Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 741: : Battle Damage, Meeting of the Blood King, Seal of Daoist Seal

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"General, in this battle, a total of more than 8,160 warships of the blood race were destroyed, and nearly 120 million blood races were annihilated, including more than 130 blood emperors and eleven gods..."

A leader is reporting the battle to Luoshui.

"Where are our casualties?" Luoshui said lightly.

"One hundred and sixty-seven warships were destroyed, more than 8 million soldiers were killed and wounded, eleven emperors, and above, no casualties..."

After the commander finished speaking, he felt a little weird.

This casualty is too light.

The casualties of the blood race are dozens of times more than theirs.


Luo Shui nodded slightly and looked at Madman Chu not far away.

She understood that the reason why the casualties in this battle were so small was that Madman Chu played a role that couldn't be ignored. Without his space transportation and sword qi clone, their casualties would be at least ten times more than that.

"Friend Taoist Chu's ability is too powerful on the battlefield."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Luo Shui nodded slightly, "But don't let it go. This is just the vanguard of the blood race. The battle behind is still difficult."

The **** sky battle is a protracted battle.

It is possible to mark for decades.

This is only the first battle, not even an appetizer.

Then, Luoshui successively received battle reports from major fortresses.

Except fortress No. 31, the rest of the fortresses also repelled the first wave of the blood clan's attack. After all, this first wave of attack was only a test of the blood clan, and the real main force had not yet arrived.

Even the Taoist master hasn't taken any action yet.

But even so, the major fortresses have suffered more or less losses, the heaviest fortress has been lost, and even several deities have fallen, and even the master of the fortress has suffered a lot of trauma.

In this case, the loss of Fortress No. 31 was so weak that it was almost negligible.

Upon learning that all this was due to the Madman Chu, the masters of the fortresses were amazed, feeling that Luoshui had a good helper.

"Fortress No. 31, be careful. Although you have a helper like Fellow Daoist Chu, the blood clan is coming this time fiercely. Their next attack will definitely take measures against Daoist Chu."

Luoshui is having a meeting with the generals of the remaining fortresses.

Among them, Ghost Blade Tianzun solemnly said.

And Luo Shui nodded, expressing understanding.


In the vast universe, there is a huge group of warships.

And on one of the ships, thirteen people were sitting around a huge round table, discussing something.

These thirteen people are the thirteen blood kings of the blood clan.

In front of the Thirteen Blood King, there were dozens of light curtains, and what appeared in the light curtains was the battle scene sent back from the front.

"Okay, this is the battle report on the front line. Now what you have to say, let's talk about it." A blood king said lightly.

And this person is the strongest king of the thirteen blood kings.

"I don't have any opinion on the rest of the fortresses, but who can tell me what happened to fortress No. 31? It was defeated so quickly." A blood king in a black robe curiously asked.

With the flick of his fingers, King Ming created an extra light curtain in front of everyone.

In the light curtain, a figure in white appeared.

The white clothes are like snow, the dust is not stained, the ink hair reaches the waist, the handsome and the dusty, a look of heaven and man.

"Oh, who is this man? He looks so good-looking. I really want to catch him back and play around day and night." The only woman among the thirteen blood kings, Mei Wang, couldn't help but shine brightly at the image of Chu Madman.

At this time, a cold murderous aura broke out.

It was sent from a blood king, and the eyes of all the blood kings passed the different colors, and when they looked at the Madman Chu, they had already guessed.

"Is this person the one pursued by the White King?"

"Oh, interesting."

The man who exuded murderous aura was the White King.

He is also Bai Juexin's father.

"Well, continue to talk about business. The reason why the person who went to attack Fort No. 31 failed so quickly is because of this person."

"This person's name is called Chu Madman, and he is good at spatial methods..."

The king of Ming confided the information of the madman of Chu.

After hearing the words, everyone's eyes gradually revealed a touch of solemnity.

If Madman Chu's abilities were used well on the battlefield, it would definitely be a huge threat to the blood race.

"If it weren't for the Dao Master, even if the strongest Tianzun is against this person, I'm afraid there is no certainty that it will win."

Said a blood king.

"The Dao Master takes action, and the Dao Master of the Sky Star will not sit and wait. I plan to send a few half-walk masters to the fortress No. 31 with the seal of the seal. What do you think?" King Ming said.

"Oh, the seal of Taoism, yes."

"That's pretty foolproof."

"Hmph, I want this person to pay for my son, White Corpse, you can also participate in this battle." The White King said to the void behind him.

An ugly man with a pale face and a little swollen body came out, nodding slightly, "The white corpse will fulfill its mission."

"Oh, in the White Clan, does the white corpse, who is known as the number one powerhouse under the Dao Lord, personally shoot? Don't let us down."

"It is rumored that the body of the white corpse is indestructible, and the physical strength is the most powerful in the blood race. This battle is a little anticipated."

Several blood kings looked at the white corpse with great interest.

Then, the Blood Kings deployed the second wave of offensive.

A few days later.

The second battle, open!

At fortress No. 31, Madman Chu and others also noticed the blood force looting at extreme speed. This time the number of warships was more than before, almost Fellow Daoists, trouble. "

Luo Shui said to Madman Chu.

"Well, leave it to me." Madman Chu nodded slightly, trying to follow the same pattern, first using the space transport technique to strike the opponent round.

But at this time, more than a dozen lights and shadows swept in extremely fast.

These people, without exception, are all in the realm of Tianzun.

At the same time, one of the figures locked onto the Madman Chu, raised his hand and punched out, and an extremely terrifying fist wind swept out.

Madman Chu raised his hands and smashed it to pieces.

He looked at the figure who shot him.

The man's face was pale, his body was swollen and ugly, but in that body, Madman Chu felt a very terrifying power.

That power is not spiritual power...

It was a kind of pure physical power he was familiar with!

"Oh, that's kind of interesting."

Madman Chu was a little interested.

At this time, the remaining Tianzun had already fought against the Tianzuns in the fortress, and Luoshui also faced a half-travel master.

But there were still three and a half trail masters and the blood clan with swollen bodies that surrounded the Mad Man Chu in the middle.

"Is this how you dealt with me?"

"Today, you must die here." A sanguine half-walker took out a blood-red seal and threw it into the air.

Suddenly, a powerful energy wave spread out from the seal, and beams of light formed around it, intertwined in the void, forming a huge cage-like enchantment, trapping the Mad Man of Chu in it.

Madman Chu suddenly felt that the surrounding space structure had been strengthened more than ten times, and his space transportation skills were actually restricted.

"That is, Dao Qi!"

Not far away, Luoshui couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly.

Dao Qi is equivalent to the Dao Master among monks.

Its power is far stronger than imperial soldiers.

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