Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 804: : The conditions for cooperation with God, only one death

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Inside Xuantianzong.

Everyone was fighting with the gods, and when Lan Yu and the others were gradually showing signs of decline, an extremely indifferent voice came from the sky.

"Gods, you dare to show up and die!!"

Several voices came from outside the sky.

I saw a few streamers flying by.

It is a heavenly punishment.

Following the appearance of the Heavenly Punisher, a series of mysterious Dao patterns circulated in all directions, and the power of Heaven's Punishment immediately stunned the gods present.

"Heavenly Punisher, they actually came."

"Hmph, even if it was them, the injuries they suffered during the Battle Against God were not light, I guess they haven't recovered yet."

"Yes, it just happens to be able to avenge the revenge in the battle against God."

The gods were frightened at first, and then they came back to their senses, looking at a few of the heavenly tormentors who came, with a cold killing intent in their eyes.

The enmity between the gods and the heavenly tormentors is too great. In the battle against the gods, most of the deities were sealed by the nine heavenly tormentors.

"First slaughter this group of Heavenly Xunkers, and then destroy Xuan Tianzong."

Crocodile God said coldly.

"Then try it!"

The sky tormentor fought with the gods, and the horrible energy fluctuations shook most of the sky stars. With the arrival of the sky tormentor, the pressure on Lan Yu, Ruyan and the others was reduced a lot.

But it is still critical.


Dao masters are also paying attention to this battle. Dao Master of Ten Thousand Laws, Luo Shui and others want to take action, but they are stopped by the leader of Xuan Huang Dao.

"Master Xuan Huang, what do you want to do!"

The Red Sun Dao Master was very angry and asked.

Dao Master of Wanfa, Luo Shui also looked at Dao Master Xuanhuang coldly.

Xuanhuangdao said indifferently: "I have negotiated terms with the gods. As long as the Heavenly Punishers and the Xuantian Divine Sect are gone, they will help us conquer other civilizations and expand the sky stars."

These words made Wanfa Dao Master's eyes widened and looked at each other incredulously, "Xuan Huang, do you know what you are talking about? Are you going to let the greatest hero in the battle against God die?!!!"

The Taoist Master of Wanfa thinks this fact is extremely absurd.

For the sake of the human race, in the battle against the gods, the Tianxuists gave up their lives and forgot to die, and they all admired them.

But now, in order to be able to cooperate with the enemy gods of the human race in the past, Xuan Huang Daozhu actually wants to let the Tianxuists die? ?

The human race guarded by the Tianxuists must stab them in the back!

Dao Master Wanfa felt that there was nothing more ridiculous in this world. He looked at Dao Master Xuan Huang and felt that the other party was extremely strange.

He now fully understands that the opponent is no longer the comrade-in-arms who could fight side by side in the battle of the gods.

"Their great achievements will be recorded in the annals of the human race. For the future of the human race, I believe they will be willing."

Xuan Huangdao said indifferently.

"You take the future of the human race one by one. Is it for your future or the future of the human race!" The Taoist Master of Ten Thousand Fas was furious.

"When I become the King of Humans, I will be one with Human Race, and my future will be the future of Human Race. There is no difference!"

"Fuck you shit!!"

The Red Sun Dao Master couldn't bear it, a **** hammer appeared in his hand, wrapped in a mighty power that could smash the stars and smashed it out.

In a crash, the vast void exploded.

Xuanhuang Daozhu punched out, and the power of Xuanhuang broke out!

With a bang, Red Sun Dao Master flew out, his face changed slightly, looking at Xuan Huang, "Your strength..."

"Surprised, right? I have already been promoted to the pinnacle of the little Taoist master. Now even if it is Chaos, it will not be my opponent. Now this human race should respect me. Who dares to be the king besides me?"

Xuan Zodiac sneered.

Over the years, he has been hiding himself.

The dignified eyes of Wanfa Dao Master, the pinnacle of Xiao Dao Master, this realm is two small stages higher than him, a small stage, it is already a gap that is difficult to make up, let alone two.

"Are you also going to abandon the human race with Xuan Zodiac Lord?"

Wanfa Dao Master looked at the other Dao Masters.

The other Taoists looked at each other.

"My Monster Race will not participate in your human affairs."

Dao Master Haoyue took a few Yao Clan Dao Masters back to the side.

The remaining human races took a deep breath and stood next to Xuan Zodiac Lord, meaning it was already very obvious.

"I agree with Xuan Huang's opinion, Sky Star, it's time to change, and the gods may be our biggest help."

"Yes, maybe Xuanhuang is right."

Seeing this scene, the master of Ten Thousand Dharma and Dao was cold.

He didn't expect that the comrades who fought side by side in the past are now so far away from Germany.

"If the king was still there, would you still dare to do this?"

Master Wanfa Dao sighed.

Everyone heard the words, their eyes flashed, their expressions changed, and a stalwart figure in white appeared involuntarily in their minds.

If that person is still there, who would dare to do that?

Because that is the greatest king of the human race.

"Unfortunately, that person is no longer there. The Human Race needs a new king, that is, I will lead them to the new era." Xuan Zodiac said indifferently, with a look of impatience in his eyes.

He hates being mentioned by others.

In the past, like everyone else, he admired the king very much, but later, as his ambitions expanded, he gradually changed.

He wants to be the new king!

But that king has been dead for so long, yet his fame is still there, making him the biggest stumbling block on the road to becoming a king.

Whenever someone mentioned him, his eyes would show uncontrollable worship, which made him feel very dazzling.

How can a dead king compare to a living one?

"You want to be a king, you are not qualified enough!"

The Master of Wanfa Dao roared Emperor Qi, the Dao Wen broke out to the extreme, and he shot and fought with the Master of Xuan Zodiac.

Red Sun Dao master, Luo Shui also shot.

In the vast starry sky, the Taoist of the human race... a civil war.

Inside Xuantianzong.

Tianxuists and the upper gods are fighting in full swing.

Although the Heavenly Punisher had the blessing of Heavenly Punishment, he suffered a lot of injuries in the battle against the gods, and he was also damaged in the Battle of Blood Abyss.

Now this battle is very reluctant.

"Haha, it's quite lively."

At this time, there was a burst of laughter.

I saw a few streamers flying by.

Every strand contained an extremely terrifying divine power, and everyone present felt a powerful oppressive force.

"Such an aura is not a trivial deity."

"The top high-ranking gods, I'm afraid they are not far from the main gods. Is this kind of aura, just a few of them?"

The Tianxuists looked at each other.

I saw the streamer disperse.

Seven gods of various statures appeared in front of everyone, old and young, male and female, all of which were wrapped in a powerful breath of divine power.

"Tian Xun, long time no see."

A big black-haired man looked at the Tianxuer and said indifferently.

"The **** of arrogance, it really is you."

On the first day, the tormentor looked at each other with cold eyes.

"Oh, your breath is really weak to the point of surprise to me. It seems that the damage to you in the battle against the gods has continued to this day." The **** of arrogance looked at the several heavenly tormentors and sneered.

"You come out, the demon god, also broke the seal."

The torturer said lightly on the first day.

"Not only the demon gods, but the other main gods will also be unblocked. This vast land will return to the control of the gods. As for you people who rebellious against the gods... only one death!!"

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