Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 705: : Yin Honghua, temptation, just one move can shock 4 people

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Fortress No. 17, inside the general's mansion.

Madman Chu was using Di Nian to communicate with everyone, and learned a lot about the upcoming major general.

What is the youngest emperor in the history of the fortress, the extremely rare top-grade emperor monk, and the fastest monk to enter the battle list...

All in all, the major general of the General's Mansion is very famous in the fortress, and countless monks highly respect him.

At this moment, Madman Chu felt two auras approaching him.

He interrupted Di Nian, got up and opened the door.

Outside the door, there are two women wearing red standard robes with black long knives hanging between their waists, looking heroic.

"Friend Chu, Major General invites you to come to the lobby for a comment."

When the two women saw Madman Chu, their eyes lit up.

But soon, the two recovered and said sternly.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Let's go."

The major general has returned.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see how amazing this person was.

General House, in the lobby.

Ghost Blade Tianzun also has a woman in red who is talking. The woman in red has exquisite features and looks like a peach and plum. Although charming, her brows are vaguely filled with evil spirits, like a thorny rose.

This person is the major general of the General's Mansion, Yin Honghua!

"Hua'er, you will meet with Daoist Chu later, so you have to be more stable, don't you know?" Ghost Blade Tianzun reminded.

"Well, grandfather don't worry, I have my own measures."

Yin Honghua said lightly.

Hearing her words, Ghost Blade Tianzun became more and more bottomless.

After a while.

Madman Chu led by two female guards to the lobby.

"I have seen the general, the major general."

The madman of Chu bowed his hands, with a gentle appearance.

Next to him, Yin Honghua glanced at him. For so long, she had already trained her heart to become King Kong, but when she saw Madman Chu, she still trembled, "It looks really beautiful."

Not only Yin Honghua, but the female bodyguards behind her also communicated in a low voice, keeping their eyes on Madman Chu.

"This man is too good-looking."

"Yeah, look at your figure, look at this face, if this isn't the general's guest, I'm going to grab him back."

"Tsk tsk, I really want to bully him."


Ghost Blade Tianzun coughed slightly.

Only then did the female guards converge.

Beside, Yin Honghua couldn't help but yelled, "Shame."

Then, she looked at Madman Chu and said lightly: "I've heard of some things about you, and I was very curious in my heart. That's why I asked you to have a look. When I saw you today, Fellow Dao Chu is indeed extraordinary."

"Major General is polite."

Madman Chu also glanced at Yin Honghua.

At this moment, the other party's information has been completely resolved by him.

The strength is similar to the rumors.

Even better, the opponent's cultivation base is not only a consummation emperor, but also the ninth stage of the emperor's early stage, not far from Tianzun.

The two chatted casually for a while.

"I'm going to the barracks later. Fellow Daoist Chu is interested in going there together?" Yin Honghua suddenly asked.

"Yes." Madman Chu didn't refuse either.

Several people went to the barracks.

In the barracks, all the soldiers had heard about Yin Honghua's return, and all of them were redoubled their training.

"Major General is here!" Suddenly, the thin and tall emperor who had been watching on the wall shouted.

"Lined up!" shouted the bearded leader.

After a while, Yin Honghua and Madman Chu walked into the barracks, all the soldiers gathered together and stood straight.

"Li Youdao, get out!"

Yin Honghua shouted.

The tall and thin man had a bitter expression on his face, but he walked out with his head straight and shouted, "Yes!"

"Attack me!" Yin Honghua said.

The tall and thin man was not surprised, and he raised his hand and hit Yin Honghua.

The imperial energy gathered in his palm, and the mysterious Dao pattern appeared. After a palm blasted out, it set off a surging wave of air, layer after layer.

But Yin Honghua raised his hand and punched.

In a crash, the emperor's energy, Dao Wen, and endless waves of energy shattered!

The thin and tall man was blown away by a punch and hit the door.

"It's another trick. Last time it was also a trick. This time it was just a trick. Li Youdao, have you tried hard to practice?"

"Yes!" shouted the thin tall man, getting up from the ground.

"Humph, double the training!"

Yin Honghua snorted softly, "Feixue, get out!"


Emperor Feixue came out, a little nervous.

Then, Yin Honghua punched again, and Emperor Feixue tried his best to resist, barely blocking the punch.

"Feixue, my red guard is still short of a deputy commander. If you wish, you are always welcome." Yin Honghua said lightly.

"Thank you, Major General, for showing your love, I will consider it."

The Great Emperor Feixue stayed in the barracks for a long time, where she met many people and said she was leaving, but she was still a little bit reluctant.

Yin Honghua tested a dozen more people.

They are all emperor-level figures.

Then she said lightly: "I'm a little tired."

Those who were left untested were relieved.


Yin Honghua looked at the Madman Chu who had been watching behind him, and said lightly: "Friend Chu, you can test the rest for me."

Madman Chu was stunned.

He just said why he had to bring himself to the barracks.

So I was waiting for myself here.

This is to test yourself!

"That's not great." Madman Chu hesitated.

"There is nothing wrong with this group of guys. If you don't practice for a few days, you will be lazy. You can test it, and by the way, let you know what the strength of our No.17 fortress is." Yin Honghua said ~ www.mtlnovel. com~Xiefeng, get out! "


"Follow Daoist Chu a few tricks."


The monk evil wind walked out and looked at the Madman Chu with a bit of eagerness to try, "Daoist Chu, please."

"Daoist Chu, you have to be careful. Evil Wind is not only a leader in the military camp, but also a master on the battle list. Although the ranking is not high, it still should not be underestimated."

Emperor Feixue reminded him next to him.

Battle list, this is a list on the battlefield outside the territory.

This battle does not refer to combat power, but refers to exploits!

The higher the battle, the higher the ranking!

It's just that the higher the combat power, the higher the combat power is, and no one can make it to the battle list is a simple character.

"Please!" Madman Chu said lightly.

The evil wind shot.

Like his name, as soon as he shot, there were black storms around him, swept towards Madman Chu.

The strength of the opponent is already the seventh level of the first stage of the Emperor!

This is the Emperor of Consummation.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and a sword aura surrounded his fingertips, easily tearing apart the black storm around the evil wind!

The sword air flow turned and stopped on Xie Feng's throat. He swallowed his saliva, and the imperial energy on his body suddenly disappeared.

He looked at Madman Chu with a little horror.

He could clearly see the opponent's movements with that sword just now.

Raise your hand, stab it out, in one go.

The trajectory of the sword move is even more straightforward.

However, he just couldn't avoid it!

This is no longer a gap in moves.

It's a crush on the realm!

In the barracks, the soldiers who witnessed this scene couldn't help but shrink their pupils, looking at Madman Chu with extremely solemn expressions.

With this one move, Madman Chu has already shocked the four!

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