Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 723: : The monk in the sky comes, the ghost sword Tianzun fights Bai Juexin

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"Well, as long as he is still on the battlefield outside the territory for a day, I will always find him, and then, I must make this life worse than death!"

There was a cold color in Bai Juexin's eyes.

He is the son of the blood king of the blood clan, and his status and status are extremely respected. He wants to find someone in this outer battlefield, it couldn't be easier.

"The treasures in this secret world are almost scraped, but they haven't been able to find the origin of the secret world. It seems that they can't be found."

"Look for a few more days. If you still can't find it, you can only leave. If you count the time, someone should be sent from the sky star."

Bai Juexin murmured.

boom! !

At this time, the entire pink secret world suddenly vibrated.

I saw a crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the blood races.

In the rift, one after another warships swept out.

Seeing this scene, Bai Juexin smiled, "It's a coincidence. I just thought that it's here now."

Those warships are the monks on the side of the sky star.

Most of the warships were marked with numbers sixteen, seventeen, and eighteen, which proved that most of these monks came from these fortresses.

In fact, these three fortresses are indeed the closest to the No. 7 small line, and it is reasonable for them to arrive first.

Among them, the headed one is the guardian general from fortress No. 17, that is, the ghost sword Tianzun!

During this trip to the secret world, he actually went out in person.

"Hey, the people of these blood races are all gathered together, what's the matter?" Ghost Blade Tianzun was a little surprised.

"Are they already planning to leave?"

Beside the ghost sword Tianzun, the leader of the beard said, this is not a good signal, it proves that the treasure in this secret world has been almost scraped by the other party, otherwise how could they leave?

"Let me find out where Fellow Daoist Chu is."

Ghost Blade Tianzun's imperial thought spread instantly, covering the entire secret world.

But like Bai Juexin, he did not find Madman Chu, and there are only two possibilities, either Madman Chu has left the secret world, or he has...fallen!

The first possibility is that if the opponent enters the secret world, based on the opponent's cultivation base, it is impossible to open the secret world and leave alone.

Then, there was only the second possibility, and thinking of this, Ghost Blade Tianzun's face was already covered with dark clouds, extremely gloomy.

Next to him, Yin Honghua, who met Ghost Blade Tianzun halfway and chose to follow him, couldn't help but chuckle when seeing the other's face.

"Grandfather, how is the situation."

"There is no trace of Fellow Daoist Chu."

Ghost Blade Tianzun shook his head and said.

Hearing this, Yin Honghua's face paled for a moment.

"Not found, does that prove that he has..."

"Not necessarily, Fellow Daoist Chu is amazing and brilliant, he doesn't look like a lifeless person." Ghost Blade Tianzun comforted.

It's just that even he didn't have much hope in his heart.

Because there are too many blood races in front of me.

Hundreds of millions of them, among them there are many Tianzun powerhouses, and even half-walkers like Bai Juexin!

In his opinion, it would be impossible for the Madman Chu to be able to deal with these existences for so many days.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, Ghost Blade Tianzun knew that in all likelihood, the other party really fell.

"Benefactor, I am ashamed of you!"

Ghost Blade Tianzun sighed softly, and Madman Chu came to him with the token of his life-saving benefactor's seven punishments.

But the other party died in the hands of the blood clan, making him very guilty.

"Friend Chu, I will definitely avenge you."

Ghost Blade Tianzun thought in his heart, looking at the blood race battleship, his eyes showed extremely cold killing intent.

"Blood, prepare to die!!"

Ghost Blade Tianzun roared, and took a step forward, the breath on his body burst out, and a huge black sword shadow condensed behind him!

And around him, the heavenly stars of the sky star also rushed out, one by one small worlds displayed, covering the world.

When the cultivator of the sky star meets the blood race, there is almost nothing to say, just a single word, kill! !

The hatred between the two sides has lasted for countless years and has long been endless.

Seeing the Tianzun on the side of the sky star unfolding the small world, the Tianzun in the blood clan couldn't sit still, and rose to the sky one after another.

"Haha, cultivator of the sky, you are late. The treasures in the secret world have already been taken by us. At most, you can only come to get some residue we don't want."

"That's it, what's the use of coming, not to die."

"Hmph, let the anger you suffered from that **** guy before vent to you, take it to death!"

The Heavenly Sovereigns of the Blood Race also expanded their own small worlds, and the small worlds collided one after another, and the entire secret world was shaking frantically.

Tianzun and Tianzun were fighting together, fighting dimly.

And the emperors also began to fight.


"Blood, die!"

"Never allow this group of blood races to bring back the resources in this secret world, brothers, kill!!"

"It depends on whether you have this ability."

"Long live the blood!"

The monks under the emperor crashed together like a torrent.

For a time, the two sides fought hard.

The stump has a broken arm, and the flesh and blood fly.

Yin Honghua led the red guard, rushing to kill on the battlefield under the emperor, and blood races died under their charge.

Yin Honghua pierced out with a single shot, and his domineering gun was extremely powerful, blasting a blood emperor who wanted to sneak attack on him into scum.

Then, she looked at the battle of Tianzun in the She knew that the key to victory in this battle was Tianzun!

Especially in the leading generals of both sides.

High in the sky.

The imperial spirit on Ghost Blade Tianzun's body is vertical and horizontal, and Dao patterns are intertwined.

His small world only covers a radius of ten miles, but within these ten miles, no one dares to approach it.

"The blood source power in you is very strong. With this level of blood source power, your status in the blood clan is probably not low." Ghost Blade Tianzun looked at Bai Juexin and said indifferently.

The power of blood source is a unique power of the blood race.

The stronger the power of the blood source, the higher the potential, the higher the potential, the power of the blood source like Bai Juexin, Ghost Blade Tianzun has only seen a few times in the outer battlefield for so many years.

"It is the son of the White Blood King, Bai Juexin!"

Bai Juexin soared into the air from the battleship, and said indifferently.

The identity of the son of the blood king made Ghost Blade Tianzun slightly surprised, but then the killing intent that appeared in his eyes almost turned into substance.

"Killing a son of the blood king, I believe it is a big loss for the blood clan."

"Killing the lord of the fortress, the high level of Sky Star must have a headache." Bai Juexin said tit-for-tat.

"Huh, kill!"

Ghost Blade Tianzun snorted, then the killing intent on his body soared, and the dark blade shadow behind him slashed out!

And between Bai Juexin's hand, a dark red big sword appeared in his hand, and it cut out with a single sword, and the dark red sword light collided with the blade shadow!

With a crash, the entire secret world was in turmoil.

Then, Bai Juexin also released her own little world.

The collision of the two top heavenly small worlds directly caused the surrounding void to twist and burst!

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