Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 774: : 9 to 3 yuan soul refining tactics, sage, I want to learn refining

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"Congratulations to the host for getting the Nine Ranks Three-Element Soul Refining Technique of God-level cultivation technique."

On this day, Madman Chu just finished drawing his rewards.

The exercises obtained made him show an unexpected look, and it was another god-level exercise.

This is the second time he has drawn a god-level technique, and the last time he got the immortal body of stars.

Refining soul tactics, this sounds like a soul technique.

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

He was about to specialize in the soul, and this just allowed him to get a soul-class god-level technique, which is really great.

Madman Chu couldn't wait to extract this technique, and suddenly a lot of mystery came to his mind.

After a while, he absorbed the god-level techniques in his mind.

"It's a nine-turn Three-Element Soul Refining Art. This technique is not much better than the Star Immortal Body, and it is even better."

"This god-level technique is really amazing."

Madman Chu asked himself about his state, there were not many things in this world that could shock him.

But the mystery of the Nine Ranks Three Element Soul Refining Art, Rao couldn't help calling out a good fellow with his heart.

The Nine Turns Three-Element Soul Refining Art is indeed a practice dedicated to cultivating the soul. The Nine Turns means that this practice is divided into nine levels.

Sanyuan refers to the practice process of this practice.

This exercise can make people cultivate three souls!

Yes, just three souls! !

The three souls are heaven, earth and man!

Refining one soul into three?

This kind of thing is almost unthinkable.

But this technique can be realized. After refining the soul into three, then blending them together. After nine times of repeating this technique, this technique is considered great, and its soul will reach the immortal state.


Madman Chu started to practice this technique without saying a word.

His soul power is already very strong now, and he can practice directly to the third turn in one breath.

I saw that his soul power soon began to diverge, transforming into an identical soul body.

This is the soul of the earth, and soon the human soul is separated.

The Madman Chu sat cross-legged, on top of his head, the three souls of heaven, earth and humans in the form of the bodhi spirit sitting on the lotus platform looked at each other.

"Hi everybody."

Madman Chu's Heavenly Soul greeted Earth Soul and Human Soul.

Although this technique can divide one soul into three, there is only one original soul.

That is the soul of heaven.

This can also ensure that the three souls will not suddenly fight for some reason, and then they will be embarrassed if they kill themselves.

"Hello there."

The soul of the earth nodded slightly.

"This feeling is really amazing."

The human soul looked at the heavenly soul, and the earthly soul couldn't help but marvel at it.

The three souls share the same consciousness and memory, but they are independent of each other. It feels too strange.

"I'm talking to myself now, how come I feel like I have schizophrenia." Tianhun said playfully.

"Strictly speaking, the personalities of you and me are the same, so it's not a split personality." Earth Soul couldn't help correcting it.

"Well, this is the end of the chat, let's merge."

The soul said.

I saw the human soul, and the earth soul turned into two gleams and quickly merged into the body of the sky soul, re-fusing into a soul.

Nine turns, three yuan, first turn, complete!

Madman Chu ran the Nine-Ran Three-Element Soul Refining Art again.

Divide into three souls again.

"Hi, meet again." Tianhun said hello.

"Can you leave it alone?" Earth Soul rolled his eyes.

"Am I not you?"


The soul of the earth could not refute it.

"I feel the power of the soul has grown a bit."

The soul said.

"Not only quantity, but also purer in quality."

The earth soul perceives its own soul power.


The earth soul, the human soul merged into the heaven soul again.

The three souls are in one, the second turn is complete!

Then comes the third turn!

The three souls were once again transformed.

"Hello, again..."

"Don't talk nonsense, merge."


The three souls merge again, the third turn, complete!

And when the third turn was completed, Madman Chu felt that his soul power had increased a lot, no, not only the soul power, but also his comprehension and understanding of the Tao.

"This Nine Rank Three-Element Soul Refining Art is incredible. It can not only increase soul power, but also enhance comprehension."

"Wait, then if I will comprehend cultivation techniques in the future, wouldn't it mean that there are three of my own comprehension?"

Madman Chu suddenly thought of something, and he was speechless.

He ran the Soul Refining Technique and wanted to perform the fourth round.

It only circulated for most of the day, just circulated a group of gray soul fire, that was the soul fire of the earth soul.

It can be formed from a long distance.

"Is it the limit?"

Madman Chu whispered.

The first three turns can be accomplished quickly because his soul power has reached the requirement, but the fourth turn is not so easy.

To refine an earth soul, he had to double his soul power on the basis of the current stage.

Three souls, that is three times the power of the soul.

"This time being able to quickly practice the first three turns is already a tremendous gain, this fourth turn, take your time."

Madman Chu said lightly.

His soul returned to the body, and then opened his eyes, Emperor Nian surged, quickly covering the entire Yanwu tribe.

From the conversations of everyone, I learned that it took me a month to practice the Nine Turns Three Element Soul Refining Art.

The Valley of Wind has gone back and forth, and has also brought a group of monks here to learn the way of alchemy and refining tools.

"I'll see you there."

Madman Chu left the room, and then found Yan Wu and Fenggu.

"Cang are out of customs."

Yan Wu, Feng Gu stepped forward to greet.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Feng Gu felt that the Madman Chu in front of him still had no cultivation base, but it seemed more unfathomable.

Good guys.

This change occurred in just one month.

The sage is worthy of being a sage.

Fenggu's eyes showed admiration.

"Well, Fellow Fenggu, I already know the people you brought, and I will let them stay in the Yanwu tribe to learn how to refine alchemy." The Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"Thank you sage."

Then Madman Chu went to meet the monks brought by Fenggu.

These monks are all leaders in the current human race, placed in the back world, one by one is the top arrogant.

Madman Chu frowned and said, "Alchemy refining is not simpler than practicing Qi refining. It requires a lot of effort to study. Half-heartedness will only accomplish nothing, so this will delay your advancement in Qi refining. I hope you can think about it. Make a decision."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and hesitated.

"Sage Cang, can't you have the best of both worlds?"

"Unless you are someone with amazing talents, I suggest you to study one. If you feel that you are not suitable for qi refining, you can try the alchemy refining tool," said Madman Chu.

"I'm greedy," Fenggu said.

You can not have it both ways.

Nothing good can be taken up.

After all, how many sages can there be in this world?

"I want to stay."

At this time a monk said.

That was a young and strong man. His cultivation was not outstanding among the crowd, and it could even be said to be the bottom.

Holding an iron sword in his hand, he was obsessed with his eyes, and then seriously said to Madman Chu: "Sage, I want to learn refining tools,"

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