Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 798: : The ancestor of the Dragon Slashing, the origin of heaven, the soul and the body are

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"If you tell me to stop, stop, don't I want face?"

Madman Chu said flatly.

Hearing this, Patriarch Long's face was gloomy that day. Just because of this nonsense, killed him the Lord of the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion? !

"It's him! Tianlong Patriarch?!"

In the crowd, someone recognized the ancestor of Tianlong and couldn't help exclaiming.

It's really because Tianlong Patriarch is so famous.

This person is the most amazing and brilliant practitioner in the history of Bei Xing practice world. He created the huge Tianlong Pavilion with his own power. His own mysterious nine styles of Tianlong are almost invincible in the world.

"Didn’t the rumors say that the Heavenly Dragon Patriarch is already dead? How could he reappear? Is he feigning death?"

"Isn't this clear? I'm afraid, he has been in the Heavenly Dragon Pavilion for all these years, and after so many years, I don't know how terrifying his strength has reached."

"I am afraid that no one is his opponent in this world."

Everyone talked a lot, but the monks of the two great emperor-level Taoist traditions of Xuanshuimen and the Kingdom of Fire Worship couldn't help but frowned, and were very surprised at the sudden appearance of the Tianlong Patriarch.

However, Tianlong Patriarch didn't care about other people.

At this moment, in his eyes, only Madman Chu, he could feel a terrifying threat from him that he had never felt before.

For countless years, he rarely felt this way.

Today, this feels stronger than ever.

And Madman Chu was also looking at the Tianlong Patriarch in front of him, an ordinary Tianzun realm, and he didn't care about this.

What he cares about is.

There is a power in the opponent that makes him very familiar.

That is...the power of heaven.

For the first time, he felt the power of heaven from other people.

"Xiao Ai, analyze this person."

"Yes, Master...Tianlong Patriarch, lower Tianzun, High-Rank Emperor Yuan, the way of perfection, master the nine top-rank mysterious Tianlong styles...With the power of Beixing Tiandao, he is the master of Beixingxing..."

Information about Tianlong Patriarch came to mind one by one.

Madman Chu was quite surprised.

"Pei Star Master? Star Master? A master of stars..."

"Yes, this Heavenly Dragon Patriarch has been recognized by Bei Xing Tian Dao, and he can use the power of Tian Dao to be the master of one star. To some extent, the master is also the master of the sky star." Xiao Ai said lightly.

"That's it."

Mad Chu was thoughtful.

While he was meditating, the Heavenly Dragon Patriarch suddenly shot.

I saw a very powerful imperial energy burst out of him, and countless lines spread, turning into a small world and covering the surroundings.

Then, the ancestor of Tianlong made his five fingers into claws, and grabbed the madman of Chu.

"Nine types of dragons, dragon claws!"

A huge dragon claw phantom blasted towards the madman of Chu.

The others were stunned.

This Heavenly Dragon Patriarch, unexpectedly attacked? Is this still the famous and brilliant monk in Bei Xing's rumors? !

However, this also explained from the side how horrible pressure was caused by Madman Chu to the Heavenly Dragon Patriarch, and even made him disregard his face, even if it was just to add a little chance of winning, he actually made a sneak attack.

"Little Tianzun, what about sneak attacks?"

The madman of Chu moved his mind.

Almost an instant of effort smashed the Heavenly Dragon Claws, blasting most of the body of the Heavenly Dragon Patriarch to shatter.

what? !

The pupils of Master Tianlong shrank sharply.

Then, his body gleamed, and his damaged body was recovering quickly.

"Oh, a certain kind of healing treasure. I didn't expect to have such a treasure in Bei Xing. It's surprising." Madman Chu said in surprise.

After the Tianlong Patriarch recovered, the eyes of Madman Chu were full of horror, and he was defeated by one move!

If it wasn't for the treasures on your body, you would have died just now! !

This person is so tough just in his soul state. How terrifying would he be if he were to unite his body and soul? !

"No, go all out!"

"God, help me!"

Patriarch Tianlong roared.

I saw dark clouds surging in the sky, and the power of heaven was blessed on the body of Tianlong Patriarch, making his breath soaring wildly.

Tianlong Patriarch's eyes gradually became indifferent, as if there was no emotion, and then he pointed a finger at the madman Chu.

"Tianlong points!"

The majestic imperial qi and Dao pattern condensed into a golden giant finger.

One pointed out, the void collapsed in a large area.

The monks present, even the emperor were panicked.

"The power of heaven?"

"Heh, Bei Xing Tiandao, too weak, you, weaker."

Madman Chu shook his head, and when he thought, endless fires gathered around him and turned into a golden-red fire lotus.

The golden red fire lotus flew out.


The void was shattered, and the fire lotus was like a broken bamboo, blasting on the body of the Tianlong Patriarch, unexpectedly knocking him out of the state of harmony.

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

"How can your power be so powerful that it can be compared with Bei Xing Tian Dao?!" Tianlong Patriarch couldn't believe it.

"This little shellfish star can be destroyed by me in twos or twos. How do you think this shellfish star can stand me?" Madman Chu said indifferently.

Everyone is crazy.

Bei Xing, what kind of character is there? !

There is no such thing as heaven!

"No, no, I don't want to die."

The Tianlong Patriarch saw the power of the Mad Man Chu, and he had no intention of contending with him, so he turned around and fled.

"Where can you escape?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

As soon as I thought of it, the auras gathered and burst out.

The ancestor of Tianlong was blasted into a cloud of blood on the spot, and after the death of the opponent, a golden ball of light floated in the void.

Seeing this light group, Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

The power of thought flowed towards the light group.

But at this time, an invisible pressure swept towards the Madman Chu, and wanted to block his thought power, it was Bei Xing Tiandao's action.

This light group is part of the origin of the Dao of Heaven, and it is precisely because of this part of the origin that the Heavenly Dragon Patriarch can master the power of the Dao of Heaven.

Madman Chu now wants to plunder this part of the origin of the heavenly path.

"Get out of here!"

With a soft drink, the madman Chu's thought power urged to the extreme.

The repressive power of Bei Xing Tiandao was blasted back by him.

As he said, if he used his full power, it would not be a big problem to destroy the entire shellfish.

How can this Beixing Tiandao stand him? !

The madman's thought power envelops the origin of heaven.

Then, let Xiao Ai analyze it.

The origin of the path of heaven has endless magical uses, whether it is to improve the cultivation level or to comprehend the path of cultivation, it has great benefits.

After obtaining this part of the source of the heavenly path, Madman Chu felt the power of the heavenly path in his body suddenly sent out a kind of joy.


Does Heaven actually have emotions?

The madman of Chu was amazed.

He wrapped this group of heavenly origins with thought power, and then together with his soul, flew towards the flesh body not far away.

The soul penetrates into the body.

Body and soul are one.

Madman Chu opened his eyes fiercely, and an extremely surging pressure centered on him, spreading out to the entire Beixing like a tide.

The entire Bei Xing was shaking frantically because of this coercion.

Countless creatures crawled on the ground, shivering.

Bei Xing seems to be near the end.

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