Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 736: : The first female emperor in ancient and modern times, the heavenly punishment person

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"Oh, do you vote? Then I don't know if I have the right to vote?" A cold voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a woman in white walking slowly.

The person here is only in the realm of Tianzun, and his aura is not even as strong as that of Madman Chu, but when everyone sees her, their pupils shrink slightly.

The Master of Wanfa Dao couldn't help showing his joy.

"is her!"

"Unexpectedly, she would appear suddenly."

"This breath... is so weak. It is rumored that she used some secret method to cut away part of the soul body and reincarnated and reincarnated when she transformed into a formation eye. Now it seems that it is true. This should be her reincarnated body."

"The first female emperor of ancient and modern times, Luoshui!"

The person here is the former headless female emperor, Luoshui!

She is now a goddess.

But Tianzun's cultivation base is not the support she dares to face the Taoist master, her true support is her other identity.

The first female emperor in ancient and modern times!

"Friend Luoshui, do you want to protect the madman too?"


Luo Shui said lightly, looking at Dao Master Xuan Huang, and said, "If you dare to move him, when I rebuild and return to Dao Master Realm, I will take you."

"You..." Xuan Huang Daozhu's face sank.

The current Luoshui is not worth mentioning to him.

In the Heavenly Venerable Realm, he could pinch to death with one hand.

But the other person's deity is the first female emperor in ancient and modern times, and she has been guarding the sky for twelve years.

He couldn't ignore this feat alone.

Not to mention, although the opponent's deity has become the eye of the enemy, it has not yet fallen. Who knows if it will come out in the future.

"Well, you have to protect the madman, you can, but you also only have seven votes. I have 14 votes."

"What if, plus us?"

A voice appeared.

In the void, a figure in a green shirt appeared.

Seeing him, the Taoists couldn't help but wonder.

"The first day tormentor!"

"Hey, I didn't expect him to show up too."

"Interestingly, this Madman Chu has enough energy, the Taoist Master of Ten Thousand Laws, the Heavenly Punisher, and Luoshui actually all made their heads for him."

The man in the green shirt, the first day tormentor, smiled and said: "This person possesses the power of heavenly punishment, and I am also very curious about his current changes, so this person, our heavenly tormentor... is protected."

The complexion of Xuan Zodiac Lord is a bit ugly.

Seeing that he hadn't responded for a long time, the man in Qingshan frowned, "Why, don't we even have this weight anymore? Or do you think that the Heavenly Punisher can't shock you anymore?"

The tone of the man in the green shirt gradually became low.

In the depths of the universe, several terrifying auras burst out.

"Ha, it seems that some people are floating!"

"Interestingly, when Lao Tzu was fighting with the gods, some of you couldn't even hold a knife."

"Tao masters, don't look at our injuries now, but if we fight, believe it or not, I can trade with you for two!"

"This child, my old lady will protect you, whoever dares to move, my old lady will want you to look good even if I fight this life."

The imperial thought of the Tianxuer came from the cold universe.

The icy killing intent flooded the entire Tianyuan planet.

All Taoists changed their colors.

The nine heavenly executioners were all guards of the King of Humans back then, and their achievements in the battle against the gods are still fresh in their memories.

"Xuan Huang, go ahead, do we have the right to vote."

The green shirt man said indifferently.


In the end, Master Xuan Zodiac could only nod his head helplessly.

"Very well, now it's 16 to 14 votes. No one is allowed to stop this little guy from continuing to integrate the Taoist patterns of Tianyuan Taoist Temple."

The green shirt man said lightly.

Then, his figure turned into countless spots of light and dissipated.

The Taoists did not leave.

They stayed in place, watching Madman Chu continue to integrate the Dao Marks of Tianyuan Taoist Temple, and wanted to see what would happen to the other party.

The ten-day limit has already passed.

But because of the existence of Madman Chu, Tianyuan Taoist Temple did not close.

This surprised all Taoists.

In the dojo, the Dao pattern of Tianyuan Daochang and the Dao pattern of Heavenly Punishment gradually merged, forming a vast force of heaven!

"This Tianyuan Taoist Temple is originally part of the power left over by the Heavenly Dao from a long time ago, and the Heavenly Punishment Dao Mark of the Mad Man Chu is also the power of the Heavenly Dao. What will happen if the two are combined?"

"What this person has done is incredible."

"I don't know how far he will grow in the end."

In the voice of everyone.

The Dao pattern of Heaven Punishment is completely integrated with the Dao pattern of Tianyuan Taoist Temple.

Madman Chu opened his eyes suddenly, and there was no emotion that humans should have in those dark eyes, indifferent as ice.

A beam of Huanghuang Tianwei escaped from him, and the Dao Master present felt suppressed in front of this Tianwei.

They feel ridiculous at this time.

That is standing in front of them, not alone.

But... Heavenly Way!

In the depths of the universe, several light clusters are floating.

These light groups are the Heavenly Xunkers, and they are also paying attention to the Madman Chu, and when they see the posture shown by the other party after merging the Dao pattern of the Tianyuan Taoist Temple, several light groups can't help shaking violently.

One of the light groups couldn't help but blurt out, "King!"

Tianyuan planet.

Dao Master Xuan Huang, Dao Master of Ten Thousand Laws, Luo Shui and a few other Dao Masters couldn't help their pupils shrink when seeing Madman Chu's current posture.

"how come?!"

"This posture is... King of Man?!"

"Impossible, impossible. The King of People is dead. After many years of death, how can he appear again?"

The pupils of the Master Xuan Zodiac were trembling violently. In the past ten years, he has never lost his stance like he is Vaguely, there was a slight panic in his eyes.

And in the dojo, Madman Chu was experiencing his current state. He felt that he seemed to be connected with a certain existence in the dark, and every move had unimaginable power.

With a thought to him, he saw Taoist chants all around him, dragons and phoenixes were auspicious, golden lotus flying all over the sky, gods and demons knelt down, ten thousand saints worship and other visions appeared, and an endless pressure spread from him.

Dao masters couldn't help feeling dry when they saw this.

A vision of heaven emerges between the gestures.

This is no longer what power can explain.

This person, shouldn't he really incarnate into heaven? !

"Xiao Ai, analyze my current state."

Madman Chu's heart moved.


Xiao Ai, the all-knowing spirit, began to analyze, "The master is currently connected to the heavenly path of the sky star, and he can use himself as a medium to exercise some of the powers of the heavenly path, including the punishment of the heavens, the cultivation of living beings, the natural vision..."

After getting the analysis, Madman Chu was speechless.

Exercise the power of heaven? !

What a mighty force this is!

All spirits of the sky star can be said to be conceived by the Dao of Heaven, but now he can use the power of the Dao of Heaven.

Doesn't that mean that he has become the overlord of everyone? !

At this time, Tianyuan Dojo began to collapse.

The Dao pattern in the dojo was transformed by the power of the Dao of Heaven, and this power is now absorbed and refined by Madman Chu, and the dojo naturally no longer exists.

Madman Chu couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this.

No way.

Will these masters look for him desperately?

He swears that he was really only planning to comprehend the Dao Rune and perfect the Dao Rune of Heaven's Punishment. Who knew that these two types of Dao Rune would suddenly resonate and merged together...

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