Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 904: : Rectify the chaotic sea of ​​stars, absorb 9-level planets

Tianfeng Pirate King, black blood poster.

The two great heavenly masters failed miserably, and the Madman Chu stood in the air, wearing a white cloth that was slender and dustless. After a great battle, his breath was still extremely calm, as if he had no influence on him.

This surprised everyone.

What is the strength of this person?

Easily defeated the two Heavenly Dao Masters in the late stage, and it seems that they have not used their full strength, the entire Zijin galaxy is estimated to only be able to do it.

"Mad Chu, don't kill us!"

At this time, the black blood host shouted: "You must have manpower to do something for you to subdue the fire demon thieves and the mad sand thieves, right? I can let the assassins of the black blood house do it for you!"

He guessed Madman Chu's thoughts and said immediately.

When he heard what he said, Madman Chu was also a little interested, "Your Black Blood Building is ruined, so how much power is left?"

"The Black Blood Tower has many branches in various places. As long as I give an order, I can immediately gather hundreds of thousands of assassins."

The black blood host said.


The Madman Chu came to the front of the black blood host in a flash, his sword condensed, and the emperor flow condensed a mysterious rune!

"Open up your soul and don't make any resistance, otherwise I will kill you immediately. Anyway, if there are too many of your Black Blood Tower, it will not affect me much." He slammed his hand towards the Black Blood Lord.

That is exactly, Yuhun Slaveyin!

The black-blooded host didn't dare to resist at all, and obediently accepted the slave mark.


The slave mark was planted in the soul of the black blood poster.

"the host."

After being planted with a slave mark, the black blooded landlord suddenly knelt in front of the Madman Chu, with a respectful attitude, without the demeanor of a king of killers.

"Now, Tianfeng Pirate King, are you surrender?"

The madman of Chu looked like a torch, looking at the Tianfeng Pirate King.

The other party took a deep breath and said, "Tianfeng Pirates will listen to the dispatch of the son from now on."

"Very well, now I want your three thieves to unite and rectify the bandits in the chaotic sea of ​​stars. I will give you three months."

"In three months, I will gather all the bandits in Chaos Xinghai together, and then... march into Purple Star!!"

Madman Chu smiled coldly.

When all the bandits heard this, their faces changed.

Enter Zixing? !

Oh my God, Madman Chu planned to attack Zixing? !

This guy is really crazy.

But their lives are now in the hands of Madman Chu, and everything can only be done as Madman Chu said, there is no room for resistance.


"I'm a little excited about entering the Purple Star."

Tianfeng thief showed war spirit in his eyes.

As bandits, they are full of greed and tyrannical blood, marching into Zixing, robbing Zixing's wealth, women, and even occupying the entire Zixing civilization. Thinking about them, they are extremely excited.

Originally, none of them were Zixing's opponents.

But now, the bandits of the entire chaotic Xinghai are all condensed into a single force, plus the hundreds of thousands of assassins in the Black Blood Building, these may really be able to contend with Zixing under the premise of being led by Madman Chu.


The three kings of thieves moved together and began to rectify the chaotic Xinghai.

Originally, King Thief had the strongest power in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and a single King Thief could sweep a large area.

Not to mention, the three thieves are now united together.

No one can compare the entire chaotic sea of ​​stars.

And during this time, Madman Chu didn't stop.

He used the immortal body to enter the origin realm with his consciousness, and he realized the power of the origin...the immortal origin!

This made his undead body's self-healing power stronger.

"The immortal body is divided into six levels. I am now the fifth level of particle rebirth. Perhaps, when I completely control the source of immortality, I can advance to the sixth level...rebirth with one thought!!"

Crazy Chu's eyes were full of light.

The sixth level of the immortal body, that is where the immortal body is truly terrifying. As long as he has a thought, he can reshape the physical body, which has even surpassed the limitations of the physical body.

Since entering the practice, Immortal Body can be said to be one of his strongest cards. Although it is only a god-level reward, it is no less helpful to him than the super god-level reward.

"Immortality, flame, moonlight, cold road, swallow, now I have the power of the five origins, if I add two seals of proof, how terrifying my combat power will be?"

"I don't know, can I fight the Xuxian?!"

Kuangren Chu's eyes flashed with light.

There is still some time before the chaotic star sea is completely rectified. After the madman of Chu has realized the origin of immortality, he will focus on the planets in the chaotic star sea, especially the largest ninth-level planet.

That is the largest planet in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, even in the entire Zijin galaxy, few planets can be bigger than this planet.

The bigger ones are only stars.

Madman Chu set his target on this planet, and after the bandits in the vicinity had almost cleared it, he began to devour it.

Three months have almost passed.

The entire chaotic Xinghai has almost been rectified, and countless bandits have been united by the three thief kings, and only the madman Chu is dispatched.

this day.

The three kings of thieves came to the place where the Mad Chu devoured the planet, and they couldn't help but marvel at the huge light cluster and the lava on the surface of the light cluster, broken mountains and rivers, mixed spirits, etc.

"The son's method is really incredible. It can even swallow nine-level planets."

Kuangsha Pirate King said with emotion.

"You said the son can swallow the stars too."

Suddenly, the Fire Demon Thief King said on a whim.

Hearing this, several people were startled.

"Don't be funny, although the son can swallow the ninth-level planets, planets and stars are not the same."

How terrifying is the energy contained in a star?

This is not of the same magnitude as planets at all, and a star is even enough to support the development of civilization of an entire galaxy.

The energy contained in it is unimaginable.

To make an analogy, in the face of the energy of stars, even the existence of this level of virtual immortality will undoubtedly die.

Perhaps only immortals can resist the power of stars.

Just as a few people were chatting, the huge ball of light suspended in mid-air suddenly vibrated.

Immediately afterwards, a bang echoed.

That was... a strong heartbeat!

Accompanied by the sound of heartbeat, there was also a strong sound wave impact, and several thief kings could not help being shaken out.

"What a terrifying heartbeat."

"A heartbeat alone shook us How terrifying the son's physical body has reached!"

"Is there anyone who can practice to this level?!"

"This is too exaggerated."

Several people were stunned secretly, feeling unbelievable.

In the starry sky, the light cluster shrank rapidly, and its star energy was quickly absorbed by Madman Chu.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, with starlight shining all over his body, and Dao patterns intertwined and circulated, extremely mysterious.

Suddenly, from the pores of his body, there was a white light shining out, condensed into a white mist.

That mist made several heavenly masters feel palpitations.

"Is this feeling... the power of origin!"

The black blood host took a breath.

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