Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 910: : Better than bow and arrow? Then accompany you to play and kill the Lord of Dark Arro

The four heavenly masters were beheaded among the lightning and flint!

Everyone present was frightened.

That's the Lord of Heaven!

It's the top combat power of the Zijin Galaxy, but it's not a horrible cabbage. It's actually beheaded when it is cut.

This is too incredible!

The faces of Palace Master Ziwei, Zixing Tianhu and others were extremely solemn, watching Madman Chu treat him as an unprecedented enemy!

"Let my clone come with him for a while!"

Palace Master Ziwei released several battle puppets, and those battle puppets, without exception, are powerful existences at the level of heavenly masters!

Not only that, these war puppets have the Palace Master Ziwei's Di Nian Deposit, which is equivalent to his clone and is in communication with him.

"As expected of Zixing, even this kind of Heavenly Dao master war puppet."

Shenyue Daozhu and others were amazed.

But they weren't afraid. They could see that the strength displayed by Madman Chu gave them very much confidence.

The battle puppet shot, not afraid of death, not much worse than the previous days.

In the distance, there was a pair of eagle-like eyes staring at Madman Chu.

It was a hunky middle-aged man, holding a black long bow in his hand, standing on an unmanned star.

"Chu Madman, you are indeed very powerful! But open spears are easy to dodge, and secret arrows are hard to guard. Can you avoid my secret arrows?!"

The middle-aged man is also a god.

But compared to other heavenly masters, he is best at bow and arrow and assassination, so in the purple star records, he is called the dark arrow master!

The Dark Arrow Master drew the bowstring, and a pitch-black arrow suddenly condensed into one, locking the Madman Chu who was fighting the battle puppet.


Arrows burst out of the sky, into the void!

That's right.

This arrow disappeared in the void!

This is a dark arrow!

It's hard to be noticed, it's called Dark Arrow!

At this moment, Madman Chu, who was fighting the battle puppet, didn't know that an arrow was flying towards him tens of millions of miles away.

When he felt it, the arrow was less than one mile away from him, which was nothing to the speed of the dark arrow.

Only one thousandth of a blink of an eye.

"Oh, interesting."

Madman Chu's thoughts turned, and there was an invisible vortex around him.

At the first thought, all abilities will disappear!

As soon as the vortex condensed, the dark arrow had already arrived. As long as Madman Chu slowed for a moment, he would be hit by this arrow.

Although it may not necessarily cause him harm, the feeling of being conspired by others still makes him very unhappy.

Madman Chu looked at the black arrows in the whirlpool, his eyes were extremely cold, "Do you want to play bows and arrows, then I will play with you to the end!"

With a thought to him, the black arrow was shattered!

Then, he slammed the battle puppet out several times in a row, and at the same time, his thoughts flowed and spied in the direction of the arrow.

But no trace of the archer was found.

"Oh, it's changed place."

"But you think, where can you go?"

Madman Chu sneered.

His thought power spread, covering the entire battlefield, looking for the trail of the archer, and a war puppet suddenly rushed up beside him.

"Get out of here!"

Madman Chu squeezed his five fingers, his physical strength burst out to the extreme, and with a punch, the battle puppet was suddenly shattered to pieces.

"found it."


Madman Chu stared at an unmanned planet tens of millions of miles away, and a middle-aged man was aiming a bow at him.

"Oh, it was discovered."

When Dark Arrow saw this, he was a little surprised, "I heard that this person understands mental power, it seems that his perception is extremely powerful."

"But what?"

"I'm tens of millions of miles away from him now! Even if he perceives me, what can he do with me?"

The Lord of Dark Arrow chuckles.

This is his confidence as an archer.

Long-range attack, this is where archers are good.

"and many more……"

"What is he doing?"

Suddenly, the dark arrow master's face showed a look of surprise, and he saw Madman Chu suddenly raised his left hand, his right hand was level with his left hand...

"This action is..."

The pupils of the main secret arrow shrank sharply.

He couldn't be more familiar with this action.

This is the action of archery!

I saw a purple-red longbow appeared in the hands of Madman Chu, and the lines on the bow were flowing, and I knew it was not a common product.

At least, the master of Dark Arrow feels that the bow and arrow in his hand is far inferior to the other party, so the other party can still arrow?

Then, he felt an extremely powerful wave of immortal law from Madman Chu's body.

"this is……"

The Lord of Dark Arrow was throbbing in his heart, and suddenly there was a very bad feeling.

"The elephant shoots the sun, Suzaku!"


The bowstring was loosened, and a purple arrow burst out of the air. In a blink of an eye, it crossed the battlefield and flew towards the master of the Dark Arrow Road!

"not good!"

The Dark Arrow Master felt the power on the arrow, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils, wanting to quickly escape from the place.

But I saw that the arrow suddenly turned into a purple red Suzaku, the Suzaku circling its wings, thousands of fire feathers turned into thousands of arrows covering his surroundings, blocking his way forward and retreating!

"Damn it, this is the four elephant shooting arrow of the Sirius Li family! How could Madman Chu use such an arrow!"

He had heard of the Li family’s four elephants shooting arrows from the sun, and he had also seen it before. Unexpectedly, Madman Chu would also do it.

And it was better than any Li family he had ever seen!

"Four elephants shoot the sun, Qinglong!"

Suzaku arrow blocked the back and forth of the Dark Arrow Lord, and then, the Qinglong also broke out of the air, turning into a hideous Qinglong!

In the face of this powerful blow, the Secret Arrow Road advocated the bow and the string, and also used the Arrow Road Immortal Method, "Dark Arrow, Falling Moon!!"

The arrow burst out of the air, engulfed in the cold and cold air, and collided with the blue dragon extremely, and the void exploded in an instant!

"Four elephants shoot the sun, White Tiger!"

But before the Dark Arrow Master had slowed down, another arrow broke through the air, and a ferocious white tiger roared across the battlefield.

This time, the Lord of Dark Arrow didn't have time to resist, he was blasted out by the White Tiger Arrow, and his body exploded on the spot!

Madman Chu killed a **** of heaven with three arrows separated by tens of millions of miles. The first arrow blocked the opponent's retreat, the second arrow disintegrated the opponent's resistance, and the third arrow destroyed the enemy! !

This scene stunned everyone.

They haven't heard that Madman Chu can still arrow!

"How many hole cards does this guy have yet to show?!"

"What a horrible arrow technique, UU reading and his bow is not an ordinary heavenly weapon, especially the string, it gives me a feeling of heart palpitations, that is... Xianjin!!!"

"It's too powerful, it's too powerful, how many methods does Madman Chu have yet to show?!"

Everyone stared at Madman Chu with shock in their eyes.

A powerful enemy is terrible, but a powerful enemy who can never see the cards is even more desperate!

Madman Chu is such an enemy!

When encountering such an existence, even Palace Master Ziwei could not help but feel a little palpitating now, but the matter is now, he and Madman Chu have no room for maneuver, and now he just wants to completely eliminate each other!

"Mad Chu, you must die for me today!"

Palace Master Ziwei stepped out in one step, the aura of Heavenly Dao Master's peak exploded, and the strongest Dao Master present directly confronted Madman Chu!

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