, the minds of the people on the mountain were all drawn by the white figure, and their eyes gradually became serious.

"Everyone, get ready to act."

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