Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 744: : Turn the tide, become famous, dominate the battlefield

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The long sword is wrapped in the majestic sword aura, cut from millions of miles away!

It was actually forcing the half-travel master of the blood beast to withdraw from the attack on Mo Ling Tianzun, and was the first to resist this sword.

"Break it for me!!"

The blood beast roared and pierced a spear! !

Two majestic energies collide together like two storms tearing apart the universe, and the purple sword energy and the blood energy complement each other!

Large tracts of road patterns flow around, covering most of the world.

Immediately afterwards, the purple sword aura shattered the blood-colored energy and fell fiercely on the body of the half-walker of the blood beast, blasting it out of a million miles and hitting an asteroid with a bang, and the flames bloomed like fireworks. , The asteroid with a diameter of thousands of miles burst into pieces and turned into cosmic dust.

"who is it!!"

The voice of anger resounded all over the world.

The blood beast rushed out of the cosmic dust, the armor on his body had been ripped apart by the sword energy, and there was still a little spark on his body. His blood-red pupils looked into the distance, full of violence.

The white jade sword turned into a streamer, shuttled between the stars, and finally returned to a slender, white palm.

The man in white clothes and black hair is handsome and handsome. Compared with the ugly and hideous face of the blood beast, his eyes are calm and calm.

"Friend Chu Dao!"

"Great, it is Fellow Daoist Chu who is here."

Tian Niu Zun, Hu Fei and others were all shocked, and they had already heard of Chu Madman's record.

Knowing that the opponent's strength is likely to be no less than the half trail master.

"Wait, why is there only Fellow Chu Daoist?"

Tian Niu Zun was taken aback for a moment.

Although Chu Kuangren is very strong, it is good.

But why is there only one? ?

Can this really deal with these hundreds of millions of blood tribe troops?

The rest of the gods were also dumbfounded.

"I'm alone, that's enough!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

Then, he stepped out one step, the space seemed to lose its meaning in front of him, and after one step, he had already arrived in front of the blood beast race.

"No matter who you are, but die for me!"

The blood beasts pierced fiercely with a spear in their hands. The spear contained the power of the small world, which was very powerful and directly caused the void to continue to twist.

But Madman Chu's face remained unchanged.

Kun Wu cut out in his hand, the sword also contains a small world!

With swords and spears fighting, the two worlds collide!

The blood beast tribe only felt an irresistible force of great power erupting from the white jade sword, and the spear was knocked out.

Then, the sword light flashed by!

Everyone only saw that the powerful enemy that could not be defeated by the power of a few Heavenly Venerables and Half Trail Lord was chopped off by a sword!

"This person is so strong!!"

"This combat power is really incredible!"

Tian Niu Zun, Hu Fei and others were stunned by Chu Madman.

at this time.

Madman Chu's eyes swept towards the rest of the blood clan, the small world spread out between raising his hands, and all the heavens were enveloped in it.

The long sword in his hand was swung, and every time it was cut out, the horrible sword light of billions of feet came out, slaying the gods one by one.

In a short while, the blood clan Tianzun was slaughtered by him!

"Sword Qi clone!"

Madman Chu's heart moved, and then he used his sword qi clone.

Sword energy flew out from him, and the sword energy turned into countless clones in the dance, spreading over the entire battlefield.

Among the people participating in the battle, an emperor was stunned, "I'm going, isn't this my sword-qi clone? I rely on it, it's him!"

The emperor was confused.

And this person is the Emperor Mingxin who created the sword qi clone.

With the arrival of Madman Chu, the defeat of the blood clan was irreversible. After all, under Dao Master, no one was an opponent of Madman Chu.

Soon, the blood tribe troops were cleaned up one by one, and everyone looked at the figure in white clothes with awe and admiration in their eyes.

"Friend Chu, thank you very much."

Mo Ling Tianzun came to Chu Madman and solemnly thanked him.

"It's okay."

Madman Chu stretched out his hand to perform the Spring Wind and Rain Technique to heal Mo Ling Tianzun's injuries, and then raised his hand, a large-scale spring wind and rain technique covered a radius of millions of miles, repairing the injuries of countless soldiers one by one.

This scene made everyone amazed.

"Space means, avatar art, plus this hand can restore a large range of physical injuries, this person is simply the master of the battlefield!" Mo Ling Tianzun said in surprise.

However, the Madman Chu who used the Spring Wind and Raining Technique on such a large scale was not as easy as it might seem on the surface, and consumed a lot of imperial energy.

"Friend Chu, thanks to you this time."


Hu Fei, Tianniu Zun and other Tian Zun also walked up to thank you.

Especially Hu Fei, looking at the god-like figure of Madman Chu couldn't help swallowing, feeling that this man fascinated her even more.

"Friend Chu, do you remember me?"

At this time, an emperor came up.

Madman Chu saw him and smiled immediately: "Emperor Mingxin, long time no see, you are the first emperor I have ever seen, how could I not remember, my sword spirit clone, you taught me it? ."

The Emperor Mingxin laughed, and You Rongyan said, "This emperor art is truly carried forward in your hands. Compared to how much stronger it is in my hands, I am completely convinced."

He really took it.

The last time his Di Nian met Madman Chu was more than ten years ago, but in the short span of ten years, the other party has grown from a small venerable state to the point where he now kills the half-path master .

At this point, he couldn't imagine killing him.

The battle situation at Fort 38 has almost settled down.

But Madman Chu did not idle He did not return to Fort No. 31, but walked around the major fortresses as a skirmisher, wherever the battle situation was critical.

Relying on his unparalleled strength, the magical space transportation technique, the sword-qi clone of the army and so on, his active performance on the battlefield was seen by everyone, and it was extremely shocking.

The battlefield master, the white war god, the sword god, the king of skirmishers, the master of space, etc., fell on him one by one.

Madman Chu's reputation on the battlefield reached its peak.

Three months later.

Fortress No. 31.

On a warship, Madman Chu sat cross-legged, quickly absorbing the mixed spiritual energy in the universe and transforming it into imperial energy.

He has the blessing of the oven body, and this process is very fast.

Not only the oven body, but also the power of faith.

He found that with his active performance on the battlefield, the power of faith became stronger. After all, he did not know how many battles he fought in the past few months and was regarded by countless people as the gods on the battlefield! !

"Our master of the battlefield, the white war god, the king of skirmishers and the master of space, how are you recovering, Lord Sword."

A teasing voice sounded nearby.

Luo Shui slowly walked over.

Hearing her words, Madman Chu chuckled, "The first female emperor Luoshui Taoist friend in ancient and modern times, do you have anything to do?"

"Oh, it's okay, just want to tell you that the offensive of the blood race has weakened a lot recently, and it should be a few days away."

Luo Shui said lightly.

"But it won't last long."

"Well, naturally, every previous Scarlet Sky battle lasted for the shortest thirteen years, and now it's only a few months."


"Look, the battle list has been updated."

At this time, a voice came from the soldier next to him.

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